Thursday, 30 January 2014

what to do with the lavender

The English lavender that I planted some time ago.

Lama jugak lah tertunggu2 dia nak berbunga..

A few weeks ago it started flowering and now dah makin banyak.



They say this is the only variety that you can use in cooking because the smell is less camphor-like compared to the other types.

So today I tried that well known fact about the english lavender.

I tried cooking with them.

First you have to select the nice looking ones, then wash them, making sure that there’s no bugs hidden on them.

then let them dry a bit.


Then I made shortbreads with them.

I used this shortbread recipe but I added about 3 teaspoons of fresh lavender and the grated zest of 1 lemon to the ingredients.

But first I blitzed the lavender with the sugar so all the lavender is incorporated in the sugar.

That’s why my shortbreads dont have big purple lavenders in them.



Instead, they have dark and yellow flecks in them Smile.



Bila keluar oven tadi, bau dia sedap aje.

A subtle aroma of lavender and a subtle aroma of lemon.

Not as strong as potpourri and definitely not at all like the lavender-scented toilet and floor cleaners!


But most importantly, rasa dia pun sedap Smile.


  1. Salam Min..suka bau lavender..wangiiii.Body syampoo & cecair pencuci lantai pon atie pilih yg bau lavendar..hihi

  2. Sham ni peminat segala suku sakat color pepel so wajiblah Sham minat jugak ngan lavender.

    p/s; tp x penah lagi mkn apa2 yg ada lavender.. kena try carik jugak nnt ni.

  3. Sis, u buat camaner pun mesti nampak dan rasa sedap..kalau i sll takut nak cuba something new..hikhihkhik

  4. Kak Mynn, what to do with the lavender?

    Err.. hantar Kuala Selangor boleh dak?


  5. thank you for sharing the recipe kak :) definitely made it to my list to try!!

  6. waaaah akak dh tukar dp la. suar kaler merah gitu. hiks. suka2.

  7. salam kak..aritu saya ada pergi lavender farm dkt aussie..pastu try la lavender milkshake..mak aiii rasa dia macam telan perfume..bau lavender dia kuat sangat..sejak dari tu terus serik nk try makanan yang ada kne mngena dgn lavender..haha

  8. bestnya la bole tanam lavender...kalo kt msia bole tanam, hari2 mau pegi cium bunga tu.hahaa...nmpk sdap food ni. nyum2!!

  9. best kn kat mlsya pn blh tanam lavender ni. suka bau bunga ni n warna purple tu

  10. seronoknye boleh masak fresh lavender..

  11. Makan bunga! Awet mudalah...

    nanti tayang2 lagi ye lavender depan rumah tu...
