Saturday, 2 November 2013

The run, the garden and the food

This morning we did our 5kms run again.

But I didn’t manage to get my personal best this time.

Ye lah kan, macam mana nak dapat personal best when I only run once a week and takde langsung preparation during the week, hehehe.

Sepatutnya, I need to run at least once or twice during the week so I can increase my fitness level and stamina so tak lah huffing and puffing all the time.


But I think it’s mainly because of this…..


This morning run was a Spooky Run so most runners were dressed up in costumes.

Pakai costumes tapi kat kaki semua pakai runners/sneakers, hehehehe…

Can you imagine running in this gears!

Miss 10 was lucky because she was on her scooter the whole way so tak lah penat and panas sangat.

But The Other Half dah berjejeran peluh kat muka until he ended up looking like Phantom of the Opera instead of a ghoul at the finish line, hehehehe….

And it was quite windy this morning so my witch’s hat asiklah nak torobang aje while I was running! Sambil huffing and puffing, sambil pegang the hat sbb tak larat nak kejar bila kena tiup angin.

So not condusive to getting a personal best!

But running with a cape was so cool! Terasa macam Superman or Wonder Woman aje!



I know I’m so chubby sekarang, tu yang kena buat 5kms run weekly ni, hehehe…

Orang kata kalau pipi chubby, nampak awet muda.

But I rasa raut muka I memang tak kena langsung dengan pipi chubby ni!

Dan macam belon aje I rasa! hehehehe…


And since it was a special run, people brought some food along as well.

I made vanilla cupcakes aje …


With nutella icing and ‘dirt’ crumbs and snakes as deco.

I love the run cos it starts at 8 and we are normally already home by 9 so masih ada banyak masa lagi nak buat macam2 at home on the Saturdays.

Especially nowadays when there’s so much to do in the garden.

The gazanias are taking off, so many flowers blooming with so many different colours.


And the sunflowers are thriving as well because of the gorgeous sunshine for the past week.

But our curry tree is not that happy, instead of daun kaler hijau, they are greenish yellow.

So, I had to prune it tadi.

Hopefully, I haven’t killed it.


And the grapevines have started their fertilization stage and some fruits have started forming as well.

But kesian kat the grapes because we didn’t provide enough trellis for them to grow around so some of the vines siap dah menjalar kat atas lawn!


I think I might have to cut the vines on the lawn lah tapi sayang sangat nak buat….

And bila cuaca panas, roast chicken and chips are so nice to have for dinner.



We had it with 2 types of salads.


A green salad and chickpea salad.

Baru lah terasa macam gaya hidup sihat! hikhikhik….


  1. K LG.....takut nk mkn cupcake ada deco ular...

  2. that's one cool run :) Halloween theme. Hmm love the cupcakes but not the ular!

  3. salam LG...mat saleh tu jadi antu apa eks?...serius nampak baik sangat hantu nya...dari takut teros rasa kesian....hahaha....

  4. hmmm tengok cup cakes ular tuh mmg tak makan haa..eheheh

  5. wow!! who did the make up n costumes?i bet u are the 1 who did that...comellll whole family.hehe

  6. Pendragon,
    hahahaha, ramai takut nak pegang the cupcakes sbb ular ;-)

    It was indeed very fun because other people wore costumes as well but it was quite hot running in it, hehehe

    Cik Mat,
    Salam. Hahahaha.... Mat Saleh tu nak jadi ghoul tapi yg tukang mekap tak terer tu yg jadi hantu kesian :-P

    Hahahaha...siap berlengkar lagi tu yg menggelikan kan :-)

    Miss 14 yg buat the mekap and some costumes buat and some beli. hehehe

  7. wah sangat menarik bila larian pun ada theme..lagi seronok sebab satu family involve.. hehe

  8. tak ada lah LG nampak gumuks pun...muka dah species chubby nak buat camna kan....

    Love your dish but the cake...sorry...bukan tak sedap but the snake....:))

  9. haah la LG u nmpak chubby lak, tp it's ok, sgt tomei.

    Bestla run in costumes ni tp azab la panass kn. OMG ur cakes tu ada ULAR, i say NO TQ, hehehe.

  10. Tak chubby pun Mynn! The contrary, actually. You sangat slim & slender I envy you...sebab I ni big framed, so rasanya I tak la berisi tapi still nampak besar!
    I belum pernah lari pakai costume. Ramai jugak kat sini buat. Kelakar2 yang lari full marathon 42km pakai costume! Mak aihh tak sanggup I. I haven't even ran 5km pakai costume so I salute you!

  11. Kalau dpt cup cake macam tu cepat2 tolak ular ke tepi dan ngap2 kek sahaja...geli weeehhhh...

  12. Kak Zai tak boleh tengok langsung kalau bab ular ni geli sangat.

  13. sis, sunflower tu jenis ape ye? kalau tanam kt malaysia ok ke?

  14. sis, sunflower tu jenis ape ye? sesuai x kalau tanam kt malaysia?
