Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Wednesday whining….

It is true when people say that when you’ve gone on a diet or change your way of eating…

Your tummy ‘shrinks’ as well!

I love burger and cips and I used to be able to eat loads of chips (semasa zaman tak hengat berat badan dulu, hehehe).

Ini pinggan I tadi.

It’s not the biggest sized dinner plate in the world, size pinggal arcopal biasa tu aje. (Saje je nak selit bagi tau pinggan I ni arcopal! wahkahkahkahkah.. Smile with tongue out).

And I cuma guna sekeping roti cut in half aje and a smallish homemade burger patty (but it’s a bit thick).

And I couldnt even finish this sebab perut dah kenyang sangat2 walaupun baru makan sikit!

I couldnt even finish the chips nor the burger!

Uwahhhhh!!!!! rugi rugi rugi!





I guess the salad helps to fill up my stomach so tu yang tak boleh nak habiskan the chips and burger.


So, I had to throw some of the chips and half of the bread in the compost bin and into the worm farm and gave half of my burger patty to The Other Half (nasib baik dia cycle hari2 kan so tu yang dia tak kisah makan my leftovers).

Tapi apasal peha I tak kecik2 jugak!!!!!!

Memang dasar peha jawa kan! Hikhikhikhikhik….

Takpe, hilangkan tension dengan view depan rumah I ni ye……


This is the street in front of our house. There’s about 8-9 houses on either side of the street so it’s not that long a street lah.

Kalau nak buat street party pun tak ramai lah yang datang, hahahaha….


And ini pulak gambar the front of our house.

See how brown the nature strip is bandingkan dengan our green lawn!

Sejak we put up the fences, memang The Other Half tak pernah water the nature strip, tu yang habis mati all the grass.

Dia kata jimat air mah!

I said to him, “But ugly mah!

So, tadi dia pergi lah siram the nature strip, hehehehe……


  1. yummmm you're so talented to be making everything homemade, even the patties! hehe.


  2. Haaa...byk tuh tak abess kak? heheh..kalau i berganda2 pun boleh jwbnya..hhihihi

  3. best nya kawasan rumah sis, laman luas kat depan, jalan raya pun besar, senang nak park, kalau kat taman-taman perumahan kat jb ni ( bbu) alahai jalan sempit nya muat sebiji kereta je.Bestnyaaaa kat sana

  4. Kak liza pun mcm u ...sekali sekala sedap makan benda lain selain nasi...tapi my hubby ni typical melayu...sing mlm nk nasi.
    Wah...ur neighborhood looks nice n neat...

  5. salam LG..duhhh bila la perut i nak kocik macam perut u..kekeke

  6. Kalau saya tak cukup tu LG...tapi bila dah diet macam tu kot kesannya...jiran2 tak kata apa2 ke bila buh pagar tu?

  7. Kak Mynn,

    Nape tiba-tiba ada almond seketul tang tu???? Uh uh uh uh uh

  8. u tak habis makan d burger patty? How i wish i can be like u sis...huhuuu...

  9. Peha jawa? Hehe kelakar lah you ni :P
    But I do agree, once we control our food portion over a period of time, memang bila ada chance makan banyak pun, kita makan tak berapa banyak.
    I ni dulu kalau bukak Pringles ke Twisties ke memang kena habiskan...once you pop you can't stop la katakan :P. Sekarang tak teringin sgt pun..kalau beli utk anak2, I mintak sikit2 je.

  10. burger n chips ahkak sangat mengancam tekak hoke :)

  11. Peha jawa... hahaha...

    Makan sikit dah kenyang is the best diet in the world...

  12. zi pun peha jawa gak kak..

    worm pun akk ternak ye?

  13. salam kak minn,

    Kalau TOH dah siram jgn lupa post pada kami.. nak tgk jugak hasil dia.. hehehhe

  14. Farah,
    I guess after cooking for so many years and having to be creative when cooking, it comes naturally ;-)

    perut sudah kecik mah! Kalau I preggy, rasanya dua kali ganda ini jugak, hahaha

    Aimi Laili,
    kat sini jalan dia memang besar2, bukan lorong walaupun kat kawasan perumahan. And tak lah packed sgt dgn houses :-)

    Kak Liza,
    nasib baik dpt hubby yg semua telan, so hari2 boleh tukar2 menu, tak payah nasi or meat and 3 veg aje, hehehe

    Salam. I pun berbulan diet, baru kecik, hahaha

    jiran2 kat sini tak kisah asalkan tak masuk dlm kawasan rumah diaorang. We all letak pagar inside our compound so mmng tak kacau neigbour sebelah :-)

    I letak almond dlm salad tu :-)

    Dulu2 boleh habis! Skrg aje perut dah ekcik sikit, hehehe

    I pun dulu like you, klu makan twisties, I sorang boleh habis 1 packet! Skrg ni I still boleh mkn tp like you, just nak merasa aje :-)

    ye ke, kalah McD ye, hehehe

    peha jawa ni memang tak boleh lawan! besar gedabak! hahahha

    Hahaha...sama2lah kita menangis sbb dpt peha jawa :-P. Worm tu hubby yg ternak, hehehe

    Salam. dia siram sekali tu aje lah sbb dia kata tak kuasa nak waste water, hahaha
