Friday, 26 July 2013

Homemade lebanese bread

We like to eat kebab and its sedara mara.

And we normally would have it with lebanese bread (well, what they call lebanese bread here in OZ lah). Kat tempat lain I tak tau panggil apa.

But ada jugak yang I jumpa called yiros bread.

Tapi we only like this one particular type of lebanese bread yang cuma dijual kat Woolies aje.

So, bila2 I nak buat kebab, I will always have to go to Woolies to buy the bread lah.

A few days ago, I nak sangat buat lamb kebab sebab baru beli lamb mince.

But bila pergi Woolies, they didn’t have that particular lebanese bread in stock.

Nak pergi Woolies lain semata2 nak cari that bread, tak kuasa pulak I!

So, I went home googled for the recipe that I think resembles the kind I like most.

Project haritu sebelum Iftar was making lebanese bread lah Smile.


Dah lah I nearly forgot that I had to take Miss 14 to the orthodontist after school that day!

Kelam kabut lah sekejap lepas balik from the dentist tu.

Nasib baik sempat siap sebelum waktu berbuka!



I baked the bread one by one in a very hot oven (240C) on a pizza stone.

Makan pulak dengan lamb kebab, garlic sour cream mix and lettuce.


Memang sangat lah sedapnya! The bread is soft and fluffy and sangat senang nak wrap.




And this is the recipe that I used to make the lebanese bread.

Lebanese bread


1 cup warm water
2 teaspoons dry yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon/15 mls olive oil
2 1/2 – 3 cups bread flour


- Dissolve yeast and sugar in the warm water and set aside until frothy.
- Add 1 cup of bread flour and olive oil to the yeast mixture and mix well. Leave aside to rise for about 30 minutes.
- After it has risen, add the rest of the flour and the salt and knead until it is not sticky anymore and smooth. Depending on where you are, you might need less flour or more flour.
- Cover the bowl with gladwrap or tea towel and leave in a warm area for the dough to rise until double its size.
- Once it has doubled, punch it to knock the air out of it and divide the dough into 10 balls.
- Leave the balls to rise for about 15 minutes.
- While the balls are rising, preheat the oven to 240C and put a pizza stone on the lowest rack. If you havent got a pizza stone, you can use an oven tray. Pizza stone is better because it doesn’t warp at high heat.
- On a clean floury surface, roll the balls very thinly (just like the photo above). Make sure there’s plenty of flour so the flattened dough does not stick to each other when you stack them up before baking it.
- Once the oven has reached temperature and the pizza stone is hot, put the flattened dough onto the pizza stone, one at a time.
- Once it has puffed up which is about 2 minutes, take it out and bake the next one.

Basically the recipe sama aje macam recipe nak buat pizza but the measurement is a bit different.

And now sebab I have proven that I can make lebanese bread yang kena dengan tekak semua orang kat rumah ni…

The Other Half said, “Now I won’t want to eat the bought lebanese bread anymore cos the homemade ones are really good!


  1. LG,
    how do you make the lamb kebab.. nanti share recipe yer.. thanks :)

  2. So lucky your family....i nak jadi family member angkat boleeeh :-)

  3. kak min, florentine recipe ada tak?

  4. semalam buka blog akak, tgk takde entry baru.. huaa nak nangis dah.. nasib baik ada entry baru. hehe..tak kisah apa pun akak share, semuanya menarik! :)

  5. Kak min sdapnyer.. Slalu kebab nilaa jd my fav dkt kdai2 pak Arab. Sdap btul mkn dgn grill Veges n garlic cream dia. Igt ssh nk wat roti dia, Nk try la resipi kak min ni.. Thanks a lot Kat.:-)

  6. wow ...sedapnye ur homemade lebanese bread tu. terliur akak tgok, nanti akak cuba buat la, insya'allah.
    untong ur family ni, tak pyhla beli n makan d luar ya.Sgt jimat n healthy lg .

  7. wah dpt pujian suami lg hikhik

  8. Amboi nampak sedapnya, nasib baik tengok malam2 ni, hehe!

  9. Salam kak LG,
    Wah.. TOH dah buat permintaan khas. :D
    Terima kasih atas recipinya kak. Bagus lebanese bread ni sbb boleh buat wrap, tak perlu beli tortilla kat kedai. :)

  10. This looks so good Kak Min. Insya-ALLAH will try it one day.

    btw, those who likes to purchase tortilla, be careful, This particularly the large size tortilla. One of the Mexican Tortilla maker came to give talk in my entrepreneurship class explained that lard is used in making good tortilla. But adding lard in the ingredient is expensive, so usually the makers add it only in large tortilla just to keep it soft. اللهُ أعلم
    To be in safe side, it is good that we read the product ingredient.

  11. Blu4sky,
    You click the lamb kebab words tu and I've put the link there :-)

    Hahaha...ok lah utk anak tekak rumah ni tapi balik2 masak benda yg sama aje kan :-)

    sampai skrg tak buat lagi but ingat nak buat utk raya ni. Nanti I letak ye.

    puasa ni lemau sikit nak buat entry ;-)

    Tak, dia soft and fluffy mcm wrap tu :-)

    I pun ingat susah nak buatnya, tu yg asik beli aje manjang, hahaha. rupa2 nya senang aje so skrg memang kena buat lah :-)

    Kak Badar,
    Kadang2 rasa kesian jugak kat budak2 I sebab jaraaaang sgt dpt makan kat luar tp bila fikir balik, untung diaorang sebenarnya sbb Mak diaorang boleh masak mcm2 style exactly mcm makan kat luar kan :-)

    tak best dpt pujian sbb lepas ni takde chance lah I nak beli the bread lagi, hahaha

    kebab2 ni memang sedap, boleh buat supper malam2 you, hehehe

    Salam. tortilla tu kdg2 mahal jugak kan so bila dah ada recipe ni, boleh lah cuba buat :-)

    My Umaira,
    When I googled the recipes for tortilla, memang most of the recipes said to put lard in it and they say putting butter or margarine wont have the same effect. Luckily the Missions brand tortilla is really good and insyaAllah so far takde lard in it. But memang kena sentiasa baca ingredients ni :-)
