Monday, 22 October 2012

Enchiladas for dinner

We had beef mince enchiladas for dinner tonite.

But I made it using a new recipe and The Other Half kata, “that’s the best enchiladas you’ve made!

I sebenarnya tak pernah tau macam mana rasa the real McCoy enchiladas ni so bila buat baked tortillas selama ni, I just assume that’s the real enchiladas, hahaha.

But tadi I saje2 Googled enchiladas recipe and I found this site and she showed how to make homemade enchilada sauce.

I pun buatlah the enchilada her style (except for the filling which I made my style sebab zucchinis kat kebun tak masak lagi, heeee).


And I wrapped the tortillas into parcels while she left hers open at the ends.

Memang sedap!!!! 

I think the enchilada sauce tu yang buat dia lagi terangkat.

But I tak letak chilli powder banyak sangat sbb tak nak budak2 tu kepedasan.

Even Miss 13 siap tambah lagi and wants it for her lunch at school esok which shows how sedap it is lah kan Smile.




For the filling I used diced carrots and diced capsicum instead of zucchinis and I added a bit of powdered chicken stock to the beef+vege mixture.

I used 12 medium sized tortillas to make the enchilada parcels tadi and we finished 8 for dinner!

So, cukup leftovers untuk The Other Half bawak 2 parcels for his lunch, Miss 13 bawak 1 and Miss 9 bawak 1.

I pulak will eat whatever I can find in the fridge for lunch, hehehehehe……


  1. hi, suka betul read your blog and i tunjuk kat my sis and my mum aritu they love it too and sekrang baru i tau the meaning of The Other Half, Miss 13 and Miss 9... UR FAMILY! duh! hahaha.. i mula2 baca, tak dapat the idea, then, today baru tahu... lambat... ahhaa.. all and all, keep up.. i will keep on readin your blog.


  2. K LG, hantar kt I 1 or 2 enchilada parcel hikhik... simple tapi cukup mengenyangkan

  3. Kalau Miss 13 ckp sedap sure sedapppp sgt lah kan.

  4. Wah...macam makanan mexico j bunyinya....hehe

  5. Dang now i know what to do with that packet of minced beef i bought last wk! Ingat nak buat sloppy joes tapi takde mood plak minggu ni,nak try somthg else so this entry is very timely indeed ;p

  6. selalu dgr nama nih enchiladas tp lum penah try lg... bestnyer, mcm nk cube gk lah... terliur2

  7. Taknak try masuk Masterchef Australia?

  8. adui, mei lah sekali sekali buat promo demo kat sini ... saya lah orang pertama tiba insyaALLAH

    mmm ... so tasty looking ... even the link to the original homemade sauce pun tak nampak sesedap ini ... :)

    ... teruskan ... out kan buku LG dan resipi-resipinya asap ... please.

  9. Nice & fantastic!! I sekrg dah jadi routine... mesti baca your blog everyday....

    Enchilada yg kat link ni pun x membangkitkan selera compared to yours... kat link tu, tenggelam dlm sauce.... but yours mcm tak nampak pun sauce meliputi your rolls...

  10. Sedapnye! I suka enchiladas, dah kata kat Texas kan, hihih... Rasa macam nak makan le pulak esok.

  11. Kak Min,

    Pizza pan akak beli mana ye?

    tak cukup solar light pizza pan pun nak sumbat beg si ros tu nanti hahahahhaha...
    tapi lmbat lagi la baliknya punnnn kikikiki

  12. mana ada yg tak sedap.. semuanya sedap kalau tangan u yg masak... i ni bila la nak rasa masakan u.. besan u ni ternganga tengok tau..

  13. Salam. Baca blog you memang tidak pernah bosan. Sangat menarik. :)

  14. Akmall,
    Hi, thanks ye sbb suka baca my blog. But tak tahan nak gelak sbb baru hari ni you tau apa maksud The Other Half, Miss 9 and Miss 13, hahaha :-).

    memang sgt2 mengenyangkan sbb I sumbat inti banyak2, hehehe. Kena lah you cari enchiladas kat Chili's kat Doha tu :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    Miss 13 tu memang pemilih sikit so kalau dia kata sedap tu, memang kat tekak we all sgt lah sedapnya, hehehe

    Mixed family in the house,
    cepat buat enchiladas sebelum perut berbunyi terus :-)

    lagi banyak cheese, lagi sedap kan :-)

    it was definitely yummy :-)

    memang makanan mexican, tapi orang Jawa yg masak, hahhaa

    you should try it, I think your boys will definitely like it! :-).

    memang kena try especially kalau you suka cheese, hehehe

    Kak Azie,
    I tak boleh masak under pressure, I cuma boleh masak lepak2, hehehe

    Real life in Msia,
    hahaha...I kalau nak buat demo depan orang ramai, memang tak terbuat sbb pemalu, hikhikhik.
    Kalau ramai2 tengok I masak, terus I jadi nervous and terus tak jadi the food :-).

    thanks :-)

    Dessert paradise,
    thanks sbb suka baca my blog :-).
    In that link, I think she used a lot of sauce, tu yg semua tenggelam. I used enough to out a layer a the bottom and to cover it but not enough to make the tortilla soggy.

    tu lah kan, you sure tau rasa sebenar enchiladas ni mcm mana. I ni since orang Jawa duduk Perth, kenalah google aje to find out the real mccoy taste of it, hehehe.

    sian rus, hahaha. Kat semua tempat ada jual, kat Target, Big W, KMart, Coles and Woolies semua ada :-)

    Nasib baik I dpt future besan yg suka western food, senang I nak jamu you all nanti bila dtg bertandang, hahaha

    Salam. thank you for the compliment :-).

  15. wow sis looks yummy la..thumbs up laa
