Saturday, 29 September 2012

Of furs and hairs

Miss 13’s food checklist for tomorrow night’s party.

Pizza, potato chips, junk food and more junk food!

I said to The Other Half, “Their parents are not going to be happy if I were to give the kids junk food all night!

The Other Half said, “I think the parents have accepted the fact that if their kids go to a sleep over movie night thing, their kids will be eating mostly junk food.

I said to him again, “I don’t care. I am going to make a big bowl of salad and serve it to them.”

Kalau the girls tak nak makan, not my problem anymore because I dah offer healthy food kan, hahaha.

And I think I’ll make chocolate fondue with loads of fruits so another healthy thing jugak kan Smile.

Dah nama Mum kan, whatever it is, nak lah jugak budak2 tu eat something healthy!

Pagi tadi, we all dapat anak angkat baru yang akan bersama we all for 3 weeks sebab keluarga dia akan pergi bercuti ke Malaysia for 3 weeks.


Ini lah anak angkat we all, Mael.

Emak dia si Umiyumi nak bercuti and Mael tak boleh nak ikut sama. Jadi we all volunteer nak jaga dia.

Seronok sungguh lah the girls dapat main dengan Mael ni especially Miss 13 yang memang suka anything furry. And seronok sungguh si Mael dapat hop around in the backyard.

Sayang nya, Miss 8 is still allergic to rabbits.

We thought she’s only allergic to long-haired rabbits sahaje, rupa2nya she’s allergic to short haired rabbits as well.

But maybe it’s just her initial reaction to something she hasn’t touched for a long time.

We’ll see how she goes in the next few days….

The Other Half kata, Miss 8 ni is allergic to animals yang ada fur but not allergic to animals with hair…

For example, she’s allergic to rabbits and cats that The Other Half says have fur and she’s not allergic to goats and cows which have hair.

On wiki it says that fur only grows to a certain length and then stop while hairs keeps on growing……

It is so confusing……..

At least The Other Half doesn’t want to have anything with hair nor fur for dinner tonite, hehehe…..

The Other Half kata he really felt like having scrambled eggs with bread and seared tuna for dinner tonite.

So, tadi I pergi lah beli this sashimi-grade tuna to make his seared tuna.


For me, sashimi-grade tuna ni is quite an expensive fish so tak boleh lah nak makan every week.


And kena either makan raw in sushi or seared quickly in a pan this way to enjoy the sweetness of it.

Kalau masak kari, buang duit aje lah beli tuna mahal2, heeeee….

But I pulak tak terasa nak makan scrambled eggs and tuna malam ni so I made mee goreng for me to eat.

Dah tekak melayu kan, nak buat macam mana, hahaha….




  1. baca blog kak ummi, dia hantar mael rumah kawan, pastu baca blog akak, rupanya hantar rumah akak, hehe

  2. seronoklah miss13 main dengan arnab tu kan, hehe..adik saya ada bela arnab jugak..

  3. Mael! Seronoknya tgk little misses dgn mael! Hihihi..

  4. Cutenya nama that rabbit...mael.heheheee...sis, bila u sebut tuna je kan, in my head cuma terbayang tuna in tin.hehehee.

  5. oh oh Mael nama dia...itu disebut Ma-el or Mel kak? rabbit melayu ke rabbit mat saleh ni? hihi...selamat bergembira bersama family k LG ye Mael....pasti kamu dpt mkn sedap2 nnti! fresh veges everyday....

  6. Zul,
    hehehe...budak2 ni lah yg beria2 suruh I ambik the rabbit utk jadi anak angkat ;-)

    memang seronok sbb dah lama takde furry pet ni.

    Cik chinta,
    makanan biasa2 aje :-)

    hehehe...Mael tiba2 terkejut tuan dia tukar dari boys ke girls :-)

    I pun dulu klu fikir tuna, mesti ingat tuna dlm tin aje. Bila dah 'pandai' masak ni baru lah tau tuna in the fresh form, hahaha

    Mael nama melayu singkatan dr Ismail agaknya, hehehe.
    Mael skrg dah pandai makan kale yg we all tanam tu :-)

    chekgu azrine,
    tuna yg fresh mcm ni memang sgt sedap sbb rasa dia masih segar lagi :-)
