Tuesday, 20 August 2013

WACE, VSC and SDS ;-)

After school tadi, The Other Half and I and Miss 14 had a meeting with one of the school teachers for a course counselling session.

Miss 14 will be in Year 11 next year which is the senior year.

And mula dari sekarang, they have to start thinking of the subjects they need to take in Yr 11 and Yr 12 that will enable them to get into the course they want at uni.

At the end of Year 12, they have a big exam called WACE(Western Australian Certificate of education) which is the make or break exam untuk masuk Uni.

Lebih kurang lah dengan I dulu masa masuk Form 4 and Form 5 kan (tapi itu dah berpuluh puluh tahun dulu lah. Cerite sekarang I tak tau).

Dulu I ambik aliran Sains and ambik geography instead of Sejarah.

Tapi untuk budak2 kat sini, they have more freedom to choose what they want for their final subjects in high school, tak macam I dulu.

And it depends on the school jugak, bukan semua subjects will be offerred at each school.

Ada 52 WACE subjects so memang tak boleh lah the schools nak offer all the subjects kan.

Sape yang nak mengajar nya.

Macam masa tahun I dulu, ambik 9 subjects untuk SPM kan and aggregate SPM ditentukan dari 6 subjects aje.

Macam Miss 14 pulak, they have to do a minimum of 20 units within that 2 years and so many hours of class time.

But kalau nak ambik lebih dari tu pun takpe, as long as you can manage the extra workload lah.

And ada banyak lagi lah rules that they have to follow before they can be awarded the WACE.

So tadi, we all pun berbincang lah pasal whether the subjects that Miss 14 have chosen will be enough.

She’ll be taking 6 subjects for her WACE which is not that many but they only take the highest 4 results anyway for the final score.

The Other Half and I would rather she scores in all the subjects than take too many and tak larat nak buat, hehehehe….

Tapi ramai gak yang ambik sampai 10 subjects+ and aced them….

Budak2 yang dah sah2 pandai lah tu kan, heeeee….

We all including Miss 14 pening jugak masa nak choose the subjects for her, berminggu2 jugak lah we all fikir.

Bila anak2 makin membesar, kenalah fikir about schools and unis kan.

Anyway, semalam I managed to bake Victoria sandwich cake (VCS) yang dah lama sangat I nak try buat.

Ye lah, cake ni kan tengah famous ya amat kat Msia and semua memuji2 kesedapannya.

And tak lah susah nak buat nya so tu yang I buat.


And memang terbukti kesedapannya!

Even The Other half yang tak suka spongy type cake loved this cake.



I used the simplest recipe which requires you to measure the weight of the eggs (still in the shell).

Then, measure the butter, caster sugar and self raising flour to the exact weight of the eggs.

Semalam I guna 4 eggs which weighed 247g so I pun measure 247g of softened butter, 247g of caster sugar and 247g of SRF.

In a large bowl, crack the eggs, add all the other ingredients, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 2 tsp vanilla extract and beat using electric mixer until they are well combined and smooth.

What I read from UK cooking sites (which this cake originated from), the cake batter has to be soft enough that you can drop it into the cake pans.

Kalau keras kejung tak nak jatuh, add a bit of milk and beat some more.

Grease and line two 20-cm cake pans and dollop the cake mixture into both pans.

Bake at 190C (170C for fan forced oven for 20-30 mins or until brown and springs back when you touch).

Semalam I had to bake it at the longer time sebab tak brown lagi.

After that, let the cakes cool on a wire rack.

Bila dah sejuk, baru lah boleh sapu dengan jam and letak whipped cream.

I had to use raspberry and blackcurrant jam semalam sebab dah sapu separuh raspberry jam, I baru perasan yang I takde jar baru so kenalah topped up with blackcurrant jam, hehehe….

And sekarang kan tgh musim strawberries kat WA ni so tu yang hias dgn sebesar2 straws Smile.

I made the cake for afternoon tea semalam, petang tadi dah habis dimakan.

And ini pulak, the sandwich I made for Miss 9 pagi tadi.


Serunding daging sandwich (SDS) with cheese and lettuce.

Miss 9 kata sedaaaaaap sangat! Tak sangka betul dia!



  1. esok i naik bot nak pi beraya rumah u ya (kalo lah dekat)...!!!! rindu betol tengok food2 u kat sini... rasa macam masuk dalam tekak i je..

  2. hi, first time I heard Victoria Sponge Cake was in MasterChef Australia Season 4 where they had this cake tasting challenge and if I was not mistaken, Debra who tasted the Victoria Sponge Cake, and Ben too was making it in the elimination challenge.
    Well, i think the famous factor was the MC Australia where it is now airing period in Malaysia. Love it. Love watching it.

    Kak, why not you try MasterCher Australia, to be honest, you would be like the icon in Cooking if you do so, the Malaysians all over country would praise you for being such a great cook. Plus, you could easily promote Malaysia, and maybe put your twist on Malaysian cuisine and still creating western and Aussie dishes. Right? hehehe

  3. Yup.. ayg setuju ngan Akmall. Baru nak cadangan. masuk la kak min. Nak masuk yg msia kang TOH n both miss comel tu tak lepas lak. Lama. So try le yg kat sana. 1 malaysia bagi sokongan..

  4. salam kak min, selamat hari raya! suka sangat kek victoria sandwich ni, wajib buat setiap kali raya kat rumah ni. MIL kata kek ni favourite ratu elizabeth (betul ke tidak saya tak pasti). memang marvelous kan?

  5. Mungkin satu hari kena cuba nampak macam simple ja cara buat cake pun nampak menyelerakan.

  6. nak ikut kak mulan naik bot. jgn lupa simpan sikit kek tu ye kak.. hehehe

  7. haah kak lg..saya kalu tgk my kithcen rule tu mesti ingat dekat akak... masuk laa masterchef ker my kithcen rule ker? we pray for u..hahahhaha

  8. Mulan and Rai,
    sekarang kerajaan Australia dah tak terima pendatang naik bot. Terus di hantar ke Papua New Guinea! Kenalah you all beli tiket kapal torobang kalau nak dtg sini, hikhikhik...

    Ayang, Akmall and Mama Adaman,
    I tak boleh lah nak masuk Masterchef Australia atau My Kitchen Rules tu sbb I tak bolah masak under pressure. Nanti satu hapah pun tak jadi. Pastu kalau my food kena kritik, surenya I akan nangis kaw2 kat situ jugak. Susah who kalau ada drama air mata! Hahahahaha...

    Salam. Betul kata your MIL tp silap queen kot. Rasa nya Queen Victoria yang suka sgt2 kek ni, tu yg bagi nama dia on the cake :-). Tapi memang sgt sedap kan!

    cubalah buat, senang sgt2 nak buatnya, pastu sedap pulak tu :-)

  9. salam Min...SELAMAT HARI RAYA,tak pernah try lg kek tu :).Apa2pon sandwich anak dara Min tu nampak sedap...sbb ada serunding :)

  10. tu la kan.. mentang2 tengah musin kan.. besaq kedabak punya letak tengah2 tu ye.. hihihih.. :) sedap nampak.. terliur gak dibuat ni..

  11. kek tu paling menarik kak.. terase nak buat jugak la..
