Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Temperamental scale

We’ve got a very temperamental weighing scale.

It needs a tap to trigger it which is usual lah on a digital scale.

But lately….

Depending on where you tap to trigger it, it’ll get a bit psycho.

In the space of 10 seconds, your weight can fluctuate erratically.

Sometimes it adds a kilo to your weight, sometimes it’ll deduct a kilo.

I’ve been trying to lose weight since the start of the year but only for the past 2 weeks that I have been exercising constantly every night on the elliptical and also being more aware of what I put in my mouth.

i still eat all my meals like normal but I just cut down on junk food and sweet drinks like juice and bottled iced coffee and all the yummy yeo’s drinks….. (for now).

But how am I supposed to track my weight loss with the bl**ming psycho scale?


Bila I stand on it and it shows a good number, I’m so happy.

But when I stand on it and it shows a number that I don’t like, I akan ubah2 kedudukan the scale and tap it at so many different spots until I get the ‘right’ weight!

Hahahahahah……sangatlah cengkelat nya kan Smile.

So, sekarang ni, I am just going to use my ‘skinny’ jeans (the ones that I used to wear when I was at my thinnest) as my measuring stick.

Once I can sarung my jawa thighs nicely in them, it means that I’ve reached my target weight, hehehehe……

Even The Other Half is going to reach his goal weight very very soon.

I’ll get my Bruce Willis and Van Diesel back, hikhikhikhik…

Takpe, like I said early in the year, I only want to lose 3kg in 3 months so hopefully tak lah susah mana kan, hehehehe….

So, tu yang tak kisah masak apa pun for dinner, cuma control the portion aje lah.

Like tonight for dinner, I masak beef enchiladas which is so cheesy…..

yummmmm….. drool…….

But I makan 1 medium size serving aje.



I didn’t make any green salads to go with it sebab the filling dah ada zucchini and carrot.


It’s enough to fill me up and kalau lapar lagi, I minum air aje lah, hehehe…..

Kalau makan banyak2 sampai kenyang, susah lah I nak exercise after that kan.


  1. Salam LG,

    Diet, diet gak tp kalau Mak Ajilah, portion banyak tu sure punya xleh tido, bangun bancuh milo cicah biskut cap ping ponglah, he he!

  2. Kita punya scale perangai sama lah Min hehe...
    Mine is a few years old (redeem points credit card :P) bila dia start buat hal, bateri pun I malas nak tukar. Atau sebab tu dia merajuk? Bateri lemah tapi tuanpunya malas tukar.
    Tapi I memang jenis yang setahun 2 kali je naik I 'measure' myself from the clothes, macam you buat sekarang lah.
    Kalau nak lebih berkesan lagi, you mix your workouts...elliptical & cycling on weekends cycling jugak kan.
    Makan tu I kalah sikit, especially enchiladas macam ni (lama nya tak makan sebab nak buat pun malas :P). Tapi lama2 okay la akan jadi habit. Cuma mula2 tu nak start good habit yang payah sikit kan :P

  3. mcm tak kenyang jer sis makan nie...heheh

  4. just that portion..i tabik la u sis...kalau menyelerakan tu..takle tahan nafsu..mesti amik byk portions heheh..

  5. bole caya ke u ni?? mkn byk tuh?? ye ye orr je tuh!! jgn tahan seminggu je lps tu back to square 1!! hehehehe...

    skinny jeans as your benchmark.. that's good! you go girl!!

  6. mmg nak ukur diet jadi ke tak, amik baju or jeans yang da ketat, diet je, bila da bole sarung balik baju/jeans ketat nicely..well done bebeh...hehehe

  7. teruskan usaha murni u tu LG...

    wahhh komen mcm skima pulak..:)

  8. kalau i makan banyak tu, mau menggeletar gigil badan i ni kelaparan.. tapi boleh kot, kena makan every hour heheheee....

  9. salam kak min,

    nak tanya..bulan april kat sana musim apa?..

  10. Bertambah laparrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  11. sedap-sedap nyer tengok semua makanan yg u masak. terliur. but i also on diet. need to lost 5kg.
    and paling suka tengok u punya kebun..

  12. Mak Aji Ummu Madihah,
    I guess sbb perut saya dah terbiasa portion bnyk ni, ty yg ok aje sampai esok pagi kot :-)

    hahaha...tuan punya scale malas ye ;-P.
    I skrg dah tak cycle wknd sbb my hubby kata dia dah tak larat nak cycle sbb everyday cycle pergi kerja. So, memang elliptical and a bit of weights aje.

    kenyang actually sbb filling dlm tu bnyk jugak :-)

    I terfikir berat badan masa makan tu, tu yg boleh stop at one aje, hahaha

    Even hubby I pun makan 2 keping aje, so takkan I nak makan sama bnyk dgn dia kan. Mau tmbh tembam lah I nanti :-)

    tu yg jeans ketat2 kena simpan, tak boleh buang so boleh sarung balik lepas diet berjaya kan, hahaha

    uish, terima kasih, hikhikhik

    secret dia, lepas makan, terus minum air bergelas so perut penuh air. And masuk tidur awal so tak lah terfikir kat food aje, hahaha

    Salam. Bulan April kat sini musim Autumn/luruh. Pagi2 and malam a bit sejuk tapi very nice during the day.

    hehehe...takpe, jom kita makan lagi :-P

    Jom kita sama2 berdiet and lose this extra weight :-).
