Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Food that we love that we often make

When a food is loved by the whole family, you tend to make it often.

Ye lah kan, what’s the point of making something that they don’t like!

Bila dah berpenat2 kat dapur, you want your food to be eaten instead of thrown into the bin…

So, it doesn’t matter if people say that you are not adventurous with your cooking sebab balik2 masak benda yang sama aje.

I couldn’t care less….

As long as our families love our cooking and they grow up healthy with our cooking, that’s what matters kan.

Samalah dengan I, balik2 masak benda yang sama aje….

The Other Half suka nasi dengan indian curry and thai curry so balik2 I masak nasi dengan indian curry or thai curry….

Miss 9 suka chicken pieces especially wings,  either baked or fried or in soup, so selalu lah I masak chicken in so many different versions….

Miss 13 tak suka banyak benda but she loves enchiladas so every few weeks I akan masak enchiladas.

Bila I masak enchiladas, I will make a big batch of it.

So, I can freeze some and put some aside for a few days’ worth of lunches.

And I will try to put a few veges in the filling so the girls won’t notice and eat them all….


I served the enchiladas with avocado salsa.


But my enchiladas tadi tak letak banyak cheese so adalah mulut2 yang komplen sbb tak cukup cheese, hehehe…..


The avocado salsa is basically just diced red onion, avocado, tomato, lime juice and salt.


I made 8 big enchiladas using spinach and herb wraps and 6 small enchiladas using the small tortillas.

banyak gilers kan, hahahahaha…..

Boleh The Other Half buat bekalan when he’s alone at home….


Walaupun I cuba hide the veges in the filling, the girls still jugak terjumpa the diced up mushroom which they promptly kuis ketepi!


  1. Bestnya dapat makan macam2 di WA. Kami di TAS sgt limited makanan. :P

  2. meh kita high5.. i pon selalu masak apa yg mulut2 kat rumah ni suka makan.. kalau masak yg diorang tak makan, nanti masuk tong je..

    i dah byk kali nak buat enchiladas ni tapi asyik2 tak cukup bahan.. will try one day guna apa yg ada la kot..

  3. Apaalsh mende enchiladas ni ye...nak tumpang rasa jsuh benor...csm sedap jer..ohh nekcik pun tak suka sayur...kena kuis letak tepi jugak...

  4. Salam, echiladas tu nampak sangat sedap. Bila dengar ada cheese, lagi la teringin..hehe

  5. Yg nie i dah blh ingat feveret miss13..hehehe..selalu kalau kita simpan dlm freezer, taste dia still the same yer, sis?

  6. Kids just have special power in detecting an existence of vege, in what ever form :)

  7. Kids just have special power in detecting an existence of vege, in what ever form :)

  8. Assalam LG.. akak pun cam tu gak ... masak resepi yang sama.. ingredient je lain-lain he.. org NS apa lagi gulai, gulai ..even anak yang umur 9 tahun pun dah pandai suka.. tapi sekarang dah kurang la demi kesihatan... 2 minggu sekali..

  9. Macamana nak masak macam nie kak? pastu yang putih tue cream kan?

  10. My mom pun sama cam tu sis. selalu ulang masak benda yg sama jugak. sebab kalau masak benda yg family members tak berapa nak gemar ni mmg end up kat cik tong lah...
    bila sebut pasal vegie ni i rasa semua kids macam tu kot. my nephews pun sama. masa suap diorg makan i konon2 hide d vegie dalam nasi tapi diorg boleh rasa n keluarkan balik dari mulut. hehehehee...

  11. Salam,

    Just nak tanya macam mana kaedah simpan dlm fridge kasi tahan lama & fresh? Just letak dalam bekas biasa ke?

    (saya tak terer masak...hehehehe)


  12. teringin nak try buat enchiladas tu...buh cendawan la sedap...

  13. Demam and I want enchiladas so badly T___T

  14. Superhuman,
    Perth ni memang sgt2 multicultural so mmng sgt2 senang nak dpt halal food anywhere and everywhere, Alhamdulillah :-)

    tu lah kan, kalau masuk tong, kita jugak yg geram. So, balik2 kenalah masak benda2 yg sama aje, hehehe

    I masa kecik2 dulu x suka sgt sayur, bila dah besar sikit baru I suka habis kat sayur :-)

    Kak Mahh,
    bagi kitaorang, memang sedap :-)

    salam. Enchiladas ni lagi sedap klu letak bnyk2 cheese, hehehe

    taste dia sama cuma texture dia mungkin lari sikit lah. Tapi still sedap :-). I slalunya defrost dlm fridge dulu sampai fully thawed, pastu baru reheat dlm microwave atau bakar sekejap dlm oven :-)

    that is so true! Luckily they usually lose it bila dah besar kan :-)

    Suka suka,
    Wassalam. gulai orang nogori memang power habis! Tu yg semua org terpikat. Tapi mmng bnyk pakai santan lah kan :-)

    I pernha letak entry mcm mana nak masak enchiladas step by step. Yg putih tu sour cream :-)

    budak2 memang terer detect veges kan! Padahal kdg2 bukannya ada taste sgt veges tu. Bila dah jadi Mom ni memang lagi senang utk masak benda2 yg sama ulang2 kali sbb gerenti akan dimakan dek anak2 :-)

    Miss Mya,
    Salam. Kalau dlm fridge, tak tahan lama sgt. Setakat 3-4 hari ok aje but depends on what type of food jugak. Tapi, jgn bawak keluar masuk fridge all the time, cepat basi nanti.
    Kalau simpan dlm freezer, lagi tahan lama. Kalau kari or benda2 berkuah, I letak dlm Tupperware and then masuk freezer.

    Mommy Nur Zara,
    I pun kdg2 boleh lapar tengok my own blog ni, hahahha

    budak2 rumah ni mmng dr dulu tak suka cendawan, tak tau kenapa. I suka sgt2 :-)

    poor you. Hope you get better soon and dpt makan enchiladas soon too :-)
