Thursday 3 January 2013

Thursday night dinner

The Other half only has 1 more day left of his 2 weeks holidays.

He has to start work again on Monday.

Dia kata he’s so not looking forward to start work sebab dah cuti 2 minggu so liat sikit lah kan….

It’s been really good spending time with him and the girls even though we all tak pergi mana2.

The unbelievable part is that we all tak gaduh langsung this past 2 weeks!

Memang sangat2 unbelievable, hahahahahaha….

Gaduh2 merajuk manja adalah kan, biasa lah tu…..

The girls said that they don’t mind not going anywhere because they are quite happy to stay at home under the cool aircond playing on the PC or on the DS or on the Wii or on their iPods.

We have to force them to stop playing to read books and play outside!

Pi lah jenguk2 outside tengok matahari tu….it’s good for your bones kan….

Mum dia pun jenguk luar bila perlu aje, hahaha…

Kalau you all perasan, semenjak dua menjak ni I memang malas sangat2 nak ambik gambar guna my usual photo light and guna my usual camera tent.

I just ambik gambar our dinners on the dining table aje, hikhikhik…

Ini sebab The Other Half dah pindahkan my photo set into the back room so setiap kali lepas dah serve dinner, I tak kuasa nak pergi into the back room to ambik gambar cantik2.

By the time I dah siap ambil gambar and go back to the dining room, semua orang dah habis makan.

Dah lah I slalu ambik gambar dinner dah nak dekat2 sunset so memang takde cahaya matahari yang cukup lah kat dining area tu.

Tu yang maaaaalaaaaas sungguh!

Tunggu lah my ambik gambar mood datang balik untuk tengok gambar food yang cantik2 ye, in the meantime, you all layan ajelah gambak tak cukup lighting ni, hehehee.

Malam ni for dinner, I masak beef n beans nachos.


I guna beef mince and red kidney beans for the topping.

I sauteed diced onion, garlic, diced carrots, diced capsicum sampai layu.

Then add the beef mince and continue cooking until it turns brown.

Add some coriander powder, cumin powder, paprika powder and chilli powder. Cook for a few more minutes.

Then add about 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, half a cup of water/stock and some powdered chicken/beef stock.

Last, add the canned kidney beans and continue cooking for a few more minutes until everything is mixed nicely.

Spread on top of corn chips and sprinkle grated colby or mozzarella on it.

Grill until the cheese has melted and the corn chips a bit brown.


Serve with pickled jalapenos aka cili jeruk and sour cream.



But Miss 9 punya nachos takde cili jeruk lah or else tak berenti lah dia minum air, hehehe….


  1. kalau saya makan nachos tu, rasanya tak berenti kot..hehehe...

  2. nachos for dinner! pengsan syok! wish i had u as my mum hahahahhahahaaa (ehhh.. perasan muda plak)

  3. ohhh tidakkkkkk.....terus kelaparan di pagi-pagi buta ni...uhuksss...

  4. Fuhhh..blm sarap lg pg ni sis..terliuq...uwaaaaaa!!

  5. sedapnyer kak... kalu dana lah bt dinner camni kt umah msti edy complain tak kenyang hehehe... tp tingin nyer nk try bt

  6. Gambar tak cukup lighting pun dah nampak sedap la LG...

  7. assalamualaikum k.min..

    happy new year!! jenguk2 jer nampak nachos...
    slalu mkn kat luar jer tapikan terasala sangat membazir duit.. baik buat sndr mcm kmin..? nampak mudah tapi tgklah sampai MM try :p

    anyway, gambar makanan itu masih buat org kelaparan.. lain kali kalau snap kat table tu pun kitaorg layan jer :D

  8. Wallaaa so yummehh.. I siap borong banyak from kl last week.. Tak sempat bake nachos tu, i masuk microwave je.. Dasar pemalas ni kan sbb nak cepat je heheee..

  9. m so gonna make this nnt, insyaAllah :)

  10. Akak pun malas Betul skrg ni..nak snap gambar pun malas...nak berblogg pun malas...nak tidur awal je.
    Nachos tu mmg sedap...tambah2 model yg tgh mkn tu cute

  11. LG,
    I mmg ambik gambo kat dinner table je.. nasib baik we have installed a ceiling fan with lights.. it really helps..dah lerr skrg ni waktu I boleh nak ambil gambo food either waktu malam atau waktu subuh je..memang tak jumpa cahaya matahari :D

  12. kniedaz,
    I pun kdg2 memang susah sgt nak berenti bila dah mengadap nachos ni. Kuat betul tarikan dia, hahaha

    hahaha...I pulak wish someone can cook for me every night. Baru lah best kan :-)

    kena masuk bila dah kenyang next time ;-)

    Chekgu Azrine,
    klu belum sarapan, memang kaan terliur lah klu tengok cheese meleleh tu :-)

    one day you buat lah nachos tp kena masak nasi goreng at the same time lah so dua2 boleh kenyang, hehehe

    malas giler I nak set up the lighting yg best nak ambik gambar, ehehe

    waalaikumsalam. Happy new year to you too. Nachos ni sebenarnya quite simple jugak nak buat. Tapi kdg2 nachos kat kedai tu rasa sgt2 lah sedapnya banding dgn yg kita buat sendiri, hehehe

    kalau bake that nachos in the microwave, the corn chips still stay crispy tak? I tak pernah try lagi, hehehe

    do try it sebab senang sgt2 nak buat :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    sebab dah bercuti Xmas and New year agaknya tu yg malas sikit kan :-)

    Our dining room lights memang tak cukup kuat nak mencantikkan my photos. memang kena edit sungguh nak jadikan dia cantik, hehehe
