Wednesday, 13 February 2013

40 cloves of garlic

The other night we went to parents info night for the PEAC program that Miss 9 has been accepted into.

Masa tengah tunggu the program to start, we all terdengar lah this lady behind us talking.

She was bragging about her son.

How clever and smart her son is and how he is so busy every nite going to all these extra curricular activities.

One night taekwando, another night footy, another night soccer and another night music stuff.

And he’s basically at the state level for each one of them judging from the way she bragged about him.

And their lives basically revolve around sending him to all these places until the other siblings felt left out.

And on and on she went talking about what the son can do and how impressed they were with his achievements.

We all yang duduk depan dia dah tak larat nak muntah!

Come on lah lady!

Every parent who was in that room all have bright kids or else they wouldn’t have been in that room listening to the PEAC information kan!

The kids who got into PEAC are the top 2 1/2% of all year 5 public school students.

Bukan anak you sorang aje yang pandai….

The Other Half pulak saje je mendajal, terus temberang cakap kuat2….

I don’t know how Miss 9 is going to cope with having all these other students who are so much older than her in PEAC. She’s only 7 and yet so bright.!

I guess she’s going to do ok since her sister was only 10 when she started hight school.

I teruslah elbowed him and said to him “kalau nak auta pun, agak2 lah, jangan lah temberang teruk2. People will think we have geniuses for kids!


I guess doesn’t matter where you live kan, there will always be parents who think their kids are the smartest, the cleverest, the funniest, the brightest and the world revolves around their kids and them!

I don’t think it’s wrong to be proud of your kids’ achievements but to brag about it…….. hmmmmmmm……

I am so glad I wasn’t the one whe had to sit next to that lady, hehehehe….


Malam ni I made roast chicken again for dinner

But a different type of roast chicken, a wet version.

I made chicken with 40 cloves of garlic. I ikut recipe ini but I olah sikit. I didn’t use that much liquid and I added celery and carrots to the mix. I also subs the white wine with apple juice+vinegar mix.


I betul2 guna 40 cloves of garlic you! I letak under the chicken, inside the chicken, on top of the chicken, hahahahaha.

But once it’s been cooked, memang takde rasa garlic and bau garlic langsung.

But I lupa nak ambik gambar the chicken inside the pot once it’s cooked.

Ada gambar yang dah dipotong2 aje.


It’s so meltingly tender and fell off the bones.

Makan dengan oven-baked fries and garden salad with croutons.





This recipe makes a lot of gravy so I had to reduce and thicken it a bit.

And bila nak makan, just tuang the gravy onto the chicken.

The girls tak komplen langsung about the amount of garlic in it so I guess they didn’t know it was there lah kan.


  1. your cooking selalu menaikkan semangat nak MAKAN i......

  2. hahaha Omputeh pn berlagak jg ya. sama aja manusia ni.

    sedapnye ur chicken menu mlm ni, trus lapar akak.

  3. Salam kak min,

    tiba2 teringat scene dalam kuch2 ho ta hai..hahaha

  4. sodapnya ayam tu.. nak sikit.. lapar ni belum dinner..

  5. Salam LG,

    Kalau dah manusia kat mana sama je! Mak Aji selalu dok tertanya2 apa nak substitute wine dlm masakan sbb x tau mcm mana rasanya wine tu. Yg pernah main agak2 vinegar aja. Tq for the tip!! Very helpful!

  6. bagus jugak TOH ckp mcm tu, biar dia sedar sikit kan....hehe..geram je dgr org yg suka war2kan anak dia pandai ni mcm anak dia sorang je yg pandai! bagi I bolehlah nk cerita tapi biarlah dgn cara yg merendah diri(tidak menunjuk2), jgn sampai org dgr naik meluat... itupun kalau ada org tanya barulah kita cerita.

  7. So, what was the lady's reaction to TOH's comments? Dia diam tak after that?

  8. Hi lg
    The chicken looks so yummilicious. I ambik ye recipe.
    Thank you for sharing

  9. ...Eh! makcik Aussie pun ada juga perangai macam makcik Jenab kat M'sia..kannn..(((itu ayam..kalau makan dengan nasi ayam pun orait jugak kan....)))

  10. hahaha..

    teringat cerita my mum ala2 macam tu juga.. 'kawan' dia habis bragging pasal anak.. my mum bila da boring dengar one sided story yang xtau bila nak abis, terus my mum brag kenakan dia balik.. pulang paku ke buah keras haha

  11. 40 ulas bwg putih? mmg banyak betul tu kak, tp tak berbau ek, ajaib gk tuh... ni yg rasa nk try bt nih heheheh

  12. sis..what's your instagram id? nak follow laah...

  13. Salam kak min, saya puasa kak min, saya puasa kak min (sambil merenung gambar ayam yang sedap tu lama2.. habislah pahala puasa saya) muahahha

    ni saya nak kongsi citer dengan akak, benda ni dah lama, tapi saya akan ingat sampai mati - ada satu couple pakcik & makcik ni, masuk kedai stationery, pastu pilih buku nota.. saya & family ada kat tepi diorang masa tu, saya pun tengah carik buku nota gak.. Makcik tu boleh kata gini kuat2 - "Abang, anak kita boleh ke pakai buku nota macam ni? Dia kan ambik jurusan arkitek kat Universiti ***, boleh ker pakai buku nota biasa cam ni?" Alahaiiiiii, saya rasa bernanah telinga kak, saya pun belajar kat universiti gak, mak saya tak kecoh pun camtu.. hik2.. manusia, macam2 ragam......... sabau jer ler!

  14. hehehe..kadang meluat juga bila dengar orang bragging ni...rasa macam nak pi tutup mulut dia plak...anyway, ayam tu memang nampak yummy la...terus rasa lapar...

  15. wah tak payah nak kopek2 garlic tu. Lagi sonang kojo den

  16. kebam keboommmm... gerraammm betol kalo tengok ayam golek2 seekor ni.. terlior2 i tau..

  17. kak, saya tengok resepi ayam tu. wine tu kak replace dengan apa? sebab nampak sedap pulak ayam tu dengan bawang putih banyak-banyak :)

  18. seriusly buat i lapar..

    tapi kan kalau i pun tak tahan kalau mak pak suka bragging pasal anak dia... tapi memang patut pun ur hubby sound gitu kuat2... ha ha ha

  19. Salaam perkenalan. Alhamdulillah, terjumpa balik blog u, yg first time i stumble early last year. I love to see u n family happy sweet face n santai lifestyle. Interesting tengok your garden membuahkan hasil. MasyaAllah sedapnya makan dari tanaman sendiri! Di sini, Singapore i cuma boleh tanam sikit greeneries kat small balcony. Nak tanam buah-buahan jauh sekali. Bila bougainvila i berbunga punyalah besar hati.. hehe .

  20. Nina,
    I pun kan, klu orang lain yg masak, memang semangat makan I akan naik mendadak, hahaha

    Omputih ni kdg2 lagi teruk berlagaknya, nyampah I, hehehe

    salam....waaahhh...itu zaman dolu2 punya film :-)

    Kak Yan,
    cepat masak sana so tak lapar lagi ;-)

    Mak Aji,
    klu google wine subs, diaorang cadangkan apple juice. Klu apple juice tu extra manis, boleh tambah cuka sikit bagi dia a bit tart :-).

    tu lah kan. I tak kisah kalau orang nak ckp anak dia pandai, parents sure lah proud kan. Tapi klu dah go on and on, panas jugak telinga dengar even though cuma eavesdropping aje, hahaha.

    I tak berani toleh ke belakang nak tengok reaction dia, hahaha....

    memang sedap lah kat tekak we all. Ambik aje, bukan recipe I pun, hehe

    Cik Mat,
    Mak jenab ni kat mana2 ada, hahaha.

    tu lah kan, kalau brag sikit2 takpe. Ini tak habis2, tu yg memang patut pulangkan paku buah keras sekali, hehehe

    memang tak berbau sbb bwg putih tu dah diroast lama so dah hilang bau dia :-)

    my ig private, tapi I bagi pangkal username aje ye, then you cari lah :-). It's mynnm.

    Salam. Kalau puasa, pergi main jauh2, nanti terbatal, hahaha.
    Funny betul lah pakcik n makcik tu kan. Macam lah klu anak dia ambik architecture, tak boleh pakai notebook biasa2. Agaknya klu anak dia ambik medicine, mau terus pergi konukuniya semata2 nak beli notebooks, hehehe

    Memang ramai kan orang yg perangai mcm tu :-)

    Miss Cool,
    memang tak payah kopek. Bila dah masak, dia tanggal sendiri, pastu senduk buang kulit dia :-)

    tu sbb I suka buat ayam golek sekor2, nak bagi orang terliur! hahaha

    I replaced dgn campuran apple juice and cuka putih tu. Apple juice lagi bnyk dr cuka lah or else masam sgt pulak nanti. Dia kena ada manis2 sikit.

    Memang ramai Mak Pak yg suka bragging. Kalau setakat nak memberi tahu results anak, ok lagi lah kan. Ini kalau 10 minit asik citer pasal anak dia aje, tak kuasa I, hahaha.

  21. LG,
    anak i...masuk kelas corot. i hv nothing to brag abt her academic achievement. but we r very proud of her.hik hik hik

  22. Kak Min, i've requested to follow your IG acc... Your food looks amazing n scrumptious too.... Always inspire me to cook healthily n clean too... Goshhh I'm drooled... ;D

  23. ibu,

    hahaha...kalau kita tak bangga dgn anak2 kita, sape lagi yg nak bangga kan :-)

    I am very sorry ye. Setakat ni I cuma accept request from females aje sbb my IG photos bnyk yg camwhoring nya style, hehehe...

  24. hahahha. seriuslyyy tergelak part cobaan ur other half temberang tu. tapi memang patut ponnn. patut temberang lebih lagi tu. baru tauuu. hahaha. :)))

    p/s : still x jumpa IG akak lagi. *furst mode* :3
