Friday, 5 July 2013

43 is just a number

Today I officially turned 43 years old.

Bila dah makin berumur ni, makin selalu terlupa what my real age is everytime someone tanya.

I was born in 1970 right so after the year 2000 when I turned 30, dah makin susah nak kira….

Lagi lah bila perangai I tak mencerminkan kematangan usia I.

Hahahahaha….. Smile with tongue out


This was what I found on my bedside table.


A card he got for me..

Notice the note at the bottom tu?

Dah nak dekat sebulan dia tanya I hari2 apa I nak for my birthday and everytime I will jawab, “I don’t know”.

So, tu yg dia tension, hahahaha….

And ini pulak, my outfit of the day on the day I turned 43.

Konon masih nak perasan muda lah, hahahaha.


Actually, it was freezing pagi tadi, tu yang pakai boots and jacket tebal.

And ini pulak my birthday ‘cake’.


Salted caramel macadamia slice. I ikut recipe ini tapi I tambah sea salt masa masak the caramel and I guna macadamia instead of kacang tanah.

And biasalah kan, birthday orang, I yang masak and birthday I pun I jugak yang masak Smile.

I berpegang pada prinsip, kalau I nak makan sedap on my birthday ikut citarasa I, baiklah masak sendiri dari suruh orang masak, hahahahaha….

What I made for dinner tadi.


And the tukang masak..


satay we all memang kena buat gumuk2 so makan sikit dah kenyang…

The Other Half tadi makan 10 cucuk dah kenyang, hehehehe….

Chicken satay with nasi impit Adabi, kuah kacang extra mahal kurang pedas (I guna almonds, walnuts, cashews and macadamias Winking smile) and salad.


Semua makan bertambah2…

My In Laws are currently staying at our house.

Sepatutnya diaorang datang esok tapi I suruh The Other Half invited diaorang untuk dtg awal so they can celebrate makan satay.

Beria2 diaorang makan the sate and the nasi impit and the kuah kacang mahal, hehehehe….

Macam mana rasa kuah kacang mahal ni?

Untuk peminat tegar kuah kacang pedas, memang akan rasa kuah ni tak sedap lah sebab rasa dia lain sikit. Takde rasa lemak kacang tanah goreng tu.

Tapi untuk we all yang tak boleh makan kuah kacang tanah, kuah kacang mahal ni is a very very good substitute. We really really love it. Memang buatkan sate tu jadi sangat2 sedap, hehehe.

Even Miss 14 yang sangat fussy tu makan kuah kacang ni bertambah2 so I guess sedap lah kan Smile.


  1. Happy Besday Kak, seronok dapat dengar cerita aka ni, seriously, rindu tak kat Malaysia kak?

  2. Happy Birthday! etc etc. Hopefully by now you've figured out about the bloody present. ;-)

  3. Happy birthday to you kak LG

  4. Happy birthday to you kak LG

  5. alhamdulillah sis...wah nampak muda lagi tu,petua? hehehe..

    perghh kalau sayalah dapat makan kuah kacang mahal macam tu,memang menikmati hingga titisan kuah terakhir ngeeee...

  6. Salam Min...HAPPY BIRTHDAY,Apalah yg ada pada nombor..cuma sekadar angka jer tp Min ttp mantain.... vogue :D

  7. Salam LG,

    Happy birthday! Ask for some bling bling aje, senang cerita, he he!

  8. Happy birthday Lg. After 35 we stop counting:) hihihi

  9. Happy birthday kak min.. May Allah bless u wit long live, gud health n more wealth. Mmg xleh caya u r 43. Neway njoy kak. @-}--

  10. Happy Birthday kak LG!! Hihihihi....

  11. As salam.
    Hepi birthday to u kak.. Mcm x pcya je da 43 thn.. Org kecik molek mmg maintain awet muda ;-) Smga kehidupan akak dan fmly bahagia & dberkati Allah swt. Amin..

  12. Hepi Besday sis..moga bertambah2 kebahagian dunia & akhirat.:)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. selamat hari lahir , moga d berikn kesihatan yg baik , d limpahi rezki yg halal dan hidup dlm keberkatan allah swt. amin.

    LG u look 'WOW' n sgt2 tomei in that outfit. Ignore the number.

  15. Happy birthday kak Myn.. Semoga sentiasa di bawah rahmat Allah dan berbahagia selalu. Amin.

  16. Happy Birthday kak! Cant believe you are 43 Young coz you do look younger than your age! Moga d berkati selalu!

  17. Happy birthday!dapnyer sate tuuuu kak min

  18. happy birthday kak LG..alwayz vogue mother and wifey..

  19. happy birthday kak LG...

    moga dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik, dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki dan bahagia sampai syurga insyaallah..

  20. Happy birthday sis..masih mudala sis..takdela tua..ageless je nampk..umut hanya angka jek..eceh..

  21. Happy birthday LG... kita sama la.. Lahir tahun 70.. but I January girl... tu yg malas nak ingat birth date..! hehehe
    And setuju sangat... 43 is only number! kan...

  22. Happy birthday kak!! Seronok baca blog akak :-)

  23. Happy birthday Sis..
    Bukan akk sorang jek lupa umur..kita pun sama..bila org tnya umur berapa? kenalah deduct dulu dgn thn lahir..tak kira pun umur berapa..sbb bnyk lg benda2 lain yg ank2..O/half..sklh depa..dll..yg mak sendiri biasanya terlupa! Moga akk diberikan kesihatan yg baik..keluarga yg bahagia..dan akn selalu menulis agar yg lain terinspirasi sama!

  24. happy birthday LG, you are just a year my junior, but you look much younger! stay chic and have nice time with in laws. satay looks fab!

  25. Salm..selmt hari lahir to my lovely kakak.smoga bbhgia slalu,dmurhkn rezeki n sht walafiat.insyallah.

  26. Eh..birthday kita sama..5th July..hehe..

    Happy belated birthday sis..been following ur blog since two years ago.. :)

  27. Selamat hari lahir kak... yang ke 43. Masih nampak muda lagi tu. Di samping a lovely and romantic husband and beautiful daughters. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki, hidup bahagia dan aman sejahtera :)

  28. Happy birthday Min!! Very nice outfit there....kat sini susah sikit nak pakai boots. Suka tengok you pakai boots. Memang susah nak kira eh umur bila dah lepas 40. I pun sama hahaha..

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!! May Allah Bless you with all the good things in this life and hereafter!

  30. happy birthday kak LG! may Allah showers you with happiness along with your beautiful family. love reading ur blog tho ; )

  31. ala kak LG,

    Happy 43th birthday..

    still look gorgeous and stunning mommy. And the card huhu so sweet...ure so lucky..and of course ur husband is lucky too to have u..hehehe

    Happy belated birthday ya,,
    God bless.

  32. Happy Birthday kak LG..!

    Selamat Panjang Umur dan diperbykkan rezeki...!


  33. Happy belated birthday kak...walaupun usia bertambah tapi akak still nampak awet muda...

  34. happy birthday kak LG, dah lama tak bukak blog so tu yg terlewat wish. i love you in alam maya..muahhhh

  35. happy birthday. lewat wish sebab lama dah tak update blog.
