Monday, 17 December 2012

It’s the last day for the school year tomorrow

Penatnya badan I rasa malam ni.

I guess dari petang tadi memang non stop kat dapur.

Miss 9 will be having an end of year class party esok so everyone kena bawak a plate of something.

The teacher says to bring something healthy because of school policy but selalunya memang ramai jugak lah yang bawak junk food and cikgu2 tutup mata aje sebab party kan, so mesti lah ada junk food Smile

But Miss 9 and I decided to bring something healthy, a big plate of sushi to the party.

She says a lot of her classmates love sushi so memang gerenti akan habis lah.

Tu yang dari petang tadi kat dapur buat sushi for our dinner and also buat extra for them.

I masak 4 cawan beras you, giler penat menggulung sushi tadi!


Lepas habis dinner tadi, sambung pulak packing the gifts for the teachers.

Nasib baik lah the girls sudi menolong so dah siap everything sekarang.

Kalau diaorang tak tolong, memang masih tersengguk2 lah I Winking smile.

Tengok lah, gigih we all berkerja, hahaha.


These are the treats that I made

hazelnut melting moments in the front and fruit mince bites at the back. Both are basically shortbread with fillings.

Shortbread ni memang biskut wajib during Xmas, lebih kurang tart nenas masa Raya lah, hahaha.


And these are chocolate coated pudding truffles.

Truffles pun sweets yang wajib ada masa Xmas.


Almond biscotti


And all the treats together..

From the left almond biscotti, caramelised mixed nuts, gingerbread men, almond fingers.

And the melting moments, fruit mince bites and the truffles at the back.


I thought nak letak dalam basket macam ni, but tengok lah esok pagi what I will come up with.


I’ll take a nicer photo esok ye once it’s all ‘nicely’ packed, hehehehe.


  1. Beruntung cikgu2 ni kan...besttt
    Kawan2 pun best juga dpt mkn sushi.
    Sedapnya almond biscotti tu.
    Masih ingat last year ada gingerbread yg pakai bikini...hihi

  2. Salam. cantik dan tentu seronok cikgu2 tu nanti dapat presents!

  3. untungnya jd cikgu time2 dkt dgn xmas ni!

  4. Salam Kak Mynn
    rajinnya buat mcm2 cookie tu, nampak sedap dan cantik2 semuanya. bertuah lah cikgu2 dpt ni tiap2 tahun :)

  5. LG,
    kalau you buat hamper raya macam tu sure laku... i tengok pun dah excited :)

  6. Mak ai! Punya lah banyak Kak Mynn oiiiiiii.. pengsan!

  7. Beruntungnya cikgu2 kat sana.. dah tak payah beli xmas cookies sebab akak dah bagi.. heheheh.
    The cookies look so appetizing la kak.. u should consider opening a bakery la, seriously!

  8. Ohhhhh saya nampak Nutella...Kat sana murahhhhhhhhh sini mahallllllllll....isk isk isk.Nak dpat murah kena laaaa tunggu dealer dari Bertram tu bawak balik Mesia..

  9. Hamboiiii gigih sungguh emaknya membikin goodies. Sesedap belaka.

  10. take the pictures for us...rasa seronok pulak bungkus gift ni

  11. Kak Kasih,
    kalau nak beli hadiah, tak tau diaorang suka ke tak. kalau buat kan cookies, diaorang boleh bagi their family makan sama :-). Kali ni diaorang buat gingerbread yg ala2 zombie pulak! isk!

    Salam. We all yg rasa seronok nak bagi ke the teachers, hehehe.

    memang sgt2 beruntung, hehehe

    salam. I suka makan the cookies so tu yg sambil buat for them, sambil tu I boleh makan sama, hahaha

    hikhikhik...kalau I buat hamper raya kat sini, sure orang2 melayu kat sini pelik aje ;-)

    I'm not. superwoman klu the house is in perfect order at the same time I buat the cookies, which my house isn't, hahahaha.

    hopefully cikgu2 dia pun akan kata sedap jugak lah :-)

    hahaha...I pun rasa mcm nak pengsan jugak

    I bagi sikit2 aje, cukup lah utk diaorang makan sorang2, hehehe. I tak boleh bukak bakery sbb nanti I pengsan ;-)

    kat sini memang murah esp klu tgh sale, hehehe

    Sebab mak nya malas nak pergi shopping beli present yg tak tau nak bagi apa so tu yg baking aje :-)

    lagi seronok klu dpt the gifts kan :-D

  12. Makin d tengok, makin d tenung, teringin lak nk mkn biscotti tu...akak ambik kt web mana or ader resepi rahsia ;)? Nk try buat lah..

  13. Kak LG, bole share resepi almond biscotti?
