Monday, 3 December 2012

busy December

As usual, every year when December comes, the days are filled with so many things to do.

The girls have their end of the year excursion lah, their end of the year concert lah, their end of the year award ceremony lah.

The Other Half pun has his end of the year christmas parties and functions.

And I pulak have my end of the year baking, hehehe.

Every year I will give food hamper as end of the year gift for the girls’ teachers so this year I want to do it again too.

So, sekarang ni kena rajin2 surf the net cari interesting recipes for me to bake and make.

But selalunya I will ed up making similar kinds of goodies, something festive and nice Smile.

Sambil2 bake goodies for the teachers, I will bake goodies for our Christmas jugak.

Bila Raya I bake goodies yang I suka and grew up with so bila Christmas I will make goodies yang The Other Half teringin and also goodies yang associated with Christmas.

Selalunya kalau I rajin, I will make fruit cake, fruit mince pies, biscotti, almond fingers, fudge, gingerbread cookies and truffles.

Kalau tak rajin, I beli aje, hehehe…..

This year for Xmas, we all masak turkey aje. I normally buy the ready seasoned and rolled turkey thighs, tinggal keluarkan dari kotak and masuk kan dalam oven.

Sangat lah senangnya!

But I will make the usual sides to go with the turkey lah. And also some desserts.

But this Xmas will be slightly more interesting because we’ve invited a few people over to celebrate makan2 with us.

Selama2 ni our Xmas celebration cuma berempat aje so bila ramai2, sure lagi meriah kan Smile.

Tonite for dinner, I made crumbed chicken breast wrap.


the chicken breast I salut dengan cornflakes crumb+coriander+cumin+paprika+chicken stock powders.

Then I deep fried them.

Makan dengan sauteed zucchini, cherry tomatoes and lettuce. All petik from the back garden.

I made my own dressing for the wrap. I used mayonnaise+dijon mustard+tomato sauce+ chilli sauce, mix them all together until rasa sedap.


For the wrap pulak, I used lebanese bread which is thicker than tortilla.

And it is nicer to spray the bread with olive oil and heat them on the stove top for a few minutes just before serving.


  1. Christmas bells are ringing tralalala..... Tengok gambar makanan malam-malam ni...aish perut terus hantar signal lapar.

  2. nyummy...terbayang keranggupan salad,timun dan tomato tu..

  3. LG .. sambut KRISMAS juga ?

  4. Bila mixed marriage, dapatlah sambut banyak perayaan ye LG...seronoknya..LG buat tak gingerbread man?
    Wrap tu nampak yummy la...kalau tengok orang buat selalu terasa nak buat tapi bila gi shopping barang, asyik lupa nak beli salads ngan roti/tortilla tu..macamana tu? huhu

  5. seronok akk kawen cmpur..dpt smbut 2 perayaan..the best part is akk pndai msk..hehe

  6. LG,

    wah...u dok celoteh , i pulak dok terbayang white christmas....

    had 3 whites christmases masa student dulu....syokkkk bangun pagi...jengok thru window all white....

  7. i wish sini ada turkey halal yg dah seasoned, jual in small parts mcm kak LG ckp tu. sini dia jual one whole bird, unseasoned. sekali je pernah mkn, tu pon one whole msian community kat sini bole mkn bcoz it was just so big (tp flavour dia still mcm masakan melayu la, sbb yg buat marinade tu org2 kita jgk). teringin nak rasa yg authentic

  8. banyak aktiviti k.min esp xmas celebration maka dengan itu.. boleh la tumpang cuci mata tengok gambar2 family kmin time xmas nanti.

    Selamat mencari resepi tuk bake for the teachers ;)

  9. Unaizah,
    jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way... :-D

    salad yg simple mcm tu memang sedap kan, as long as sayur2 tu semua fresh2 :-)

    Depends on what you mean by sambut christmas. Kalau you kata sambut means siap pasang christmas tree and all the trimmings, takde lah sampai macam tu.
    We all cuma buat makan special sikit, I bake cookies and cakes and bagi the girls presents aje.

    Gingerbread man memang buat sbb the kids suka decorate them. Decorate lagi fun dari eating them, hehehe.
    Tortilla wrap ni memang senang sgt nak buat tp kena ada the right bread baru sedap :-)

    Chekgu azrine,
    we all pun sambut satu family aje, tak pergi mana2 pun. Cuma I masak extra special aje on that day, hehehe

    untung nya you. We all jgn haraplah nak merasa white christmas ni sbb sambut christmas masa Summer, hehehe

    I tak boleh imagine nak masak the whole bird, mau lah kot setahun tak habis, hehehe. I guess kat sini sbb ramai muslims kot and they export to Asian countries and Middle east tu yg senang nak dpt yg halal :-)

    nasib baik christmas cuma sehari aje so penat celebrate and masak2one day aje lah. Unlike raya yg sebulan, hikhikhik...
