Saturday, 5 October 2013

Our rose garden and our sick ‘flower’

Tomorrow Miss 9 will become Miss 10.

Her last day being in a single digit age.

But poor her, she’s been sick since yesterday and it has gotten worse today.

I think her asthma is back because she has been coughing quite badly followed by vomiting after every coughing bouts.

So, she hasn’t been eating much today cos she would vomit it out.

Can you imagine Miss 9 not eating?

Bila tak makan, perut masuk angin amd them bila dia makan, terus lah muntah balik so it is a vicious cycle.

Satu hari suntuk melepek aje sebab takde tenaga nak buat apa2.

I’ve made her a birthday cake for tomorrow but tak tau lah whether she’ll have the selera to eat it.


Muka budak sakit.

I made her chicken soup for dinner tadi and berselera dia makan a very small bowl of it sebab lapar sangat2 but she threw it all up not long after that. Sad smile.

Changing from 9 to 10 must be such a big trauma to her body tu yg terus sakit, hehehe….

Esok lah ye I tayang her birthday cake yang I decorate sangat lah hazabnya.

Hari ni layan some more photos of the rose garden ye.


The other red rose bush has started to flower as well.


Yang yellow rose bush tu memang dah a few weeks galak berbunga.

The white rose bush. Ini pun banyaaaak bunga.




Another red one and another pink one.


This is the flower of the pink rose bush on the right, in the photo above.


Gambar pink rose yang kat atas ni ada a slight tinge of yellow kan.

While the pink rose in the photo below came from another bush, just pale pink throughout.


And the strawflowers.





And the lime flowers. Hopefully banyak lah hasil this year.


Esok, kalau tak hujan, we all kena tanam all the sunflower seedlings and the snakebean seedlings into the garden and the vege patch.

I’ll take some photos of the vege garden pulak ye.


  1. Salam Min.,Semoga Miss 9 cepat sembuh.Aaminn
    Cantik2 bunga yg mekar tu...

  2. siannyer miss9willbe10,moga get well soon yer dptlah celebrate besday n makan kek yrmom buat best2 tuh..:)
    semua gambar munger cantik2!

  3. Happy birthday pretty little lady.. (miss 9 to ten) get well soon in shaa Allah. Kak min ur roses r gorgeous cam tuannya jgk.

  4. Happy 10th birthday to Zahra, muga cepat sembuh n bolehlah makan kek yang mama buat dengan berseleranya...

    how I wish that I can tanam roses yang cantik2 tu...tangan panas or pemalas, x tau la....

  5. Semoga cepst sembuh...
    Cantiknya bunga..

  6. Happy Birthday Miss 9 to be Miss 10.
    Get well soon.

  7. Hope it's nothing serious with Miss 10. Speedy recovery dear.

  8. Bunga cantik2... get well soon birthday girl!

  9. Salam LG,

    Cantik2nya roses tu! Bunga straw tu kalau balik Cameron beli yang dah dikeringkan jaelah.

    Kesian Miss 10, kalau baby bila nak tumbuh gigi demamlah segala bagai, dia pulak nak turn 10 sakit pulak ya, lebih kuranglah tu. Hope she gets well soon!
