Monday, 20 May 2013

What to do when you are vertically-challenged

In this household, I’m the one who normally does the shopping.

From grocery shopping to shopping for things that The Other Half and the girls need.

The Other Half will temankan I shop some weekends.

But I would do most of the grocery shopping during the week lepas hantar the girls to school.

Because it’s quiet and I can do it in peace, hehehe.

But ada jugak setback bila shopping sorang2 ni….

Especially when the shopper i.e. me sangatlah vertically-challenged a.k.a kemetot!

There’s this hazelnut flavouring that we always put in our morning coffee that can be found at Woolies and IGA only.

And guess where they put the hazelnut flavouring packets?

Right at the topmost shelf!!!!!!!!!

Kalau masa tu, the stock of hazelnut banyak lagi, agak senang jugak for me to get it sebab I only have to do a tippy-toe to get the packets.

I will normally get 3-5 packets sekali gus sebab slalunya it aje yang I dapat capai, hahaha.

But bila stock hazelnut tu tinggal sikit and kat belakang2 the shelf, memang sampai kucing bertanduk pun I tak kan dapat ambik the packets.

Tension weh!!!!!!!

Nak aje I buat aduan kat Woolies tu sebab discriminate orang2 pendek macam I ni!

So, what do I usually do?

Most times I will wait for a tall person to come along the aisle and ask them nicely to get the packets for me.

But kalau dah tunggu 1-2 minutes, still takde orang tinggi lalu that aisle, I’ll move somewhere else to get other things first…

Then, I’ll come back to the aisle and kalau malas nak menunggu, I’ll ask one of the Woolies workers to get them for me.

But kadang2 Woolies workers ni pun pendek2 gak so sama aje mcm I, hahahahaha….

Kenalah diaorang tak pasal2 cari steps to get the darn hazelnut packets!

Kalau dah Woolies workers pun semua busy aje, I’ll just go home empty handed aje.

Ada sekali tu, I dah siap terjengket2 nak get the blooming packets, The Other Half and the girls gelak2 aje tengok I dari jauh.

Hampeh betul kan!

I told The Other Half yang I wonder if all the tall guys think I’m trying to chat them up when I say, “Excuse me, can I ask a favour from you?

Hahahahahaha Smile.

So tadi I told The Other Half that it’s now his job to get the whole week supply of hazelnut flavouring from the Woolies near his workplace.

I will not be doing any more hazelnut shopping from now on!

Kesian kan kat orang kemetot macam I ni Smile with tongue out.

takpe lah, at least this orang kemetot ada other talents, heeeeee….

Like cooking dinner every nite, hahaha…

Tonite I made creamy fettucine with tuna and broccoli.



We all dah lama tak makan fish so malam ni I just cooked tuna in a can.


I love this kind of pasta. I can eat a whole big bowl of it just to myself Smile.


  1. Salam LG,

    Ramai rasanya kat sini ni yg vertically challenged mcm u tu! Mak Aji included! Pun biasa terpaksa minta tolong org lain ambilkan.

    Fettucini ngan tuna ya, x pernah try ni, kami memang suka tuna tapi x pernah masak ngan pasta! Nak kena cuba ni!

  2. hahaha ....cute sgt citer kementot ni. Akak pn always hv dis problem bila shop my sundry kat hypermarket n my cousin always tease me `so short one la u'. hehehe ...takpela kn tp kt ada keistimewaan lain tau.
    bestnye fettucine tu ...

  3. samekom kak LG

    anna rindu la nak tgk kebun akk nnt update kebun akk nyr

  4. assalamualaikum,love to blogwalk here,comel la your misses.. apa nama mereka? thanks =)

  5. kat sini pun sama gak Kak LG..

    kalo dalam supermarket brg dorg letak kat rak tinggi2 nun..tak tercapai kami2 yg kemetot nih..std saiz asia la katakan..

  6. Susah kan jadi org comel..bukan kemetot LG..comel..hahaha

  7. ingtkan org putih sume tinggi2 pun ada gk yg kemetot cam kite yek kak heheeh

  8. Cute entry! Tapikan LG being a tall person pun ada pros and cons. Dulu time sekolah sure kena duduk belakang sebab if dok depan, terhalang pandangan org belakang. Time beratur pun selalunya kena berdiri belakang. I guess you win some, you lose some.
