Thursday, 11 April 2013

Our vego night

Tonite is vegetarian night.

But I tak nak lah masak dhal again sebab tak tau nak masak vegetarian dish yang lain, hehehe.

A friend on Insta put up photos of her meals using Quorn products which are funghi-based meat substitute.

And she said they tasted delicious.

So, tadi I pun memberanikan diri lah beli Quorn ni to be used in our meal tonite.

Ye lah kan, tetiba tak sedap kat tekak we all, masuk cik tong aje nanti and semua orang still kelaparan, heeeee.

I didn’t tell the girls that it wasn’t beef mince in their nachos. I only told The Other Half.

This was what I made for dinner tonite.

Nachos using Quorn mince and red kidney beans.


The girls ate it without saying anything. Laju aje masuk mulut.

Miss 13 doesnt like corn chips so she had her Quorn with bread. And dia yang fussy tu pun tak cakap apa2, laju aje makan masuk mulut.


Rupa dah sebijik beef mince kan!

And rasa dia pun sedap. Texture aje lah a bit different banding dengan real meat. But once you put in it nachos or bolognese, memang tak sedar pun it’s not meat.

And furthermore, Quorn ni is very high in protein so it definitely is very filling.


Lepas dah habis separuh the girls makan, The Other Half said….

Have you told the girls that it’s not beef mince that they are eating?

Belum sempat I jawab, Miss 13 said….

No wonder I haven’t seen the orange tabby cat around lately!

Open-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smileNyah-Nyah.



  1. kelakar la miss13!

    ada sstgh product quorn saya rasa 'lalu' (bole makan). minced quorn tu one of them. klo buat spagbol, x berminyak2 kat mulut mcm kalo guna minced beef. tp kalo quorn yg mcm ala2 pieces of chicken tu, x brp sedap, rasa soggy satu mcm, mmg x mcm chicken. but maybe that's just me.

    apapon, nasib baik bkn cat-meat like miss 13 is implying!

  2. hihi
    kalau miss 13 x cakap apa2 tu..kira sedaplah kan :)

  3. I penah makan vegetarian burger masa dok US dulu. Memang tak perasan pun it's not actually meat. Rasa pun not bad.

  4. ada kawan chinese yg vegetarian masa kt opis dulu selalu mkn daging tipu ni dgn sayur2an...hehe...

  5. hehe...sweet je miss 13..sedap tu sis..tu yg at 1st diam je...ngeee

  6. Hi sis LG! yup yup.. quorn sausage mmg sgt sedap. slalu dpt mkn ms stadi dulu cook kt boardinghouse buatkan Toad In The Hole. nih ada jumpa resepi tp blom try buat lg. if sis rs nak try, boleh la try..

    Sarah & Fad

  7. Rumah akak ada orange tabby cat ke?

  8. bila tengok chacos ni.. nanti nak buat gak.. hari tu buat pun sbb tengok kak min wat.. tapi dia serat kan.. tahan lapar sungguh.. mengenyangkan walaupun nampak cam makanan ringan..

  9. belum pernah satu hari jadi vegetarian..hehehe...palin tak pun satu hari kena goreng telur untuk protein

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  11. kalau Miss 13 boleh makan tu kira mmg mabeles lah tu sis....:-) (tiba-tiba teringat nachos kat chillis...huhuhuuu)
