Monday, 6 May 2013

We are back!

We are finally back in our home sweet home after more than 2 weeks merantau..

Sape rindu kat we all angkat tangan!

Hahahaha…. Winking smile

But we are still so tired sebab tak cukup tidur malam tadi.

Ye lah kan, naik bajet airlines beli seat promo, so macam mana mau tidur comfy mah, kahkahkah….

Pastu, the plane was quite full pulak tu and ada sorang toddler yang memekak menangis jerit2 throwing tantrums tak sudah2 so memang sangat susah lah nak tido.

Kesian Mak dia, sure lagi lah penat giler…

Blog ni pun dah penuh berabuk sebab lama sangat tak update which is exactly sama condition macam my real house yang berabuk gile kena tinggal dengan I for 2 weeks!

The Other Half has been home for a week tapi he was quite ill with cold for the past week so memang dia kata tak larat nak kemas rumah.

Dia kata nasib baik dia larat basuh baju and sidai baju a few times jugak or else memang lagi menggunung lah baju2 kotor kat laundry tu.

And nasib baik lah isteri mithali dia dah pack macam2 food in the freezer for him to reheat or quickly cook so dapat lah jugak dia makan healthy food walaupun tengah sakit kan Smile.

So, my job for the next few days is to put the house back in order.

Walaupun tak spick and span and spotlessly clean, at least tak lah sakit mata I memandang, hehehe….

And bila dah balik rumah sendiri, I pun resumed lah my job as a cook.

Sebab semua dah rindu nak makan my cooking, heeeee….

Kat Msia, I cuma masak pizza and nachos aje. Sungguh lah pemalas nya kan, hahaha.

Tonite, I masak chicken, potato and leek casserole. Makan dengan pane de casa kedai mari and green salad.



I really missed having my homemade salads in Msia.


The Other Half kata the house finally smells like a home already with dinner cooking on the stove when he gets home from work.


Walaupun makan macam2 yang sedap2 kat Msia, but I guess my perut still missed my own cooking, walaupun tak sesedap mana, hikhikhik…..

I will update about our cuti2 KL and kampung once everything has settled down a bit ye.


  1. welcome back ....missing u. Cepat story mory ur balik kg vacation n pictures too ya.

  2. Sedap <3

    Tengok gambaq yg kak LG post jadilah..

    Untung da girls blh belajar masak with their mom <3

  3. Yehhh we back on track !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Salam LG..kalau kami ke astolia tu kira bercuti..tapi LG ke msia tu kira cuti ye...mesti seronok kaum kluarga mnyambut kepulangan LG kan

  6. rindu akak..bahgia hidup bla baca blog akak..

  7. Lg. I met you and family in my dreams last night.:)

  8. Yey! Akak dh blk. Rindunyerrr...imagine me hugging you from far yer :)

  9. home sweet home, good to be back yeah...but sure missing family back in malaysia too...btw, did you manage to vote for the elections?

  10. welcome back sis..moga cepat2 kemas rumah..heheh..mesti sejuk ngan winter dah kan balik sana smula..:)

  11. betul2 cuti kan, senyap je masa kt malaysia.... selamat kembali menayang masakan yg best2 yek kak n jgn lupe tayang cite2 time balik kg

  12. hi sis! mmg rindu sangat2 nak baca posting u tau...nanti cerita banyak-banyak pasal cuti2 kat Malaysia tau...:-)

  13. Salam LG,
    Kami pun rindu tengok masakan LG dalam blog ni hehehe

  14. welcome back to ur home sweet home.. :)
