Sunday, 23 December 2012

An awesome job!

He did it!

He managed to finish ‘landscaping’ the front garden.

Hooray!!! A bl**ming awesome job if I may say so!

Ye lah kan, kalau bini tak puji beria2, sape lagi nak puji kan, hahahaha….

Let me recap using photos the evolution of our front garden ye, hehehe Smile….

This was taken in October this year.


The roses were still small and there wasn’t a fence yet.

And this photo pulak was taken about 2 weeks ago.


When the fence was erected but the lawn was still bare…

And today, The Other Half spent an hour in the morning and then from 1 in the afternoon to 5.30 to complete his project.

Tengok lah you, punyalah gigih dia bekerja doing the landscaping with only a spade, a garden fork and his bare hands aje.


Tu yang buat I sayang sangat2 kat hubby I ni, takde the right tools pun still boleh buat kerja, hahahahaha…..

And after 5 back-breaking hours (plus a few more hours a week ago), he finally finished it!



He did the brick planter boxes enclosing the pots of citrus plants.

And he also laid down the grey pavers under and along the front fence.




I think The Other Half did an awesome job!

We bought the white stones  to fill up the planters instead of river pebbles.

But Bunnings tadi cuma ada 4 packets aje so kenalah tunggu until lepas Xmas before we can buy some more to fill the planters right up to the top.

I know the black pots tak cantik sangat but we all tak nak repot the citrus plants sebab takut nanti mati pulak….

Maybe I can ask Miss 9 to paint the pots to brighten them up Smile.


  1. Mabrook ya habibty..
    Congrats to your hubby too..
    Va va va.. confirm rumah LG lg outshine compared to the others.

    Keep up the good efforts. Sham tumpang tgk saja la..

  2. Salam Kak,
    wah berseri2 sekali laman rumah akak.. :)
    Harap tak terlambat juga nak ucap Happy Anniversary!!

  3. some personal touch here n there
    make your lawn look sooo 'lively'!!
    yeay!!! go green!

  4. jeles utk kali ke 1 juta... Thumbs up!!

  5. Waa, cantik..

    Nak tengok view daripada jauh macam gambar kedua tu tapi 'after' punya.

  6. Awesome..
    Kena le puji kan...bagi semangat sikit.

  7. fuyoo..sesekali hubby akk tnjuk skill..terror tu..seyes..mmg tgn sejuk la hubby akk..good job n well done to him..hehe

  8. Cantikkk! Memang gigih dia buat keja & hasilnya memang best! Bab repot tu memang takut. Satgi dia mim alif ta ya (jangan sebut kuat2 nanti pokok tu dengaq, heheh), sedih wohhh.

  9. Sayang dia ketat-ketat! Syabas!

  10. kalau berbuah dengan jayanya citrus2 tu, mau jeles jiran2 kiri kanan depan blkg..


  11. Wah LG senyum lebar la U. Apepun good job to your TOH.Ape upahnyer...mesti the best cooking from U

  12. Wahhh cantiknya. Idea yg sangat bernas. Nak tanya sikit, TOH pecahkan bahagian bawah tong tu ke? ataupun dia tanam mcm tu je?

  13. nice sis!

  14. Asslmkum Kak.
    Untung la cik hb rajinnn.
    Memang cantik hasilnya kak. Lepas ni boleh la tanam bunga lagi..Menambahkan lagi seri ditaman tu.. :)

  15. nice la LG..baru nak cadangkan supaya pots tu dicat..LG dah cakap hehehe...dan betul la...batu tu kalau penuh baru nampak smart! Good job la...hehehe

  16. memang terbaekkkkk... lawa sangat.. tak sia2 bekerja keras.. hasilnya mmg terbaik skali..

  17. fuyoo.. tgh2 panas terik tu. smgt betul dia. please tell him what a great job he did!

  18. Sham,
    thank you. Hubby I pun rasa sgt2 puas hati sbb dpt buat sendiri the minor landscaping project itu, hehehe

    Salam. Hikhikhik...berseri sikit2 aje ;-)

    That's the good thing about owning yr own house kan. We can give our own personal touches. kdg2 jadi cantik, kdg2 tak cantik, hehehe

    Miss Layaleya,
    tak payah jeles2, nanti boleh buat jugak once dah ada rumah :-D

    nanti I ambik ye :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    kalau I tak puji, nanti dia tak nak buat lagi, hahaha

    Chekgu Azrine,
    hubby I memang mcm tu. Dia suka bergarden so sesekali dia tunjuk taring, terus buat mcm2, hahaha

    memang tak berani sebut that word in front of the plants, takut terus merajuk, nangis I, hahaha.

    Kak Azie,
    Kahkahkah...mestilah sayang kan :-P

    Miss senget,
    mau lah kot ada yg jalan2 sambil petik sebiji dua nanti kan, hehehe

    nasib baik dia cuma mintak I masak kari and nasi aje sebagai upah, hahaha

    we all tak pecahkan tp kat bawah pot tu ada lubang besar2 so akar dia boleh keluar masuk ke tanah.


    waalaikumsalam. Hubby I tu kalau dah dtg rajin dia, memang tang2 tu jugak dia nak completekan. tapi dia tak nak tanam bunga dah, tak larat nak jaga, hehehe

    memang kaler dia lari sikit lah so memang kena cat lah, hehehe

    thank you :-). memang gigih dia bekerja semalam sampai habis :-)

    tu yg pakai hat, long sleeves and long pants and sunblock, hehehe

  19. Oh My God! Oh My God!

    Jealous! Jealous! Jealous! Okay?!! How I wish my boyfriend macam your husband!

    Minta tolong pasang bidai kat backyard pun tak nak! Apatah lagi nak buat semua-semua tu! Stressss ok!
