Saturday 13 October 2012

Our usual Saturday rituals

I slept in again this morning, yeay, hehehe.

Miss 9 has been unwell and woke me up a few times last night so I had to attend to her.

So pagi ni The Other Half let me sleep in.

Bangun pagi tengok the dishes has been done by him Smile.

Sayangnya, his repertoire didn’t extend to making breakfast, hikhikhik…

Lepas breakfast, seperti hari2 Sabtu yang lain, we all masuk kebun, bertungkus lumus bekerja kat kebun yang sekangkang kera tu.

And since he loves me so much Smile with tongue out ( well, it’s more to stop me nagging him actually!), he finally did what he had not been able to do since his accident.

For a week now, he has slowly regained some movements back in his dislocated finger.

So, I pun ambik lah kesempatan ni and begged him to do it…


The Other half memulakan project…

Still hard at work….



And the final resting place of the wall art.



Thank you Dear for putting it up.

Now that area looks much more cheerful.

Even The Other half pun agrees that the wall art is very pretty Smile.

I love looking at the front garden through the side gate because it is such a colourful sight.


It can make my heart sing looking at all the pretty flowers in the garden.







And it also makes my heart sings looking at the first blueberry of the season and the growing grapes.


Banyak kali I kena pesan kat The Other half not to pick the bluberry until they are ripe and ready…


Can’t wait!

And we also tidied up the side garden some more.

We like white picket fences-type thing so I bought plastic fences to put around the side garden.

And also not forgetting some more solar lights! Hehehehe….



We put sugar cane mulch on the garden bed to tidy it up a bit.

Baru lah nampak cantik ala2 garden kat negeri Mat Saleh kan (even with the serai in it)!



  1. cantik...sangat LG .... emmm how i miss Adelaide very much...

  2. Jeles betul tengok garden u! The roses, to die for! The picket fence and the wall art, cantiknya!! Keep it up, tukang admire dari jauh!!

  3. dah berseri2 your garden...and your roses..cantik bangattt..;-)

  4. Salam sis LG,
    Owh suka tgk garden u. Blueberry dah berbuah ya...bestlah lepas ni nak.mkn petik2 ajer.....

  5. Cantik la bunga2 kat umah Kak Min nih, rumahnya pun cantik,Bentley kan?

  6. solar light tu comel je. akak beli kat ner...nak suruh rus pegi beli lah hahahaaha...

    Jelesnya tengok roses tu

  7. akak, cantiknya your garden skrg. tetiba teringin. tp sy duk rumh flat. space limited

  8. Bila rajin berbudi pada tanah, akan mendapat manfaat, insyaAllah. Your garden nampak sangat cantik dan menarik!

  9. Assalamualaikum LG,
    Subhanallah.. cantiknyer..
    Mmg x rugi berbudi kpd tanah..
    I wish I too had a garden like yours..
    So unfortunate.. dok kat sini blom mampu nak "berkebun" mcm you.
    Once masuk summer, abis suma rentung.. buat sakit jiwa jer..

  10. MasyaAllah the roses make me smile :)

    Love em sollar lights!

  11. Kak Hanim,
    thanks :-). when were you in Adelaide? I lagi suka Perth dr Adelaide I rasa sbb weather here much nicer, hehehe

    Ummu Madihah,
    we all dah duduk kat rumah ni 2 tahun but baru sekarang tergerak hati nak hias the outdoor area dgn bunga2 :-)

    Wan G,
    memang sgt berseri2 skrg with the addition of flower pots kat depan ni :-)

    Mixed family in the house,
    Salam. InsyaAllah, kalau blueberries tu membesar cantik, dpaatlah we all petik2 and makan terus. Tak payah beli lagi kat kedai yg sgt lah mahal nya itu1 :-).

    I dah tak duduk situ lagi, dah pindah rumah sendiri skrg :-). Tu yg boleh tanam mcm2 and hiash ikut our citarasa :-)

    hahaha...penuh lah bag Rus dgn solar lights ni nanti :-). I belik kat KMart aje, murah pulak tu!

    Kalau duudk rumah flat ada balconi, boleh hias the balconi dgn pots yg cantik2 :-).

    Alhamdulillah, so far, banyak jugak hasil yg we all dpt tuai and sedekah kat kawan2 :-)

    Chekgu Azrine,
    memang seronok sgt2 everytime keluar rumah tengok bunga2 yg cantik2 ni :-)

    Summer in Perth pun can reach 40+C for weeks yg memang merentungkan the plants especially daun kesum I. Tapi Alhamdulillah other times, the weather is just nice aje untuk bercucuk tanam :-).

    I love the solar lights too! Until my hubby said I dah kemaruk beli, hehehe

  12. Beautiful garden, LG!As for your blueberry bush tu, good luck to you. Mine, tak pernah dapat hasil tuainya ever since we tanam as the birds always get to them first... no matter how we protect it.Short of building a glass house surrounding it lar.. Lol!

  13. sungguh cantik, I also can sing along semasa membaca entry ni. keep up your beautiful hobby.

  14. ni first time i comment. i was googling about house and the likes sebab bakal dapat kunci rumah tak lama lagi....and there are 3 things that you wrote so far influenced me on my decision making...1. oven. baru i tahu oven sekarang ada multifunction. rumah dulu oven lama. 2. BACKYARD garden! i was always obsessed with backyard and i love ur idea on the kangkung box.. small but significant. will definitely copy that idea. 3. your wall art! omg! i saw a couple of wall art and doesnt even think of anything until u post this entry. i definitely know now it is not such a bad idea to put a wall art at the entrance! wow! thanks! your solar light also just confirm what i thot. it wasnt big but perfect for path lighting.. right? love the dragonfly solar and have a couple of ideas to do that for my kids. here it is about 30 to 50 ringgit. but worth it i think. just to tell you i used to live in king george street (i think) and queen street. lepas tu kita move to lion street..... been to adelaide for summer camp with ustaz hussein yee. and rivervale mosque sunday usrah ages ago. also berhari raya di sana twiice kot.... so it is nice to read ur day to day journal in perth. miss the place!

  15. cantik wall art tu k LG. I suka sgt2...nasib baik TOH jenis DIY punya org. senang sikit akak nk mintak tolong apa2

  16. Cantiksssss...sukaaaa!!!
    Bunga ros pun awesome...*berangan supaya ros akak pun berbunga*

  17. wahhh mmg cantik halaman rumah u LG.. mesti kat sana, yrs yg tercantik kann.. :)

  18. Jeleznya akak dapat tanam roses tu depan rumah aje.. kat putrajaya ni tanah pun tak nampak kat rumah. Maklumlah rumah atas rumah ni, dalam pasu ajelah dapat tanam .. tu pun tak gebu mcm hasil kat kebun akak tu...

  19. bestnye tgok garden akak.
    kan best kalau dpt dtg uma akak. heee :)

  20. Shereen,
    that's what i told hubby as well, that we might not be able to taste any of the blueberries nor the grapes if the birds get to them first! Maybe we should move thwm indoors, baru dapat rasa kot, hahaha.....

    thanks :-). Hobby yang memenatkan, hehehe.

    I like wall art yg simple mcm tu, tak nampak serabut sgt rasanya ;-)

    Easy read,
    congrats on the purchase of your new home. Sure tengah excited sangat2 nak mendeco and nak masuk rumah kan :-).
    I'm glad my blog could give you some inputs :-). I pun rasa oven is one of those long term investment things. Beli yang mahal with multifunctions which hopefully can last us a very long time and can be used for so many different things :-).
    We bought this house pun because of its big backyard which we fell in love with.
    Perth is definitely a lovely place kan :-).

    My hubby ni bukan nya reti sgt DIY stuff ni tapi benda2 yg simple mcm ni, boleh lah dia buat which is really good for me, hehehe

    Kak Kasih,
    I pun suka sgt tengok the roses and the outside area skrg ni :-D.

    sadly...not even close, hehehe. Banyak lagi laman2 yg sgt2 cantik especially the lawn bit. My lawn skrg tgh penuh dgn weeds aje, cukup tension, heeee....

    rumah atas rumah memang kena rely on balcony aje lah kan. kalau dpt balcony yg besar, best lah kot nak menghias bagai :-)

    Rumah I tak sehebat garden I, hahaha
