Sunday, 29 July 2012

Lamb for dinner

It’s only been a week into Ramadhan and I have already started recycling my kuih menu, hehehe.

I guess when the fasting people asked for the same kuih, who am I to say No kan!

And when he specifically said, “I would like to have the green balls again for Iftar tonight exactly like the ones you made the other night without any changes whatsoever, please.”

Kenalah I buat Smile.

But I guess I should be thankful sebab dia cuma mintak nak makan the easy peasy buah melaka instead of asking for croquemboche or salted caramel macarons or kek lapis 10 tingkat kan!

Dia tau setakat mana kerajinan bini dia ni, kahkahkahkah….

We’ve also decided that Friday night is our leftover night during this fasting month(if we have any leftovers from the whole week of cooking).

All the leftovers that I could find in the freezer and the fridge will be taken out and displayed for everyone to choose from.

And my job is just to reheat them in the microwave.

I don’t even have to make any kuih on Friday night!

I just open the freezer and take out the shop-bought frozen pau, the shop-bought frozen ricotta puff parcels and any other frozen ‘kuih’ I can find in the freezer and put them in the oven or in the steamer.

And everyone is very happy!

Tu sebab my fridge and freezer besar gedabak, hikhikhikik…..

But last night kenalah masak sebab Friday night dah lepak2 tak masak apa2.

i found a rack of lamb in the freezer so terfikir nak masak lamb.

I made the lamb exactly like the last lamb rack I roasted.

They were as good as the last time!



But this time, we had them with pasta in home-made sundried tomato pesto instead on roast potato.

The combination of pasta and lamb was just superb (to our taste buds).


The Other Half said that he’s willing to fork out $50-$60 at a restaurant to eat this type of meal.

And then Miss 8 piped in and said, “I will pay $90 to eat this at a restaurant.

I said to them, “God! I do not want you guys to ever fork out that much money for a meal doesn’t matter how good it is!

Then The Other Half said the sweetest thing again, “You have definitely spoiled my restaurant outing because everytime I go anywhere, I will always think that you can definitely cook the same food at home, better. So, I don’t feel like eating them!

Isn’t that nice of him, heeeee……Embarrassed smile


I made the pesto using semi-dried tomatoes in olive oil, roasted walnuts, grated parmesan, garlic,  salt and pepper and loads of olive oil.

Give them a good blitz in the grinder.

When you want to use it, just sautee them for a bit in olive oil (to cook the garlic) and then mix the cooked pasta into the pesto.


Serve it with green salad to soften the ‘richness’ of the lamb and the intensity of the pesto.

Kalau lah bukan bulan puasa, memang I rasa The Other Half and Miss 8 akan berebut to habiskan the last rack of the lamb untuk lunch today, heeeee

But everytime I masak mee or yang seangkatan dengannya, tak pulak dia puji I lebih2 because noodles are not his favourite food doesn’t matter who cooks them, hahahaha….


  1. itu lah nikmatnya memasak kan..
    tambah2 bila family suka dan suami puji.
    Mahalnya miss 8 nak bayar ...hihi...sure dia sukaaa sgt kan :)

  2. sweetnya bila dia puji kan..itulah istimewanya air tangan seorang isteri.

  3. kalau kena buat croquembouche, kena satu rumah tolong, hehe

  4. Kak min, kalau mm pun x yah gie restoran klau masak best cenggitu.. Membazir duit jer...
    Lamb kmin tu meriah jer tengok. Mm x mkn lamb tp buat rasa bk try jer...

  5. Aunty LG,
    You are a woman after my heart.....I loooooove lamb....but it's super duper expensive over here. I miss those butcher shops in Sydney. Mama has found a supermarket that sells lamb from her favourite abattoir. So I hope she will indulge this coming Eid and cook me some decent lamb. har har har *happy laughs*

    yours loving lambly,

  6. sedappp d lamb n so sweet of yr hubby ckp mcm tu kan, priceless tuh, kita ni masak mcm mana pun hubby anak anak makan sampai licin n tambah tambah dah berbunga bunga hati sepanjang hari..hehe

  7. ohmygawd after looking at that lamb rack punye gambar i'm hungry now. and it's 1.20am!! ish buncit lah mak macam ni..

  8. Alah sweetnya.
    Best kan kalau masak ada orang nak makan. My son, who's 10 only eats fried chicken with white rice. Only. Bosan...

  9. Aiyoooooo... Nasib i ni tengok je laaa lamb itu posing menggoda dlm pinggan u tu.. Rasa nak terksm je..!!!

  10. salam akak,

    apa kata akak share teringin la nak buat gak..hehe

  11. Kak Kasih,
    memang betul tu, sgt happy bila makanan yg kita masak disukai ramai kan :-).

    itu yg buat suami2 tak senang nak makan kat luar kan sbb asik teringay air tangan isteri :-)

    kalau kena buat croquemboche, I nangis 44 hari dulu, hahaha

    Kalau nak jimat, memang kena masak sendiri instead of pergi restaurant tp tu lah, kadang2 sedap kdg2 tak jadi yg kita masak,, hehehe

    Make sure your Mum buys loads of lamb okay for Eid so you can share with the other feline occupants in that house. Don't hog all the lamb to yourself! :-D.

    memang betul apa you cakap. Tu yg I slalu cuma masak apa yg diaorang suka makan aje sbb akan gerenti dimakan sampai licin, buat hati I happy :-).

    no worries, you makan aje and pretend it's makan sahur so tak buncit punya, hehehe

    alahai, kalau anak I makan wihte rice and ayam goreng aje, mau tension I yg tukang masak ni sbb bosan kan :-).

    sediakan tissue banyak2 ;-)

    kena pergi KL baru dpt makan lamb rack kat restaurants kan. Baru best nak terkam, hehehe

    Salam. I ada bagi link recipe lambk rack tu. and pasta with pesto tu pun I bagi the ingredients mcm mana nak buat.
    I ni jenis yg main campak2 aje so memang susah nak ada recipe yg guna measurement.

  12. it was sooo sweet, he always remember your cooking!
