Thursday, 15 November 2012

She could say that she skyped with the queen

So, what did you do today?

I seperti biasa lah kerja jadi makcik supir tapi cuma hantar Miss 9 aje early this morning for her choir practice.

Miss 13 was still in bed asleep.

So was The Other Half.

Sebabnya diaorang came home from Miss 13’s school at 12 midnite last nite tu yang I let them sleep in and The Other Half opted to work from home, hehehe.

You nak tau apasal diaorang kena pergi sekolah tengah2 malam buta malam tadi?

Sebab Miss 13 and a bunch of her school mates got invited to do a skype session with The Queen!

Memang benar, it was Queen Elizabeth the second who they were skyping with!

Miss 13’s school was one of only 3 schools from the Commonwealth countries to be selected to do a skype session with the queen. The other 2 schools were from Pakistan and South Africa.

And she got invited to attend and dia pun terhegeh2 setuju nak attend!

The Other Half and I pun main ‘o-som’ untuk pastikan sape yang jadi drebar untuk hantar Miss 13 malam tadi.

Hikhikhikhik….tak lah sampai mcm tu sekali, The Other Half dengan rela hati muka kelat volunteer nak hantar, hahahahaha…..

She said they basically just sat down in the hall looking pretty and presentable with school uniforms and blazers looking at The Queen on the big screen for an hour and a half (some students got to ask questions lah)!

I cakap kat dia, “kalau macam tu, you can do that at home, you dont have to go to school. I boleh letak gambar The Queen on the tv screen and you can sit in front of it for an hour and a half.

hahahahaha Open-mouthed smile.

I tanyalah dia lagi, “were there any news people at the event?

She said she couldn’t see anyone from any of the news channel last night but she knew that the event was broadcast on the UK TV.

Kalau sape2 yang duduk UK and nampak Miss 13 on TV last nite, lambai2 lah dia ye and janganlah terkejut ye.

Wahkahkahkahkahkah…..perasan glemer dia sekejap Smile with tongue out.

So because of that, the students were allowed to miss the first 2 lessons in the morning today tu yang she had a sleep in.

at 10.30 tadi, The Other Half pulak ambik turn hantar Miss 13 to school.

And since The Other half was at home the whole day, I said to him yang I don’t want him to make mess sebab I dah penat kemas and vacuum the whole house pagi tadi, hikhikhik….

Sebab dia tak buat mess, I pun buatkan lah dia his favourite thai green chicken curry for dinner tonite, hehehe.

Tapi untuk I, I buat bilis goreng with bawang and chilli.


Esok I nak pergi makan2 dengan friends for lunch so tu yang makan sempoi aje malam ni.


Walaupun ada bilis goreng dgn bawang and chili and kicap, I cuma makan nasi sejemput tu aje you, sanggup, sebab nak mengketedarah besok kan!

And I also masak oven baked sticky chicken wings and sayur bayam goreng.

Kan I berangan2 nak jadi Popeye…..


  1. Boleh bayangkan muka kelat mr bruce willis...hihi
    Wahhh femes le miss 13 di UK :)
    Bestnya dpt skype dgn queen lagi kan.
    Wahhh ada bayam la...kalau ada bayam sure ada popeye kan...hihi

    selamat mkn2 besok ye

  2. kewl experience for miss 13.. tapi idea you tu paling takle belah..hahaha.. so your other half has to wait in the car ke malam tadi.. hihihi sian dia..nasib baik kat sana takde nyamuk mcm kat sini kan...

  3. Kak Kasih,
    hikhikhik...muka dia kelat sbb his bedtime is usually before 10! so bila kena berjaga sampai midnite, memang kelat habis lah, hahaha.

    Tu yg alya beria nak attend :-). The parents are allowed to stay at the hall sambil borak2 minum kopi and makan biskut tapi hubby I lagi suka duduk dlm kereta sambil baca ebook. Dia kata most parents yg hantar were the Mums, tu yg dia malas nak borak2, hahaha

  4. ouwh one in a million experience miss 13. hai kak, 2nd time kot drop comment here. orang Uk tak sempat tengok news le. hehehe

  5. Bertuahnya miss 13...kalau ikut diet kevin zahri, nasi mkn segenggam je...tapi I ni kalau dpt bilis goreng mcm akak tu mmg x reti nk mkn segenggam nasi dah

  6. salam, LG, boleh dikatakan everyday chek singgah sini, selalu dannn baca aja...busy sgt...2day chek luangkan masa jugak sbb chek punya la gelakk..kha..kha..satu perkataan yg dah lama chek tak dengaq "mengketedarah"..aduihhh..hang ni memang lawakk la LG. Salam perkenalan...baru ingat nak tuliss sbb dok gelak tak habihhh lagi..kha..kha..

  7. femes anak ara awak ye..

    bestnya bilis bawang tu Min.. tambah kicap.. makan dgn nasi putih panas2..makk aiii..

  8. waaahh... yg xcited miss 13 ke TOH hehehe...

    akak pun biasa lauk bilis+bwg goreng+kicap tu ek... sedap walaupun simple kn

  9. Salam Kak,
    wah hebat tu dpt skype dgn Queen.. agaknya apalah diorang tanya kat queen tu kan? :)

  10. assalamualaikum kak min..
    singgah sini jap di pagi hari jumaat.. ternampak plak ikan bilis goreng letak bawang and cili tu.. terus teringat nak masak lunch nanti..

  11. psstt.. kak min.. i scroll down nampak lunch box miss 13.. yg depan sebelah karipap tu apa? nakkkkkk!!!!

  12. Bilis goreng ngan bawang cili tu memang sedap la..kalau tak tau nak masak sapa, saya pun buat macam tu..tapi tak bolehla dengan nasi sejemput..nasi kena sepinggan penuh hehehe

  13. Salam LG:) Ni tengok blog kat rumah baru nampak gambo;) he he kat office pc hopeless:)Best ler dapat skype dgn Queen ya;) banyak lah gambar2 miss,tengok ni rasa macam jalan2 kat perth pulak;) Hug2 to the two kakaks from Tia Mia;)

  14. alamak terlepas 6 o clock news la plak. nnt kalo ada on the 10 o clock saya bgtau hehe (masa ni br pkl 9 mlm). sayang x pilih sekolah msia kan? commonwealth jgk kita

  15. Assalamualaikum LG,

    ikan bilis goreng ... thanks for the idea ... :)

    and thanks also for the nutrition information ... vit C and Iron absorption go together ... yang hafal vit D and calcium absorption saja ... look forward to sambungan ... :)

    Ma'al Hijrah Mubarak

    p/s: boleh saya tanya Miss 13, apa perasaannya sebelum dan selepas sesi skyping tersebut ... :)

  16. mami little hero,
    tu yg dia beria nak pergi, just for the experience, not because she likes the queen so much. Kat sini lagi lah, tak keluar news langsung!

    masa we all rajin berdiet dulu, memang makan nasi setengah cwn aje, lauk yg a bit more. Skrg ni, makan setengah cawan jugak, tapi 3 kali tambah, hahaha.

    Salam. Bagus jugak gelak2 ni kan, membuatkan hati kita ceria aje :-D. I rasa sbb I ni orang 'dulu2' tu yg still lagi guna word 'mengketedarah' tu. Budak2 skrg surenya dah guna word lain kan, hehehe

    Kak Yan,
    femes sekejap aje, hahaha.
    bilis goreng dgn kicap and nasi panas, memang boleh habis seperiuk nasi klu tak jaga, hehehe

    Miss 13 yg excited sgt2. We all seboleh2nya tak nak dia pergi sbb malas nak menghantar, hehehe

    Salam. kalau kita yg dpt menanya, best lah kan berskype. Si Alya cuma menengok orang menanya aje, hehehe

    Waalaikumsalam. Dah siap masak bilis goreng dgn bawang? :-). Yang kat sebelah karipap tu pretzels, hehehe.

    I kena tahan diri makan nasi sejemput aje sbb nak makan puas2 esok harinya, hahaha. Kalau takde jemputan, memang satu pinggan nasi I makan :-)

    Salam. thanks for the hugs :-). Next time datang Perth, boleh Tia Mia stay kat farm lagi and boleh dtg rumah Auntie petik anggur, hehehe

    I rasa bukan big news kot kat UK :-). Maybe they did apply but tak terpilih kot schools in Msia?

    Real Life in Malaysia,
    ikan bilis goreng, always my standby dish for me bila I tak rasa nak makan sgt :-).
    vit C does help a bit in iron absorption so anything that can help, I telan aje.
    Miss 13 kata she felt awed tengok the Queeb on the big screen borak2 dgn all the schools, hehehe
