Wednesday, 10 October 2012

The transformation

It’s the second week of school holiday already and the girls say they want the holidays to last longer.

Typical lah kan (Mum diaorang pulak can’t wait for the school holidays to end) Smile.

We are not going anywhere for a short vacation this holidays sebab The Other Half is very very busy at work.

So, kenalah berholidays kat rumah aje….

Miss 13 dari bangun pagi sampai tidur malam tak berenggang dengan her Mac.

Miss 9 adalah jugak variety sebab tolong I kat kebun kan, hehehe.

But anyway…

Today, we did something that Miss 9 has been waiting ages to do.

She couldn’t wait for today to arrive.

Punyalah excited dia!

Do you want to know why?

This is how she looked like this morning before the ‘event’.


And about 40 minutes after the ‘even’t has started….



And an hour plus later…

selepas begitu sabarnya dia menunggu (nasib baik lah boleh main iPod and Nintendo during that time, hehehe)….


Her posed look…..


Bila her hair dah lurus, baru lah nampak betapa teruknya I potong rambut dia in April hari tu.

Punyalah tak straight and beratus2 layers, hahahaha

Semua orang yang nampak Miss 9 with the straight hair says she looks so much ‘older’ with the straight hair.

Kalau curly hair, nampak comel macam budak2, hahaha.

A friend’s daughter was so kind to straighten Miss9’s hair using the GHD hair straightening iron.

But it took her so long to do it sebab Miss 9’s curls were a lot! Hehehehehe….

And 2 hours later after dah kena air sikit and dah main2….


Her curls have started coming back, heeeee….

The Other Half kata, “it’s freaky! I like curly haired Miss 9 much more!

In my eyes, Miss 9 looks so different! But at the same time, it looks as though she’s had straight hair for ever! I’ve kinda ‘forgotten’ the curls she has, hahaha.

But, dapatlah Miss 9 merealisasikan impian dia untuk melihat diri dia with straight hair.

Sepanjang2 dia dah kenal hidup, tak pernah dia nampak rambut dia lurus, it’s always curly so when the friend’s daughter said yes when we asked her if she could kindly straighten Miss 9’s hair, punyalah suka and excited dia.

Miss 9 said, “I like my hair straight like this. It looks really different. My face looks different as well but I don’t think I want to do it again…

Penat weh, duduk sejam lebih while someone played with your hair Smile.

Yang sudah semestinya, Mum dia will never have the time to do it lah.

So, which one do you think suits her face more?


  1. rambut lurus mmg sgt sesuai dgn dia

  2. Soooo sweeetttt....macam gula melaka lahh...hahhaa....(err kalau ai kata Gula Jawa..ok tak LG?..hehe)...

  3. She definitely looks different...more matured. With straight hair, muka Miss 9 nampak less chubby.

  4. suka dia dengan curly hair tu lagi... nampak matured dengan straight hair tu... hilang dah dia punya chubby face!

  5. cantiknyer miss 9 dengan straight hair tu...
    suka tengok..:)

  6. mase straight hair air muke die sebijik mcm u :)

  7. rambut lurus dia nampak sebijik mcm kak min. tp prefer dia curly mcm kak min ckp "nampak comel macam budak2"

  8. she looks mature with straight hair. nmpak so grown up. anak dara dah :)

  9. bila rambut lurus gitu nampak matured jer zahra.. nampak lain rupa dia.. tp still sweet as always :)

  10. miss 9 with her straight hair buat dia nampak matang. hehe. tapiii I vote for her curly. cuteeeeee!

  11. cantik la miss 9 with her straight hair

  12. yang rambut lurus tu exactly mcm kak min..potostat=sama..hihi

  13. Salam LG,
    Kalau rambut straight nampak lebih berusia..kalau rambut curly nampak cute je..opt for curly ^_^

  14. definitely curly ;D sebab muke dia look so cute with curly hair. but kalau with straight hair dia nampak matang betul.

  15. saya suka dua-dua kot tapi i prefer curly sebab dia lebih chubby dan cute!!

  16. betullah..rambut lurus nampak dia big girl sket...kalau kerinting..muk kanak2 jek..jaja rasa..i like yg rambut lurus lagi kot..hehehhe

  17. makin ayu la miss 9 with straight hair

  18. curly hairr for miss9..straight hair boleh la kalo trase nk brubah mood..hihii

  19. curly hair for miss 9, nampak comel...straight hair nampak mcm tengah penat memikirkan masalah negara..hehehe

  20. saya suke miss 9 in curly hair. look more natural.

    mungkin sbb da biasa tgk miss 9 in curly hair kot.

  21. sungguh nampak matured sikit dari sebelumnya... i loike her curly2 one laahh.. walo camna pon rambutnya, my darling memang sangat comel..

  22. of course...curly hair, sweet too

  23. Waaa, cantiknya dia. Miss 9 nampak mcm Preity Zinta dengan rambut lurus. Saya suka tengok dia gini. Hehehe.

  24. tengok wajah baru miss 9 rasa tak tahan jari jemari ni utk komen juga...hehehe...

    miss 9 sangat comel bila straight hair...nampak keayuan...lebih2 dengan senyuman yg so...boleh*melting* heart lah katakan..hihihi

  25. sweet & matured Miss 9... tp curly lg cute ;)

  26. I pun tak tahan dengan cuteness dia terus nak komen :P
    Dua2 pun cantik! But yes she looks more matured with straight hair. Teringat dulu2 I kecik straight hair, sibuk nak kerintingkan. Bila dah besar rambut start wavy so bila start keja (ada duit sendiri hehe) sibuk gi rebonding.
    My daughter has tight curls. Mcm tak panjang2 rambut dia hehe. Abang2 dia lurus je :P

  27. salam LG, i undi yg antara keduanya, sbb gambar yang bila curly tu datang balik but still maintain lurus, cantikk :)) papepun ms 9 mmg cantik la, lurus ke kerinting ke ok jeee..

  28. cantiklah yg last tu. curly sikit2 je... :)

  29. ala..dua² cutee sangatt...tapi rambut lurus nmpak lebih cungg

  30. nampak mcm matured sikit..ok apa. hehe

  31. dua dua suit..
    curly tu lagi comeeeellllll
    ape pon,
    miss 9 dah mmg cantik..
    ape2 style pon cantik

  32. smRose,
    lain kan muka dia with rambut lurus but still sesuai :-)

    Cik Mat,
    Gula jawa lagi sgt2 suwittt banding dgn gula melaka, hahaha

    Kak Kasih,
    Miss 9 bernasib baik muka dia kena dgn both styles kan :-)

    I think the straight hair fringe covered the chubby parts of the cheeks, tu yg nampak less chubby kan :-)

    Kak Rose,
    klu curly hair, nampak mcm kanak2 riang lagi kan :-)

    terus jadi anggun bila dgn straight hair kan, hahaha

    Cikgu Anum, ke? Kena lah cari my old photos yg ala2 rupa Miss 9 mcm ni :-)

    wahhh....rabak lah poket we all kalau kena hantar dia ke salon everytime, hahaha

    I thought bila rambut lurus, lagi nampak mcm Dad dia, rupa2nya lagi mcm I ye :-).

    kaaaannnnn....semua orang ckp mcm tu, even Miss 9 pun ckp yg dia rasa dia feels older with straight hair, hahaha

    Kak Nor,
    Saya ingat kalau rambut dia lurus, adalah iras2 Alya, but jadi rupa lain terus kan.

    memang terus tambah umur dia 2-3 tahun bila tukar ke straight hair, hehehe

    anggun gitu, hahaha :-)

    you orang ke 3 ckp mcm tu. memang terus kembang vontot I, hikhikhik.

    Salam. I guess klu dia nak interview kerja, kenalah buat straight hair so orang tak anggap dia too young kan :-)

    bila Miss 9 with straight hair ni, baru lah I terasa yg anak2 I semua dah besar2, hahaha

    Even her Dad kata he lieks the curls more , hehehe

    cuba kita buat rambut kita kerinting, you rasa kan boleh nampak lagi muda tak agaknya ye? hehehe...

    straight hair ayu, curly hair comel kan :-)

    next time dia terasa2 nak jadi budak besar, bolehalah I bagi dia straighten her hair again, hehee

    Wan G, lah kan sbb straight hair nampak dah matang so tiba2 penuh kepala dgn problems :-)

    We all pun dr kecik tengok dia dgn curly hair so memang rasa lain aje bila tengok teh straight hair on her head, hehee

    Terus tak jadi ambik jadi bakal menantu bila her curls dah 'hilang', hehehe...

    both pun ok jugak kan :-)

    luckily her curls have come back :-)

    kak tyea,
    terus I mengoogle image pretty zeinta, hehehe

    ala2 ayu like perempuan melayu terakhir kan, hahaha

    ct lalola,
    nasib baik her curls dah datang balik, hehehe

    SOHO Mama,
    Kalau my daughter nak rebonding her hair bila dia dah kerja, I tak kisah sbb pakai duit dia, hahaha.
    But my daughter pun cmm yr daughter, memang rambut tak panjang2 because of the curls :-).

    dia kena wavy hair lah kan mcm tu :-)

    mcm rambut kakak dia lah, wavy aje :-)

    rambut lurus nampak anggun gitu, hahaha

    terus I yg terasa dah tua bila anak I nampak dah mature, hikhikhik

    we all pun elbih suka dia with her curly hair sbb I rasa lagi cheeky dgn curly hair tu :-)

  33. Ina,
    curls dia curls yg cantik tu kot jadi lagi cute :-)

  34. alahaiii cantiknya dia bila rambut lurus camtu...sweeettt

  35. Curly!Coz my daughter pun had curly hair.But her hair are wavy dan bergulung-gulung.Tapi itulah yang menjadikan mereka lain daripada yang lain.Centre of attractions!

  36. yes.. i like curly hair too.. sama mcm my daughter too... semua orang akan toleh 2 kali tengok rambut diorang.. lain dgn typical malay girl.

  37. Sis,

    Of course curly hair more cute. Even my son with a curly hair people acknowledge as a 'daughter'. :p
    Anyway mana yg miss 9 selesa is more important. Doesn't matter curly or straight, right?

  38. saya vote miss 9 dengan curly hair, its really her.. sbb akak die dah straight hair.. baru variety.. hihihihi..

  39. Suka tengok miss 9 rambut lurus...nampak dia lagi comel...n nampak kemas n remaja gitu.... :D love love love....

  40. alaaa..kak seriously..saya lagi suka miss 9 dengan curly hair..

  41. curly cute sgt.. tapi mesti ramai yang suke luruskan sbb 'susah nak dapat' hihi..

  42. both hairs suits with her..

    but then.. bila straighten ni.. rupa dia nampak lebih matang..

    ape2 rambut pun..dia tetap comel okay!

  43. Kak Min,

    I ni your silent reader but cannot help to post comment too. Both lawa tapi I vote for her rambut kerinting! heee dia sangat chomel with her curly hair tu.

  44. uwaaahhhh.. cantek dia... miss 9 dah nampak matang bila berambut baru ni... skrg baru nampak muka kakaknye.. :) walaupun mata dia tak sama.. :)

  45. isk..isk cantik lar..mmg lar nampak matang tp cantekkk.. ketara shape muka dia mcm u LG.. especially the last foto tu.. i like.. heeeeee

  46. Gambar posed look tu.. mmg mcm sis LG version muda.. sebijik!!

  47. eeeeeeeeee comelnya dia dengan stail rambut lurus, nampak ayu ^_^

  48. LG,

    i lebih suka dia dengan curly hair...rasa nak cubit. bila rambut lurus lebih matang rupanya...

  49. miss 9 looks cute with her curly hair... geram tgk kecomelan dia..
    straight hair nampak dia lbh dewasa..

  50. the straight one makes her look more matured. but i guess i prefer the curly one :) suits her more :)

  51. mamasyaza,
    ayu instead of comel kan ;-)

    The curls memang dah jadi trademark dia, semua orang kenal dia because of the curls, hehe

    memang kids with curly hair nampak sgt2 comel kan! and strangers pun suka pegang their hair nak feel the curls :-)

    I guess most people associate curls dgn girls tu yg orang assume yr son tu girl ;-).

    lucky for her lah kan, hehehe

    memang betul tu. the curls buatkan orang tak percaya yg diaorang adik beradik, hahaha...

    definitely memang nampak lagi kemas sbb kalau curls tak disikat, nampak serabai habis, hehehe

    kejap aje pun lurus nya sbb bila kena air, dia toing toing balik, hehehe

    thank you :-)

    memang susah nak dpt rambut lurus ni, berjam menunggu, hahaha. Tapi, nak jaga rambut curly dia pun susah jugak :-)

    thank you :-)

    memang nampak sgt beza 'kematangan' Miss 9 ni klu straight hair kan :-)

    I pun vote rambut kerinting sbb I tak larat nak straighten the hair tiap2 hari, takde kerja I nak buat! hahaha

    baru lah boleh kata adik beradik kan sbb dah muka lebih kurang :-)

    when I told my husband, dia kata dia tak boleh nampak tang mana lah Miss 9 yg sama muka dgn I ni, hahaha...

    Tapi I kopi susu terlebih kopi. kalau I pakai whitening lotion hari2, baru kot lagi sebijik, hikhikhik...

    before ni dia comel aje kan, bila dah rambut lurus, jadi ayu terus :-)

    betul tu, bila dia rambut curly, we all slalu treat her as kid, tp dgn rambut straight, nmpk mcm dah kena treat her as teens pulak, hehehe

    memang semua yg pernah jumpa dia geram dgn her curls :-)

    I think the curls really suit her personality as well. straight hair nmpk mcm kena serious aje kan :-)

  52. She looks fantastic lah with straight hair.. macam dah kurus sikit and dah nampak anak dara.. hehehe..

  53. Rima,
    She definitely looks liek anak dara already kan1 But tak kuasa I nak straighten her hair again you, hahaha...

    I like her curls too ;-)
