Wednesday, 12 September 2012

It’s 24 more days Mum!

Miss 8 told me tadi, “it’s 24 more days to my birthday.

24 more days, still a long time to go, still baaaaaaanyaaaak masa lagi nak plan kalau nak buat apa2….

Last year we celebrated her birthday in M’sia, the year before we celebrated it at this house (that we just moved into for a few weeks) with a chef party.

This year, kalau we all nak buat apa2 pun, she says she just wants to invite her 2 BFFs from school…

Sejuk perut Mummy yang mengandungkan dia mendengar, hahahahaha……

Setakat 2 BFFs aje, small matter mah….

Give them a movie to watch, let them play outside with their toys and give them something nice to eat, they’ll be happy!

But one of her BFFs tu pulaknya is allergic to a lot of things so kena fikir about her jugak kalau nak buat menu…

And Miss 8 has already decided what cake she wants to have on her birthday.

Luckily she just wants a Maltesers cake which is basically any cake she wants (most preferably chocolate or marble or choc orange), covered in either ganache or choc buttercream icing and decorated with loads and loads of Maltesers!

Hehehehe……senang kan! Open-mouthed smile. Definitely I can make that one easily sebab tak payah menggunakan any cake decorating skills (that I severely lack) at all.

Anything with Maltesers will be loved by the kids and adults, heeee…..

We are also going out somewhere to celebrate, just the four of us, on her birthday.

Will cerita about that more once it’s happened… Smile

This was our dinner last night…


Potato gratin with grilled sausages and green salad.


My potato gratin is basically layered sliced raw potatoes topped with sauteed sliced brown onion and garlic in a casserole dish. Which is then covered with a mixture of cream, sour cream, milk, mustard, powdered chicken stock and pepper. Then I bake it at 180C for about 90 minutes until the potato is cooked and the top browned nicely.

Some recipes just use potatoes only without the onions but I like mine to have a bit more taste. And some recipes just use cream purely. But I had some sour cream to be used up, tu yang guna the sour cream.

If you want it to be more decadent, you can add some grated cheese to the cream/milk mixture.


  1. Salam kak, sama jer ngan ank kita yg perempuan nii, dia ni teliti bab2 mengingati tarikh lahir dia n org2 sekeliling dia, sibuk mengira lagi berapa hari kdg geram pun ya sbb besday kita pujn dia duk sibuk2 tanya ehehe...

  2. hihihi...ingatkan akak je yg buat benda ni...akak selalu ingatkan husband ttg my birthday....hahahhah...sekali setahun mahhh.

    Baiknya miss 8....sure x nak susahkan her mummy :)

  3. my girl ni antara yg suka ingat tarikh2 penting (kononnya)... tapi boleh this year dia lupa birthday omaknya... haiipp.. but not the first time pon..

    dah lali sejak kawin.. sbb hidup "on the move" banyak nya.. sejak menjak lately ni je yg duduk setempat.. hehe.. tu yg omak agak naik hangin kalo tak hengat bday dia.. hahaa..

  4. senanglah anak2 bila mak dia pandai n suka masak.. akak main order je dari sister.. huuu..huu.. sesekali bila akak masak, dapur pun macam terkejut beruk.. heee...

  5. Hehehee..budak2 kan selalunya mcm tu la.
    Cepat ja masa berlalu, miss 8 dah nak beso..

  6. Excited birthday dia tu yang nak plan macam2. Yang bagusnya tak banyak ragam itu yang membuat kak Zai terharu sangat.

  7. bgsnyer miss 8, nk party bfday yg simple je... tp yg tak tahan siap kire lg tuh berapa hari lg... hehehhe

  8. alamak sama lah pulak miss 8 ngan i. i pun selalu remind my family about my birthday sis. tapi i lagi teruk sbb bukan sekali tapi berkali2. 1st. reminder will be sebulan b4 my birthday. seminggu lepas tu remind lagi sampailah a day before my birthday...hahahhahaaa....

  9. pandai miss 8 ingatkan akak kan..
    senang akak nak wat preparation kan..

  10. bijak bijak.... mmg ringan keje ibu nanti.. hehehehe.. 24 hari dia dah ada pesanan.. yg i punya plak.. another 4 month dah siap pesan.. hahahahahaha..

  11. lega kak akak bila Miss 8 dia nk invite 2 bff's dia je...I pun suka Maltesers! yumss...

  12. Ika,
    Anak perempuan Ika sibuk menanya sbb dia sgt2 prihatin. nak make sure semua orang dpt hadiah and ucapan, hehehe...

    Kak Kasih,
    Orang lain nak birthday party besar2an, anak I nak party tertutup, hehehe.
    I pulak hubby I lah yg dok sibuk hari2 menanya I nak apa for my birthday sebulan awal. Rimas I kdg2, hehehe

    sedih nya klu anak2 tak ingat bday kita kan sbb kita sorang aje Mak diaorang, hehehe.

    Kak Yan,
    nasib baik kak yan ada chefs2 kat rumah tu yang boleh masak best2, tu yg boleh order aje. I ni nak tak nak kenalah jugak try buat cake yg diaorang nak, hehehe

    cepat sgt kan, awal2 blog ni dulu, dia kecik lagi skrg dah makin 'besar', hikhikhik

    Kak Zai,
    Mak dia yg lebih2 nak buat mcm2 on her bday tp bday girl pulak yg tak nak buat anything, hehehe

    kena kira sbb nanti sempatlah belikan dia hadiah, hahaha...

    hahaha...nasib baik tak kena lepuk sbb remind diaorang hari2 ye! Pastu dapat banyak hadiah tak? ;-)

    hehehe...nasib baik dia tak nak birthday party besar2an so tak payah I nak susah payah prepare :-).

    samalah dgn anak2 I jugak, awal2 dah pesan and ingatkan nak cake apa and nak hadiah apa :-)

    memang sgt2 lega, hahaha
