Thursday, 30 August 2012

I can make it too ;-)

On Tuesday night, when Miss 8 had her Massed choir concert, The Other Half, Miss 13 and I had our dinner at the kebab shop near UWA.

I seperti biasa will go for doner kebab, The Other Half had samsun and Miss 13 had cheese pide.

When The Other half ate some of the cheese pide, he kept on saying, “this is really really good!

I tengok biasa aje, just pizza dough and melted cheese, hehehe…

But since Miss 13 and The Other Half kata sedap sangat2, I pun cubalah buat malam tadi for dinner.

I basically just used my normal pizza dough aje and rolled it thinly and tabur 4-cheese blend on it, pastu rolled up the side a bit jadi bentuk sampan and bake it in the oven.

But I used the pizza setting in the oven which uses the bottom element, the back element and the fan to distribute the heat evenly and I baked it at 210C.

and this was how it turned out.


I buat saiz extra large, hehehe….


It’s basically just pizza and cheese aje. And then makan panas2 and masa tengah starving, mesti lah rasa sangat sedap kan Smile.


Then we had it with grilled beef strips, sour cream and guacamole and fresh sugar snap peas.


The base is crispy, the sides a bit doughy sebab tebal and then melted cheese in the middle.

Then I tanya lah The Other Half and Miss 13 sedap macam kat kedai ke…

They said, “it looks the same and it’s as nice.”

Nasib baik you all cakap sedap, kalau tak, memang I nak mogok, hahahahaha….

But I still cannot make doner kebab as nice as the shop bought ones.


  1. i impressed sangat dengan u tau sis. tengok je boleh terus buat. dah lah boleh buat sedap pulak tu. untungnya mr. bruce willis (opssss...perasan lagi ur other half kang..hehehehe), miss 8 & miss 13.

  2. aduiiii bestttnya..
    nak buat tak reti...tengok je lah :)
    Kalau Miss 13 cakap sedap tu pasti betul2 sedapkan.

  3. Kalau kak Zai tak pandai tengok2 aje kena belajar betul2 baru dapat buat rasa yang sama hehe...

  4. why don't u try ur luck in Masterchef Australia ek sis? (kalau ada lagi la kan). i bet u'll surprise them with ur 'magic hand'. hehe. neway, love ur blog soo much la sis, since i pun always try my best to cook everything yg my 'Husbeast' nak makan. why la i tak jumpa ur blog ni earlier kan? tsk tsk tsk

  5. Aida,
    Ada banyak benda yg I tak boleh buat especially makanan tradisional melayu, hehehe. Setakat lebih kurang pizza and benda2 yg senang, ok lah I nak tiru :-).
    My hubby blames me menyebabkan dia gemuk, hahaha

    kak Kasih,
    Miss 13 tu suka anything bready and cheesy so a combination of both, memang lah dia akan makan beria ;-).

    Kak Zai,
    banyak benda yg saya tak pandai masak. Makan berpuluh kali pun still tak tau jugak nak masak especially makanan tradisi kita, hehehe...

    Thanks sbb suka baca my blog. Now, you dah jumpa my blog, boleh lah you baca dari awal sampai habis kan, hehehe ;-).
    I tak boleh masuk Masterchef sbb I tak boleh masak under pressure, nanti semua tak jadi and semua tak sedap, hehehe.
