Thursday, 21 March 2013

The picnic

So, Miss 9 and I had the harmony Day picnic at her school this afternoon.

Ramai jugak families yang datang.

But I malas nak bersesak2 kat main grassy area, I pergi bentang our picnic rug closer to the playground.

Cuma we all and another family aje kat situ, aman sikit!


The weather was just gorgeous for a picnic.

24C with a slight breeze.

So, what did I make?

I made karipap, mee goreng and fruit salad.

Yang nak berpiknik nya we all dua orang aje tapi I bawak bekal macam nak feed the whole school!

Open-mouthed smile

Towards the end of the piknik, Miss 9’s friends started dropping by and they started eating the noodles, the karipap…..

And Miss 9 pun pergi bagi karipap to her teachers so habislah semua karipap tu.

Mee goreng and fruit salad tak habis lah.

See, siap dgn chiller bag and picnic basket lagi nak mengangkut segala khazanah.


Ada karipap, mee goreng and fruit salad dalam chiller bag tu.

And ini rupa the food.


Besar gedabak karipap2 tu tapi still tak cukup sorang makan sekeping aje, heeeeee.

We gave a plate full to the teachers which made them so happy, hahahaha.

And ini my picnic partner.


She was so happy sebab dapat melantak today!

They have 3 bells for lunch time. 1 for the start of lunch where everyone has to sit down to eat their lunch. The second bell is for start of play time where the students can go and play if they have finished their lunches.

And the third bell is for end of lunch session and they have to go to their classes.

Selalunya Miss 9 akan cepat2 makan so she can have a lot of play time.

Tadi, masa berpiknik, siiiiikiiiiiit pun dia tak heran when the play time bell rang.

She still continued eating!

Ye lah kan, bila lagi dia nak ada chance nak melantak betul2.

Tiap2 hari Mum dia bekalkan healthy stuff….

Tapi kan, sampai malam dia kata dia still kenyang from lunch…

Until I had to force her to eat a small snack at 7 so tak lah perut dia lapar sgt masa tgh tidur kan.



  1. nak buat karipap jugak lah... :)...kalau i jd ms 9 pun i pulun makan, piknik kan makan lerr..hihi

  2. look at ur karipap, i pn kene jg buat esokla T_T
    ur daughter is so pretty:)

  3. Mmg nampak kurus miss 9 skarang! Well done mum n the healthy lunches! now if only I can take a leaf out of your book.....

  4. Bestnya diorang dapat makan karipap tuh..akak buat ade sampai 50 tak or lebih..? hehehe

  5. Kak LG
    Memang betul la kak, we all pun masa pi sports Day anak I pun angkut mcm-mcm. Air siap angkut dlm coller 5liter, pastu bawa samosa, nasi goreng, sandwich. Mat salleh pun heran tgk our big spread mcm gitu. Dduduk tepi padang asyik makan aje dengan our geng.

  6. kak min, rasa nak p oz bentang tikar and picnic. kat malaysia macam tak feeling jer rumputnya.

  7. Bestnya sekolah kat OZ ni. Ada macam-macam aktiviti yg libatkan parents n family sekali. Suka tengok....

  8. Susumanis,
    Mak dia pun makan beria masa piknik, tak kan dia nak diet kan, hahaha

    karipap is alway enticing kan :-). Thanks for the compliment.

    I think she is feeling much better about herself because she can see that eating all the healthy food and reducing the junk food does have an effect :-).

    I buat about 80 keping mcm tu, hahahaha. My eldest daughter bawak 22 biji ke sekolah, semua habis. I bawak about 24 ke piknik and semua habis lepas dibagi ke cikgu2, hahaha. yang lain simpan stock dlm freezer :-)

    Gina, lagi teruk ye siap bwk drink cooler semua. Tapi mmng msians dgn makanan tak dpt dipisahkan kan :-)

    masa piknik tu, the weather was just perfect, tu yg memang nampak mcm best aje kat gambar. But rumput dia mmng best pun, heeee

    I guess kat sini sbb ramai jugak parents yg housewives and ramai jugak grandparents yg tinggal nearby so tu yg bila ada program2 mcm ni, ramai yg boleh dtg :-)
