Tuesday, 3 September 2013

It’s not bare anymore

Semalam I spent so many hours beautifying the corkboard.

Pagi2 dah pergi kedai utk print out all the photos and then balik tu terus berkerja keras pinning the photos up.

Patut lah bertahun2 malas giler I nak buat!

Sebab it was quite a boring job!

Tapi bila dah siap, cantik pulak so berbaloi lah berjam2 duduk mengadap corkboard tu, hehehehe…

Ini gambar yang I ambik a quarter way there…


And the end result…


The Other Half kata, “we can call this the feature wall now.


I didn’t just stop at that wall.

I found this metal wall art at the shop semalam and I think it is so apt for coffee lovers like The Other Half and I.

So, I pun sangkut lah kat dinding sebelah coffee machine tu so my ‘barista’ can look at it everytime he makes coffee for us Smile.


The Other Half loves it so much!

And since it’s officially Spring already, I picked some lavenders to brighten our house.


Selalunya people dry the lavender flowers tapi I baca, you can still put the fresh lavenders in vases just like any other fresh cut flowers.

But since they are quite short, I had to put them in a water glass instead of a vase.

And now, to our dinner.

I made roast chicken with chips and salad for dinner last nite.



It’s quite a big chicken so banyak lah leftovers for sandwich filling untuk lunch tadi and esok Smile.


For the salad, I used mixed lettuce leaves, orange, pear, cucumber, cherry tomatoes and pistachio nuts.



For the chicken gravy pulak, I used the chicken juice collected in the roasting tray when I roasted the chicken.

I transferred all the juice (the fat+burnt bits+everything) into a small pot.

Heat it up on medium heat. If you want to, you can strain the oil out and throw that oil.

Add some plain flour to it and whisk it continuously until all the flour is incorporated nicely in the juice and the gravy has thickened a bit.

Then add some kicap masin and pepper to taste and some water if the gravy is too thick.

The gravy is done!

Senang kan nak buat gravy ni Smile.


  1. 1 - board tu nampak comel sangat !!

    2 - sedapnya ! nak sikit . hantar mesia please . hahahaha

  2. Salam, saja singgah, am blogwalking..
    So i suppose chicken gravy ni similar concept to beef sauce? Selalu ada kat buffet hotels..

  3. silent readers.. keep in touch

  4. as salam k.mynn....

    pekabo? hrp akak 1 family in good condition.ayu n ainnur still under quarantine sbb chicken pox.tp ainnur insya-Allah lusa skolah la.dia dah 100% recovered even scar pun xde sbb dia kena paing skit.

    hm...nnti ayu nak try la buat chicken roasted style akak tu.nmpk sedap! nak2 dgn salad.huhu....

  5. salam...kak
    geram tengok bunga lavender tu kat malaysia mesti x dpt hidup kan klu tanam.....

  6. Salam LG,

    Cantik dah corkboard tu! First time tengok bunga lavender dari dekat. Kalau kat nurseri di sini bunga lain yang purple disebut bunga lavender (kononnya!).

  7. sedapnya roasted chicken tuh...teringin nak buat jugaklah tgk akak buat kemain sedap..:)

  8. wahaaa cantik lah kak corkboard tuh... ni yg dana nk tiru lah ni.. kt umah tu pun kosong je dinding takde hiasan apa2... nnti dana nk tiru gk lah kak... boleh yek :)

    ni yg rasa nk bt ayam bkr gk dh nengok ayam akak yg mengiurkan tuh... perkh

  9. Harum lavender memenuhi ruang rumah, kami kat Malaysia ni beli pewangi lavender jelah.

  10. Salam, LG....as a coffee junkie, i really love that coffeeology art tuh....cool gila! :)

  11. assalam ... suka tengok lavendar tu!!

  12. Kak Zai pun baru aje buat roasted chicken.

  13. Love that lavender.....

    your food (& presentation) is ever so meletops...looks nice & semestinya yummy

  14. Creative lah... lawa sangat gambar tu

  15. Wow lavender, rindu fresh smell of lavender, lama da tak dtg umh ni!

  16. Stresss!!!hahaha..tgok all the dishes..btw..lawala featured wall tuh..ahak

  17. Masuk lah masterchef Australia, please.

  18. Masuk lah masterchef Australia, please.
