Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Introducing the plants in our backyard

Yesterday’s entry was dedicated to the flowers.

Tonite pulak is dedicated to our back garden.

Ramai yang tanya besar sangat ke our back garden ni sebab dapat tanam macam2.

Tak lah besar mana, but besar lagi lah banding dengan our rented house dulu.

But our old house kat Adelaide had a bigger backyard cuma a bit hilly aje.

A lot of our neighbours kat sekitar ni have bigger houses but smaller backyards.

Our house pulak kecik dari diaorang but our backyard is mighty massive compared to theirs, heeeee

Tu yang boleh ada kebun and lawn area kat belakang rumah ni instead of just paved area.

The girls like the grassy area because they can play a lot of games on it and we like the rest of the backyard because we can have our vege patch, garden beds, places to put our pots and greenhouse Smile.

So, I have asked Miss 9 to introduce the plants in our back garden to you guys.

I took the video using iPhone so the quality is not that great but it’s better than nothing Winking smile.

Itu pun berapa kali takes I kena buat! Asyik lupa nama the plants aje, hahahaha.


  1. Adeiihhhh..
    Sweet nyer suara..

  2. cantiknya kebun.. hijau bebeno..

    Miss 9 boleh jadi tv presenter lah nanti. hee

  3. Suara miss 9 sweet, suara mak sexy. Auww :p

  4. Sham,
    I suruh Miss 9 ckp kuat sikit, tapi makin lama makin pelan, tak larat betul. Padahal, masa choir, boleh pulak nyanyi dgn suara kuat, hehehe

    kak yan,
    tu yg hari2 kena siram, utk bagi hijau tu berkekalan :-).


  5. i suka rumah kecik backyard besor..

    i tak tengok dah pokok2 u tu.. i tengok menantu i tu je.. gerraaamm nak pelok2 dia.. hehehe..

  6. Wau suara kak LG, gojes sgtttt. Sukeerrr

  7. aaaaaaa.... suka nya suka nya. miss 9 suwit! mak eh wes orak eneng muni jowo. hikhik.

  8. nice job miss 9, (yes, and mum! hehe) she is simply adorable!

  9. As salam...

    asik singgah tapi tak komen..
    mlm ni nak komen.. sukeee sangat dengan kebun sayur akak.. plus rambut Miss 9... :)

  10. ala apasal laptop akak x de suara ni...jap nanti pinjam hubby punya nak dgr suara miss 9.
    Bila tgok video terasa berada disana pulak ...selama ni tgok gambar dah dpt bayangkan dgn jelas. suburnya sayur2 tu...geram tgok.

  11. Sweet sangat suara anak dan mak kalau boleh kak Zai nak dengar lebih lama lagi hehehe...

    Semua pokok hidup subur aje.

  12. Suka dgr suara u all...selalu bc cerita je..i pun suka backyard/garden yg luas...
    Garden u kat dpn tu cantik sgt..sukaaa :-)

  13. salam kak..
    besar jgak nampaknya garden akak the middle pun still lots of space.... respek lah kat akak nie some many varieties of plant yg u tanam... btw suara miss 9 n maknya mmg i know u have good voice..sbb ada video nyanyi lagu raya kan..heheh

  14. that is so impressive, Miss 9! i could've not known one green to the other.. a major failure. -_-'

    and i can hear mummy LG whispering TQ at the end haha

  15. Suara kak LG sangat merdu..hhiihiii ^^,

  16. wah wah wahh... miss 9 dah boleh jadi tv presenter kot. Kak LG boleh jd suara latar tv documentary. kikiki...

    best tengok kebun. Macam2 sayur ada. :)

  17. besar gak ruang tu...daku kecik ja...kena limit tanaman plus tuan x berapa rajin..haha comel presenter tu

  18. dh bukak speker bunyi paling maksimum pun tak dgr apa lah miss9 bgtau heheeh lemah lembut sgt, geram nengok garden akak, mcm2 ada

  19. sukanya tgk ur graden!!! suka sgt2!!! thanks for showing in the video form. Sy dah lama dok skodeng blog ni for food n garden inspiration. Skrg makin bertambah inspired! Nanti nak dok umah baru, nak buat kebun like yours.

  20. she so clever lah... proud to you sbb pandai you teach ur miss 9.. semua nama pokok she knows.. kiss sama dia on my behalf.. :D

  21. Assalamu'alaikum ...

    So sweet plants introducer ni ... and v happy that she is into nature just like mom ...


  22. Mulan,
    rumah besor boleh ajak ramai2 orang dtg rumah but jenuh nak mengemas. Kebun besor boleh tanam mcm2 kan tp jenuh gak nak membelai, hehehe.
    menantu you tu mmng makin chubby!

    Miss layaleya,
    kebun yg tgh giat membesar tu yg nmpk best aje bila ditengok :-)

    wahkahkahkah....gelak hubby I bila I told him :-)

    Mak nya memang dari kecik dulu wes orak muni wong jowo. Bila I ckp jawa, kena gelak dgn orang2 tua, hehehe. miss 9 lagi lah takde langsung jawa nya kan ;-)

    This video was I think the 5th take, which both of us can agree upon :-)

    Wassalam. Rambut Miss 9 tu selepas satu hari pergi sekolah, messy and tangly sgt2 :-)

    Kak kasih,
    dah dengar ke belum ;-) Bila buat video baru lah dpt rasa mcm mana keadaan my kebun kan banding dgn photos aje :-)

    Kak Zai,
    we all pulak kdg2 dah tak larat dgr suara dia tak berenti bercakap mcm murai, hehehe...

    hahahaha...mana ada :-)

    Nanti I buat another video introducing the front rose garden pulak ye :-).

    Salam. Tak sebesar garden you kat Fiji tu. You all lagi banyak tanam segala jenis tanaman and pokok buah :-). Kadang2 I wish nak garden besar lagi tp tak sanggup pulak nak menjaganya.
    Video lagu raya setahun sekali aje buat kalau rajin, hahaha

    I have to brief her beforehand with the names of a lot of the plants, tu yg dia tau, hehehe.

    wahkahkahkah... lagi 'merdu' kalau I tgh membebel ;-)

    hikhikhik...dia mmng boleh jadi tv presenter sbb tak berenti bercakap.

    ruang besar mmng best bila nak menanam tp tak best bila nak menjaga hari2 tu, banyak kerja!hehehe

    suara dia mmng sgt2 soft kat dlm video tu. Itu pun I dah suruh dia ckp kuat2. Kena makai headphone baru boelh dengar kot, hehehe

    tengok gambar garden aje mmng susah nak bayangkan kan tu yg I buat video so orang boleh tau mcm mana rupa our backyard :-).

    dia memang suka tanya about the plants tapi still kena briefing bnyk kai sebelum ambik video, itu pun still lupa jugak, hehehe.

    Real Life in Msia,
    Miss 9 ni memang into gardening so it's not too difficult to ask her to do the video. Kalau kakak dia, memang takkan dia buat.

  23. salam,..amboi kebun sayuq depa...serba maknenek ada..syoknya..!!! LG suara u..indah dan merdu kalau berkhasidah dan baca quran..perhhh mengudang berjuta pendengar..caya la

  24. nnt satu hari kalu pegi perth lagi...mesti terjah rumah akak hahahahah.Rasa mcm nk pengsan tgk sayur2 tu....:p

  25. Salam kak. Selama ni akak jd inspirasi saya utk memasak. skrg dh jd inspirasi nak berkebun pulak. as the new house nanti xde backyard sbb rumah apartment, but i am so going to have few pot plants in my kitchen.. dpt tanam few herbs pon ok kan. love ur blog.. love ur cooking.. love ur garden.. love love love!! (^^,)

  26. suara akak sedap...heheh..mcm dalam rancangan tv pendidikan omputeh. :)

  27. kak LG, macam ni kalu...boleh la saya sekeluarga datang menginap rumah akak bila holiday ke sana ek??? bole ke?..hehehe

  28. waaaa..lepas ni nak dengar Miss 9 speaking malay plak.
    Jowo pun boleh kak.

  29. LG .. bestnya ada kebun sayur macam ni .. I wish I have one tapi kami duduk flat , so tak merasa la nak tanam sayur . Nak sidai kain baju pun tak muat .

  30. a'ah..suara akak sedap..


  31. Mona,
    salam. banyak jugak sayur yg takde kat kebun tu, hehehe. Ustazah saya cakap, I tak pandai lagi berlagu masa baca quran, hehehe.

    wahkahkah...I pulak yg pengsan kalau you terjah rumah I ;-)

    Salam. Alhamdulillah, you teruja nak memasak and bergardening sebab I. Kalau your balconi besar, boleh letak pots bertingkat2 or pots yg gantung dekat railing tu, lagi banyak you boleh tanam :-).

    Afid, pendidikan ajar subjek pertanian :-)

    hahaha..nak dtg menginap sbb teruja tengok kebun ye? :-D

    che_puang hafiza,
    kalau dia speaking malay, boleh gelak guling2 sambil keluar air mata sesape yg dengar ;-D

    memang bonus duduk rumah ada tanah ni sbb dpt bercucuk tanam kan :-)

    hahaha...lemak merdu gitu ;-)
