Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New year, Old garden

After a week of intense heatwave, the weather is a bit cooler today albeit very humid.

And after a week of heatwave, a lot of our plants have suffered “heat stress” even though The Other Half religiously water them every morning and every afternoon.

Kesian betul tengok some of the pokok, memang hidup segan mati tak mau aje. Wilted rose

But some other plants pulak are really loving the high temperature and suddenly started flowering dengan banyak nya and started producing dengan banyaknya.

The Other Half aje lah yang tahan untuk keluar ke kebun hari2 menyiram the plants.

Itupun he would wear long sleeved tshirts, pants, big hat and sunscreen just untuk keluar siram pokok!

And he still got a bit sunburnt!

I cuma keluar untuk petik sayur untuk kegunaan masak aje.

Nak belai2 and nak prune and trim the plants, tak kuasa I in that weather.

Nak jemur kain pun I akan letak the laundry basket and the clothes pegs basket under the shade and with a big hat, I will dash under the sun to hang 1 piece of clothing and then dash back to be under the shade!

Punyalah kan!

It took so long to hang 1 basket of laundry that by the time I hang the last piece of clothing, the first one dah kering, kahkahkahkah….

But it is true though, panas sangat, 5 minit dah kering.

And since hari ni sejuk sikit, I pun keluar lah jenguk2 the kebun petang tadi and The Other Half pun siap boleh mow the lawns lagi tu.

We found so many oversized zucchinis in the garden. Sebab tak kuasa nak jenguk the zucchinis masa panas2 tu, tu yang terbiar sampai jadi besar.

And look how big one of them was.


Macam dokong baby aje kan!

I wonder what The Other Half was thinking at that time…. Open-mouthed smile.

Probably it’s more on the line of “thank goodness we haven’t got one of them. Don’t think I can cope with sleepless nights, diaper changing, unconsolable crying anymore! Now I just have to cope with them answering back, the sulking and the female mood swings!


Yang pastinya, pokok kacang panjang memang pokok climate panas sebab sangatlah happynya diaorang during the heatwave.


Suddenly, berlambak2 kacang panjang we all dapat.

The tomatoes pun dah nak sampai ke penghujungnya, tinggal a few bunches aje.


Dek sebabkan we all tak letak stakes and tak ikat the tomato plants, menjalar dia kat atas tanah onto the grass…


Kesian pokok tomato ni, terbiar aje, hehehe.

And another plant yang seronok with the high temperature are the watermelons.



Setiap kali I nak reverse park the car masuk garage, kena hati2 sebab tak nak langgar penyek the watermelon plants yang dah menjalar atas driveway tu.

By the way, itu bukan lalang ye, itu serai, heeee……

And our grapes have started to ripen…

Tapi kesian sangat because I think they are experiencing water and heat stress kot..

Terlampau panas and tak cukup air.. Sad smile.





Sebab some of the grape berries dah kecut2 on the vines and some pulak merekah2 macam panas sgt…

Some of them are still very tart while some of them are already edible.

But we all nak tunggu a few more weeks kot.

The green grape variety still tak fully ripen yet.

Lepas ni kena siram air banyak2 lah ke pokok grapes ni.

And our rose bushes pun tengah sedih skrg sebab panas sangat2 and then tak cukup air jugak.

I tak sempat nak prune the dead flowers so takde sangat lah new growth.

All the flowers pun kering sangat2, tak cantik the blooms.



And tadi we harvested jugak lah some of the veges so tak tua kat pokok.


Lepas lah kan sayur for he next few days Smile.


  1. walaupun panas dan kering...grape tu cukup membuat akak geram.
    rasa macam nak petik je.

  2. Akak ni kan, ari citer pasal blueberries jelesnyer sgt2, skrg btambahlh jelesnyer citer pasal grapes plak :)

  3. Ohhh start next week Adelaide pulak dilanda kepanasan yang tersangat melampau till 41 degree. Bersiap sedialah nampak gayanya

  4. Kak Kasih,
    kalau tengok rupa, memang geram nak petik kan. Tapi bila dah rasa, still masam lagi so terus tak jadi nak petik, hehehe.

    Along Najwa,
    blueberries pun tgh bnyk sgt2 kat pokok tu, sampai tak larat nak makan (saje nak bagi you tambah jeles, hahaha).

    tu lah, tadi parents in law bagitau yg Adelaide akan dpt heatwave starting fr next week. Kiranya heatwave dr Perth dah sampai ke Adelaide lah ye :-)

  5. Watermelon mmg nk panas.. Br ada air byk.. Hehehe

  6. Oh..geram tengok grapes tu...zuchini besar tu LG selalu masak apa? Tomato tu pun nampak juicy je....panas2 ni dok dalam rumah je ceritanya....heehe

  7. Fuhhhhh......Besarnya zuchini tu sis....xpernah tau pun ada zuchini besar mcm tu.

  8. LG,
    my plants would be happy to have some sunshine... dah berbulan terlebih air sebab everyday hujan lebat..these few days baru panas sket baru nampak daun kunyit I menghijau..kalau tak, kering dan tunduk ke bumi je pokok-pokok I.

  9. Ya Allah, besar nya zuchini tu... suburnya.. tak plak dia kuning@ rosakkan... hmmm klu aida tanam sah2 tak sempat keluar buah dah mati huuuu tangan tak pandai tanam... geramnya nengok!

  10. arrghhh!! syoknya..nganga je mulut luas2 bwh pokok anggur tu..nampak cantik sgt warna dia. hehe

  11. Jeles okay nengok anggur-anggur yg bergantungan tu.

  12. Tak tahan kan dengan hot weather...kat sini pun panas wpun less than 40... terliur tgk yr fresh anggur tuh..walla..bestkan ..

  13. besar sungguh zuchini tu, kalo kat malaysia, esok dah masuk frontpage Metro, haha

  14. mintak pos sikit ke kta kak anggur tu.. meleleh leleh airliur tgk...

  15. Seronoknya tgk grapes dah masak. umi pun sentiasa pastikan stok grapes ada kat rumah. byk yg manis2 skrg.. geram tgk kat supermarket.
    Besarnya zucchini. kelakarlah dukung mcm baby tu hahaha.. betullah bila anak2 dah besar ni peelnya dah mcm lain. :)

  16. salam akak,
    saya nak minta email add akak boleh tak? saya nak tanya pasal perth. saya n family nk pergi sne june nanti.

    terima kasih

    fatiha, kuala terengganu

  17. Wah ..dept juga tgk grapes akk tu...veges tupun best.
    Akk, nak tanya rumah akk beli tu rm msia brape ye...best le..

  18. that is such a massive courgette! such a blessed garden, you must have green fingers...we all tanam veg selalu tak menjadi! happy new year to you and family, have a wonderful year ahead!

  19. alahaiiiii.bestnyeeee tgk buah anggur tu! :p
    apepun,selamat tahun baru kak LG. semoga tahun ni lebih osem. :)

  20. terkejut giler when tgk the zuchinni besar nyer !! xpernah tgk such a big zuchinni

  21. excited tengok all the veggies..nak singgh grape picking nanti boleh tak auntie?

  22. Yazreina,
    tu lah pasal, bila panas menggila kat sini, baru lah dia tumbuh dgn cemerlang nya :-)

    zucchini besar tu mmng dah tak sedap nak buat masak, so we all masuk dlm compost buat baja aje, hehehe

    kalau tak petik, mau lah kot jadi lagi besar kat pokok tu, hahaha

    We all pulak wish for rain sbb nak penuhkan balik our rain tank yg dah kering kontang tu. Tapi klu rain hari2 pun tak best jugak kan :-)

    Nur Aida,
    dia memang tak kuning sbb mungkin terselit tak kena cahaya matahari kot tp mmng dah tak sedap lah rasanya sbb dah besar sgt2 :-)

    hahaha...best jugak kan klu boleh nganga mulut bwh grape bunches tu, pastu terus kunyah, hehehe

    I pun dulu slalu jeles tengok rumah orang yg ada pokok anggur gantung2 ni. Skrg seronok sbb dah ada kat rumah sendiri :-)

    memang rasa nak bertapa dlm rumah aje klu hot weather ni. Tapi tak larat nak buat kerja rumah walaupun 24 jam bertapa, hehehe

    Muahahaha....best weh klu dpt masuk fornt page Metro ;-P

    tak manis lagi anggurnya, kena tunggu minggu depan kot baru boleh pos, hehehe ;-)

    You tak pergi Swan valley ke beli anggur kat sana? Lagi murah2 and lagi sgt2 fresh :-). I pun mmng beli anggur aje skrg sementara menantikan anggur we all masak betul2 :-)

    Salam. I dah bagi email add kat comment kat entry atas ye :-)

    rumah we all ni biasa2 aje, tak mahal. Kalau banding kan dgn rumah all my friends, memang yg paling kecik lah. Tapi klu convert ke RM, terus jadi jutawan, hehehe...

    Unfortunately, courgette becomes tasteless and very sponge-like when they grow that big so it's only for compost :-(.

    selamat tahun baru utk you jugak. I pun tak sabar menunggu buah anggur tu betul masak :-)

    that's what happens kalau we all biar tak petik the zucchinis for a week, hehehe

    hahaha...kalau nak grape picking kat rumah we all, kena lah tolong bersihkan and siram pokok2 kat kebun sekali ;-)
