Sunday, 18 November 2012

Not enough and too much….

Another weekend over in the blink of an eye.

At least we could say that we achieved a lot in the garden this weekend, hehehe…

I have to spend more time outdoors early in the morning to soak up some sun so gardening in the morning will do the trick.

Hari tu when I went to my GP, she also told me that my Vit D level is very low.

I was expecting that to happen anyway..

Especially since I’m a dark skin person, hijabi and also living in a country with four seasons and baru aje habis the Winter season.

So, memang my vitamin D level sudah gerenti nya akan low lah.

Fortunately, my calcium is within normal range so phew….tak lah risau sangat tiba2 senang aje my bones ni nak patah kan.

But there’s a fine balance between wanting to get vitamin D from the sun and not wanting to get melanoma at the same time!

As someone who’s dark skin, I have to be in the sun much longer than someone with fair skin to get the same amount of vitamin D.

So, kalau cuma nak bergardening setakan setengah jam every morning, no can do, still not enough.

Dah lah bila bergardening, I pakai topi pekebun sayur yg besar tu to cover my head and face from the sun so memang tak kena sun lah kan.

You know what I have to do?

I kena add sunbathing half naked pakai bikini sahaje in the back garden every day on top of that!

Muahahahaha……Smile with tongue out.

Tak kuasa I nak membuatnya! Mau terbuntang mata The Other Half tengok perangai bininya!

Nasib baik lah fence around the house ni semua nya tinggi lebih dari 6 kaki and made out of fiber cement so memang tak kan boleh the neighbours sekodeng, or else diaorang pun boleh terbuntang biji mata.

Wahkahkahkahkah…. Surprised smile.

Since I’m not going to do that, terpaksalah I ambik Vit D supplement hari2…..

Luckily the tablets are so small so tak kisah lah nak telan hari2, hehehe….

Raya Haji hari tu, we received daging qurban, a whole leg of lamb.

Alhamdulillah for the rezeki.

Last nite, I finally cooked it.

We made garlic, rosemary and lemon roast lamb with all the usual veges as sides.


We cooked it in the oven at 160C (fan-forced) for about 3 and half hours.



I also made gravy from the roasting jus in the pan.

but lupa nak tuang on my plate before ambik gambar.


It was a mighty big leg for only the 4 of us.

So, guess what we had for dinner tadi?

Lamb meat with oven baked chips.

And guess what the girls and The Other Half will have for lunch esok?

Roast lamb sandwiches.

And if I were to make lamb-based dinner in the next few weeks, you all tau lah dari mana datang nye the lamb kan, hehehehe….

Syukur, rezeki you……. Smile


  1. tengok hidangan terus i rasa lapar...uhhhhh

  2. wa kah kahhh.. sunbathing half naked lagi tu.. bikini you.. eemmmm...

    moga Min on nanti..

  3. salam LG,
    i thot it was the other way round, darker skin ppl need less vitamin D than fairer skin ppl..

    you kena pakai micro short and spaghetti string masa gardening.. kira 2 in 1 lah.. gardening and sun bathing.. hehehe

  4. tu yg bestnya bila fence around the house tinggi...boleh sesuka hati kita nk buat apa, nebor x boleh nampak!

  5. Salam LG,
    lama dah tak comment even tak pernah miss even one entry hehhee..hari ni tak tahan nampak lamb leg tu, so damn tempting...kalau kami berjiran dengan u,tak dapat la ur kids nak buh dalam lunch box esok hehehe..

  6. Salam LG, kalau ada sekali dengan gravy dalam photo tu lagi la mengancam.

  7. Salam Kak,
    nampak menariklah lamb tu.. mcm masakan masterchef lah hehehe :)

  8. sunbathing half naked pakai bikini? wowwwww......heheheheeee...

  9. Salam Sis...

    Sedapnyer yr dinner.

  10. haaaa... i yg akan skodeng u nanti..!!! tungguuuuu...!!

    wohhoooo... meal yg sangat kasi mata i terbeliak..!!

  11. Jangan pakai bikiniiiiii...Nanti ramai yg sekodeng Walaupun pagar tinggi...termasuk le cricket yg buat bising hari tu...sure duk skodeng celah2 daun...hahhahahha.

    Sedapnya...daging korban yg masih fresh tu.

  12. Kmin, kejap jer pk tuk twist the lamb meal ehh..
    sangatlah tak membazir... suka3x
    tomato k.min sgt cantik... sungguh meriah colornya...

  13. Lamb???
    My oh oh oh favourite...yum yum
    apa kata lebihnya lagi sis buat masak kurma/kari hehehe...

  14. Haha gardening with half naked bikini...pokok tunduk malu

  15. fewit bestya idea sunbathing tu. kalau i sunbathe mesti burung yg nampak i semua pengsan

  16. akak, tak nak try masuk my kitchen rules ke? berbakat besar dalam bidang memasak ni.mana tau rezeki akak menang ke =)

  17. PPP jasin,
    roast lamb memang slalu menggiurkan :-)

    Kak Yan,
    I pun tak kuasa menengok myself in bikini, hahahaha

    from what I know, darker skin people absorbs vit d less than fairer skin people sbb we hv higher concentration of melatonin which blocks the absorbtion.
    Nak pakai micro shorts and spaghetti straps tu boleh aje, slalu jugak I buat but I tak tahan the sun, hehehe

    memang seronok ada fence tinggi2 ni, nak menari naked tgh malam kat luar pun takde neighbours yg boleh nampak, hahaha

    Salam. I rasa sure you akan senak2 perut makan the roast lamb sbb baaaaanyaaak, hehehe

    Salam. tu lah kan, boleh pulak I terlupa nak letak the gravy utk the photo shoot, hehehe

    Salam. rezeki qurban, tu yg masak roast style. Master chef pun guna lamb ke? :-)

    hahaha...berangan aje lebih. Bikini pun I takde, hahaha

    Salam. gambar Roast lamb ni memang slalu menggoda jiwa kan :-)

    Hahaha...memang mata yu akan terbeliak lah kalau you sanggup sekodeng :-D

    kak Kasih,
    I takut benda2 yg tak nampak dimata kasar yg tumpang sekodeng, takutttt, hhehehehe

    memang kena fikir mcm mat saleh zaman dulu2 lah when they used to have roast lamb for their sunday dinner :-). They turn it into sandwiches, shepherds pie, cornish pasties, bubble and squeaks, hehehe

    Mixed family in the house,
    Roast lamb memang yummy kalau once in a while makan :-)

    Alamak, I dah potong kecik2. Kalau masak kari nanti hancur pulaknya, hehehe.

    bukan pokok aje tunduk malu, I pun termalu2, hahaha

    Kalau I sunbathing pun, memang akan kena gelak dgn all the birds and insects kat kebun tu, hahaha

    I tak boleh masak under pressure. kalau masuk my kitchen rules, awal2 dah pengsan terus sbb semua tak menjadi.
