Wednesday, 7 November 2012

A lunchbox entry

It’s been a while since I last put up photos of the girls’ lunch boxes.

Hari2 pun prepare lunch boxes for them but hari2 tada kuasa mau ambik gambar pagi2, hahaha…

But pagi tadi, Miss 9’s lunch box looked so colourful, tu yang I gagahkan diri took the photos at 6.50 in the morning!

Open-mouthed smile.

As long as I’ve had my morning latte, I’m able to do anything, hahahaha.

I dont think I can ever call the kids lunch boxes bento because it’s just not the language I normally use.

Dari diaorang start sekolah awal2 dulu I dah used the term lunch boxes so that term will stick.

Unless we all pindah pergi Jepun and duduk kat sana or pindah sekolah Jepun, hehehe….

But I did bekalkan diaorang japanese food this morning, chicken maki sushi and crab stick maki sushi.


No, I tak serajin itu untuk membuat the maki sushi pagi2 morning…

It was leftover from our dinner last night.


And the fruit salad container filled with sliced banana, diced fuji apple, diced strawberry, diced kiwi and diced mango.

(Miss 13 punya fruit salad takde strawberries lah).

The first mango we bought for this season!

It is so nice, so juicy and sweet and tasting of Summer Smile.


The chicken and crab stick maki sushi. I Just letak cucumbers and carrots aje. Plus the cherry tomatoes from the garden.

And another photo of cousin It with more flowers after a few days of rain.




The flowers kecik2 aje and tak lah cantik sangat but when they open wide in their hundreds on Cousin It, nampak sangatlah cantik di mata I Smile.


  1. salam kak min,

    nk save gambar cousin It boleh x?..nak buat profile pix FB?....hehee

  2. lama dah tak tgk lunchbox kak LG... aduhh sy kering idea dah nk buat bento apa esok2 nih. harap2 lepas ni lebih byk entry lunchbox kak LG ;) tq 4 sharing

  3. Faradia,
    Salam. Boleh aje, tak kisah :-). Tapi kalau orang tanya apa nama sebenar pokok Cousin It ni, I kurang pasti lah hehe

    You sure lagi terer buat bento sbb memang kena buat bento yg kiut miut hari2. I tak ambik gambak the lunch boxes sbb slalunya memang tak cantik :-)

  4. Cantik di Mata Akak...cantik Sgt.

  5. haha...skali baca i terkejut cherry tomato ni ade cousin. Ya allah..tu la baca extra berdesup lg :)

  6. Pernah satu ketika dulu, bento was the craze here. Tapi I tak pernah sangkut..sebab nampak macam rumitnyaa nak buat hehe. Kiranya okay lah you ambik gambar pagi2 ni, sebab memang nampak cantik & colourful! Oh dulu masa I darjah 1 I sekolah kat U.S, memang bawak lunch box hari2. Mine lunchbox was yellow, Peanuts cartoon characters. Dah pindah randah lebih 30 tahun ni entah kemana dah lunchbox tu.

  7. kak LG, ada lg x idea2 utk packed lunch budak2 especially finger food? my little one ni tgh fasa x nak mkn lunch, bila bwk sandwich asyik x mkn abis je. siap komplen i dont want sandwiches lg dah. skang bwk mini cheese and onion pasties, tp tu pon kdg mkn kdg x. agak mati akal nak bg apa lg... thanks in advance kak!

  8. Kak, I just going through ( well more like mentelaah) all your entry since 2008 ( yes, I'm a late comers) when I bump into your enter in March where you talk about Batang Berjuntai...all this while I nk ckp tht I pun come from there but macular nk enter frame :). But pas baca that entry I said, what the heck. I was raised in kg jaya setia nearest kg , I guess to BB. I used to go to that same old pasar mlm b4 it was moved to new place. And yes, klinik Jacob is like our family doctor. Which sekolah menengah did you go to? Although I know that you are 5 years more experience than I am ( try not to use old here :) ) and thee Is no chance of our path crossed while both of us are there, it is nice to know.

    Alamak byk lh celoteh, melepaskn apa yg terpendam since 2 months ago he..hee..

    Love your blog!

  9. I ni kan bila tengok your title lunchbox quickly open..always excited bila any blogger mention about theier kids lunchbox walhal bukan selalu buat pun untuk anak. Anyway your lunchbox for the kids always inspire me to prepare for my daughter...once in the bluemoon la..kengkonon nak rajinkan diri la kan...hehe.

  10. sukanya tengok lunchbox tu....kalau kat Msia bagi kids lunch box mcm tu sure kawan2 jelous tengok. :-)

  11. hehe.. lunchbox! i xbuat for my kids(sbb single -_-") Tapi, buat untuk diri sendiri, almost everyday! fruit is a must, kan! akak, dapnye sushi. love to have it here! :P

  12. Hai kak Min... Assalamualaikum.. sihat ke?
    sedapnye sushi.. buah2 tu colourful.. menyelerakan.. :)nyum nyum..
    canteknye bunga ni..

  13. mmg nama bunga tuh cousin it ke kak? cantik sgt2... dr jauh mmg sgt cantik... walaupun bunga dia kecik2 je...

    berangan jelah nk bwk bekal hari2 dana nih, tak serajin akak

  14. salam. memang kat M'sia kita memang patut bw lunchbox cam ni, termasuk org kerja, lebih sihat, cuma ramai yg byk vitamin M, malas je.

    Memang cantik betul Cousin It tu.

  15. cantik la sis cousin it tu..kalau dari jauh macam kepala monster pun ada gak tapi maybe monster comel hehehe


  16. saya pun sama hari2 bikin 'bekal' utk anak bwk pg skolah...skolah 2 session pulak tu.Alhamdulillah anak langsung x nk beli kat kantin yg cekik darah mahalnya tu.Walau bekalnya kdg2 simple je tapi tetap nak homemade punya jugak.

    Kak nk tanya pizza pan akak selalu guna tu saiz large ye? nak suh rus cari yg regular je kot nanti beli besau pintu oven tak bley katup plak...

  17. Kak Kasih,
    kat mata saya pun cantik sgt dah :-)

    Cikgu Anum,
    hahaha...cikgu pun kena jugak baca pelan2 ;-)

    SOHO Mama,
    wow, that peanuts lunchbox mesti antique kan. I wonder how much you'll get kalau jual, hehehe.
    I pun tak boleh lah nak ikut that bento craze sbb knowing myself, memang i I dont have the patience for those fiddly cutting and arranging of all the food in a lunchbox, heeee

    I pun kdg2 pening giler tak tau nak bagi budak2 ni makan apa. Miss 9 senang sikit sbb she eats everything and she loves dinner leftovers. Miss 13 tu yg siksa but she loves karipap so memang I slalu ada frozen stock dlm freezer for those 'pening kepala' moments :-).
    nanti I put up some more photos of their lunches ye.

    Along Najwa,
    Lah, you pun orang area BB jugak ke? :-). I pernah jugak pergi Jaya Setia tu a few times sbb kakak yg jaga we all dulu kampung dia kat situ and I think dia still tinggal kat situ jugak skrg ni :-).
    I dulu sekolah menengah kat 4S yg betul2 kat pekan BB tu tp sampai form 3 aje, lepas tu I chow masuk asrama :-). Sekolah rendah kat Kg Kuantan sbb ikut arwah Abah yg jadi cikgu kat situ. Rumah I membesar dr kecik sampai kahwin kat Taman Yang Ming :-).

    lunchboxes yg I buat tak secantik the bentos yg mak2 lain buat, hehehe. Sbb I ni tak kuasa sikit nak potong and arrange segala sayur mayur and buah and benda2 lain jadi kiut miut, hahaha

    budak2 kat Msia slalunya makan lunch kat rumah so their lunch box slalunya cuma ada makanan yg ringan2 ala2 finger food kan :-)

    Wah, rajin ye you buat lunchboxes utk diri sendiri. Buah tu memang senang nak isi dlm lunchboxes and mengenyangkan jugak kan :-)

    walaikumsalam. Awak tak mengidam nak makan benda2 dlm lunchboxes Miss 9 ke? hehehe

    tak lah, nama betul dia I dah lupa. We all panggil Cousin It sbb rupa dia mcm rambut Cousin It dlm cerita Addams Family tu, hikhikhik.

    Ummu Madihah,
    Salam. I guess sbb kat Msia ramai orang kena keluar awal2 pergi kerja utk elak jam, tu yg jadi malas sikit nak buat lunchboxes ni kan. Pastu, gerai makan senang sgt2 nak cari kat sana, tu yg lagi senang beli aje, hehehe

    tu yg we all panggil dia Cousin It sbb mcm rambut Monster Cousin It dlm cerita Addams Family, hehehe

    baguslah tu kalau anak you tak nak beli kat kantin, at least kita tau yg dia sure takkan dpt food poisoning kan.
    Rus sms I haritu tanya about the pizza pan. Memang saiz dia besar tp I ada jugak jumpa yg saiz kecik tp tak perasan ada lubang2 ke tak.

  18. I go to the same school as that time akak dh xder..but nevertheless u are my senior :) keep your celoteh coming. Never failed to bring a smile on a stressful day :)
