Monday, 18 February 2013

The result and the dinner….

Since I dah berjanji semalam nak bagitau sape yang menang the watermelon weight guessing competition, I guess I have to do it lah kan Smile.

The weight of the watermelon was 9.9kg!

And out of the so many guesses, the first person to guess that correct weight is…….


Yeay, tahniah! clap clap clap High five.

Unfortunately I still tak boleh tunjuk gambar the gift yang you have won sebab that gift is currently in Malaysia and the person who is holding the gift tengah bercuti2 Malaysia so dia takde kat rumah and tak boleh nak ambik gambar the gift, hehehehe…..

Mintak maaf banyak2 ye for the delay.

Once she’s come back from cuti2 Msia, I will put up the photo of the gift and I akan email you to ask for your details ye.

Since, I tak boleh nak tayang gamabr the gift, kenalah tayang gambar our dinner tonite aje.

Malam ni The Other Half balik lambat so I made something that can be eaten cold as well as hot.

Selalunya kalau dia balik lambat, I memang akan masak dinner yang senang nak di reheat so bila dia balik, tinggal masuk dalam microwave and terus makan.

Fish and chips or burger and chips memang tak boleh lah nak buat on the nights dia balik lambat because chips taste awful reheated in the microwave!

And since I dah overate during lunch time tadi, makan leftovers nasi and rendang, malam ni konon2nya nak jadi baik buat something healthy lah.

Kalau nak healthy, kenalah buat something yang ada banyak sayur kan.

So, I made a gorgeous salad (well, gorgeous for our tekak lah).


I made a salad that has mixed lettuce leaves as the base, then I added sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, fuji apple to bulk it up.

And then, to make it more interesting, I added some roasted walnuts to it.

And since I didn’t feel like having any carbs as a side, I added some roasted sweet potatoes to the salad mix.

But nak jadi kan the sweet potatoes more exotic, I tabur dukkah on top of the sweet potatoes halfway through roasting.

Nak tambah lagi the oomph, I drizzled the salad with the cooked marinade that I used to marinate the chicken wings for dinner.

So, this was my plate tadi.



I marinated the chicken wings with seeded mustard, honey, garlic and a bit of soy sauce for about half an hour.


Then I baked them in the oven at 190C until betul2 masak.

Halfway through the baking, I collected all the chicken juice on the tray, letak dalam saucepan and mix it with the leftover marinade.

Then, let it boil on the stove top until it is slightly reduced.

Pastu, boleh guna as salad dressing.

Jimat dan sedap!

The Other Half kata, “I do like salad especially when it’s like this. Really gorgeous combination!

Ye lah, I terlupa pulak yang tekak dia kan posh and upmarket sikit, kalau I buat salad sempoi2 setakat lettuce leaves and cucumber aje, lambat noh dia nak menelan….

Kalau buat salad upmarket macam ni, baru laju masuk mulut!

Ceh! Hahahahahaha…..


  1. TAHNIAH.. (^_^)

  2. mmg gorgeous salad akak tu! kalau hubby I tgk ni mesti nk suruh buat salad dia pun mcm ni jugak...;)

  3. Akk. . Sue dah ketinggalan ketapi ni. Byk n3 dah tertinggal. Apa pun suka salad akk tu. Hr2 duk tgk AFC, tgk apa yg diaorg bubuh dlm salad diorg tu. Mcm sedap ja.

  4. salam k.LG, ni first time komen kt sini. selama ni silent reader je. ;) saya mmg admire betul la bila tgk gambar salad yg mcm2 variasi kt blog akak ni. semuanya nampak sedap dan sihat.

    tahniah kepada pemenang. :)

  5. Wahhh...yh ni mmg betul-betul sedap sis. Sekarang ni i kalau tak tau nak siapkan lunch box selalu tengok blog u. Cari inspirasi.....Tq ya sis.Memang sangat membantu.

  6. kenyang makan salad camtu sebab ada ubi keledek..hehe...ooh..tahniah kepada pemenang teka berat melon tu ^_^

  7. aaa..lama tak jenguk sini! dah missed byk la ni entri akak. ok mcm biasa,nk kne marathon yg terlepas. hehehe

  8. Assalamualaikum LG....
    Suka jengah kat sini. Dah lama jadi silent reader LG. Sedapnya salad tu..... Teruja nak try la

  9. Amy,

    salad yg dah ada mcm2 ni memang sgt sedap and sgt filling. You should make it for your hubby, sure dia suka :-)

    salad ni kalau lettuce aje, memang jemu gak. Bila dah campur mcm2, terus jadi sedap, hehehe

    Salam. Thanks ye sbb sudi baca blog ni. I ni terpaksa memvariety kan salad or else budak2 and bapak budak buat muka kelat bila suruh makan sayur, hehehe

    I pun slalu pening kepala bila fikir pasal lunch box. Kalau ada leftovers dr dinner, amatlah happynya I, hahaha

    memang kenyang. I lagi suka keledek dr kentang letak dlm salad ni sbb rasa dia lagi sedap :-)

    takpe, marathon pelan2 ;-)

    Waalaikumsalam. jom kita try makan salad hari2 :-).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Syukur alhamdulillah...tqvm :-) pasal hadiah tu x pe suzy boleh tggu.. dekat je pun ... tqvm again sy sgt suke3X.. hehehehe

  12. lupe nk inform yg zi tau jadi pemenang bile bukak email hari ni.. terlambat tau hehehe :-)
