Thursday, 29 November 2012

It’s working again!

Baru aje 2 hari tak update entry but baaaanyaaaakkkk benda nak cerita!

(kalah retis with busy social life aje kan, hahahaha.)

First of, The Other Half got back safely from Darwin yesterday evening.

Alhamdulillah his plane didn’t get diverted due to the awful weather condition semalam.

But his plane was the last one allowed to make a landing at the airport, so many flights were cancelled and diverted semalam dua to the weather.

And he said it was the worst landing he’s ever experienced. Yang buat dia lagi kecut but thankful at the same time when the captain announced that that was the worst landing he’s ever made in his 25 years career.

Memang teruk punya ribut semalam lah. One of our neighbours lost half of their fence and kesian diaorang terpaksa fixed it while it was pouring torrentially.

And so many areas without power and so many fallen trees and blown off roofs.

And when it rained, the rain was lashing ‘down’ horizontally instead of straight down.

Baru sekarang nampak the sun coming out gingerly….

Dah nak masuk Summer but the max temperature was only 20C hari ni.

And when The Other Half got back semalam, he straight away dealt with the bengong wi-fi.

He found out that the modem had ‘mysteriously’ reset itself including the password and everything.

No wonder lah they couldn’t talk to each other.

Patutlah when I did everything that we normally do when our wi-fi dropped out to fix it, nothing worked.

Our connection selalu jugak plays up but bila unplug and re-plug and switch off and on the modem button, it works again.

But Sunday night tu, memang tak jalan.

Walaupun we finally got our internet back malam tadi, I was just too tired to do an update malam tadi, hehehe.

Next story, Miss 9’s school will be shut down esok because they had a major damage to their mains water pipe from the storm.

And they need to shut off the water supply for the whole day esok to fix the damage.

Bila the principal called the Dept of Education, they adviced her to close the school down for the day sebab takde air for the whole day so it will be unhygenic.

Ye lah kan, macam mana nak flush toilets, nak basuh tangan lepas tu, nak minum air from the water cooler.

So, she’ll be at home with me esok.

But Miss 13 still kena pergi sekolah so I still kena hantar pagi2, hehehe.

Another story pulak, I tak jadi buat laksa sebab malas nak pergi beli the laksa noodles.

So, I ended up making mee bandung+rebus fusion, hahahaha.

I jumpa paste mee bandung Adabi dalam pantry but rasa dia kurang oomph sikit so I pun tambah mashed keledek, serai, halia, garam, gula.

Tu yang jadi mee bandung+rebus fusion.


I used daging tetel for the perencah.

And mee bandung patutnya kena pecahkah telur dalamm kuah dia kan, but I just makan dengan telur rebus aje.


Limau kasturi tu is the first limau dari pokok we all.

I suruh the girls smell the limau kasturi and straight away diaorang cakap, “ais limau!

Their favourite drink masa kat Malaysia, hehehehe.


Apart from the limau kasturi, the chili and the bok choy also came from our kebun.

My chiller bin in the fridge sekarang dah tak packed macam dulu. Cuma ada a few veges wajib yang we all tak tanam like carrots, kobis and red onions aje.

Yang lain semua tinggal petik dari kebun Open-mouthed smile or beli as needed.

Cerita sensasi lain, I cerita lain kali lah ye!



  1. Assalamualaikum LG,
    Love the "presentation".
    Indeed perut yg x lapar blh jadi lapar just by a glimpse of it.
    Kalau dekat ni, confirm dgn muka x malu Sham dah hantar mangkuk tingkat.

  2. Salam LG,
    glad to hear your wifi is back to normal..
    kat sini pun start hujan balik..hujan lebat pulak tu dengan kilat and petir.. and yesterday our masjid's speaker kena panah petir..risau bila hujan lebat ni sbb petir..kena make sure all plugs kena unplug from the switch kalau nasib tak baik.. electrical appliances boleh terbakar gak ..

  3. cantik sis hias mee rebus tu..ayoyo..terliur sdh!!

  4. mee rebus kalau xde limau kasturi mcm xde kick je kan. rasa mcm kekurangan sesuatu / rasa x lengkap! garden akak ok tak?

  5. teringin nak ada garden mcm pemalas bukan main..last2,tgk garden akak ajelah...hikhikhik

  6. Teruk ye cuaca Kat sana skrg...Kat sini pun hari2 hujan.

    Mee bandung satuuuu
    Ais limau sattuuuuu....:)

  7. rindu ahh..asyik klik kat blog LG tapi takde entry hehe..skang ok dah..
    wah...takutlah kalau ribut..kat sini pun kalau angin ribut rasa seram je..maklumlah rumah dekat ngan laut...kalau takde pokok bakau depan rumah tu mesti lagi kuat anginnya huhu...

  8. Sham,
    Sekali sekala makan mee rebus, kena letak dlm mangkuk stainless steel tu, baru lah menggamit kenangan duduk kat msia and memikat selera kan :-).

    One thing I like about the storms here, tak banyak thunders and lightnings mcm kat Msia tu. I pun seriau sungguh kalau hujan lebat dgn petir and guruh berdentum2 kalau kat Msia tu. Rasa tak selamat sgt2 kan.

    Chekgu Azrine,
    macam kat food court aje kan, hehee

    alhamdulillah, garden we all semua selamat. Takde satu pun pokok yg tumbang :-).
    Tu yg I tak sabar nak tunggu pokok limau kasturi ni besar so boleh guna kat mee goreng, mee rebus, sambal belacan, air limau ais :-)

    hehehe...ada garden ni memang nak kena extra rajin sikit :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    kdg2 bila tukar season, memang slalu jugak ada storms ni. Tapi for the next few days, dah terang benderang and dah panas balik :-).
    Budak2 kat rumah ni tak sabar nak suruh I buat ais limau, hahaha

    rumah tepi laut lagi lah seram bila hujan ribut angin kencang dgn guruh and petir kan. Rasa mcm lagi senang aje petir tu nak singgah aje.

  9. Lama betul fiza tak makan mee rebus, even dpt tgk mee rebus fusion.. still rasa terliur! sedapnye mee rebus!

  10. Nurul,
    I pun dah lama sgt tak makan mee rebus ori. memang sedap sgt2 mee rebus ni kan :-)
