Sunday, 22 July 2012

Iftar food on the first day

Alhamdulillah, the first day of Ramadhan went by without any glitch.

It was made easier by the fact that we didn’t go out anywhere, just vegetating at home not doing any physical labour.

The girls spent most of the day in their bedrooms, reading, playing and watching dvds.

I guess that’s why no one felt thirsty nor that hungry.

Once school starts this Tuesday, sure melepek aje budak2 tu after school.

I normally will send letters to their teachers explaining about the fasting month so the girls can be excused from having to do sports and morning fitness (which they don’t mind missing at all, hehehe).

Our Sahur food as usual cuma medjool kurma, hot milo for the girls and hot coffee for us, water and multigrain toasts or weetbix.

The Other Half will usually have his toasts with butter and honey, Miss 13 will have hers with nutella and Miss 8 pulak depending on what she felt like that morning.

I will have my toast with whatever that’s on the table.

So far, throughout the years, we’ve never had hot meals at Sahur time because no one could stomach big heavy meals at that time of the morning.

So, senang lah kerja I di pagi2 hari kan, no need to pening2 fikir what to cook, hehehe.

Semalam, I still tak pening lagi nak fikir what to make as our Iftar kuih sebab baru aje the first day kan Smile.

I made keria balls or keria orang malas or sweet potato balls.



I made kecik2 aje so you can pop the whole thing in your mouth.

We had the keria with kurma and fresh fruits.

And then for dinner, I made bread to be eaten with pasta and seafood ‘stew’.



Just before baking, I brushed the top of the loaf with water and then sprinkled plain flour on it. Nampak lah gaya rustic sikit kan Winking smile.


Freshly baked bread is always well received in this house, hehehe.




It’s basically creamy seafood pasta sauce but less tomato paste, tu yg nampak pale aje.


Tonite, they have asked for creamy garlic mashed potato with gravy and sausages.

Kuih still under consideration, hehehe…..


  1. Semlm i buat mee rebos sempoi, strawberry shake & i guna frozen sweet corn buat bubur jagung. Hadooiii, pening nk pikir kan sbb i tak pergi pasar ramadhan.

    1. Awat i type byk tp keluar yg tu je.. Pls kasi byk menu lg ya sbb i malas nk perah otak pikir nk masak apa heheeeee... Bestnyaaaaaaa menu u tu..!!!!!

  2. Bestnya menu kak lg.. Ari pertama dh mkn kat luar.. Xlarat n xtahan bau masakan.. Nasib baik leh msk sahur....

  3. Coq keria bulat tu sangat comel.

    Nasib baik boleh excuse dari sports activities kan :D

  4. dah semuanya mmg tekak mat salleh kan. senang betul masak mat salleh ni..

    td pun kitarang buka mat salleh menu. hee

  5. selamat berpuasa k.min ( ucapan yg lambat... hehehe)

    Comel aje kuih keria tu.... tini mmg suka pun... tapi kalau buat makan sorang ajelah.... coz budak2 kat rumah nie x berapa suka sgt.. so kalau nak makan tunjuk aje....

  6. Selamat berpuasa sis! Mnu sempoi tapi best je nampak. Tengok pagi-pagi ni memang terliurlah jugak...hehehee...
    Sis, i suka lah kuih keria bulat u tu. Nanti boleh lah buat. :-)

  7. Salam dan selamat berpuasa. Kalau berbuka tak heavy sangat kira ok tu. My 1st day berbuka menunya kat Please visit it. Thanks.

  8. Selamat Berpuasa to you and everyone back home Kak LG! I enjoyed reading your post and laughed out when you mentioned the kids don't mind missing their physical activities in school.

    Your kuih keria are looking so cute...feel like throwing them into my mouth now..hehe :)

  9. Mulan,
    memang pening mak2 nak fikir masak apa sebulan ni. But padahalnya kan, hari2 biasa pun pening cuma tak payah pening2 fikir pasal nak buat kuih ye tak :-)

    wah...bestnya makan kat luar hari pertama. Tapi, nak buat mcm mana kan, dari termuntah2 kat dapur tu, baik lah makan kat luar ye tak :-)

    anak2 I sgt lah gembiranya sbb tak payah buat sports, memang pemalas sungguh! :-D

    kak Yan,
    tu lah kan, snng saya tak payah fikir nak masak 2-3 jenis lauk hari2, hehehe

    budak2 kat rumah ni suka sgt2 kuih keria ni. Kalau nak jimat, memang kena buat sendiri sbb sorang makan 10 ketul! :-)

    keria bulat ni yg paling senang sbb tak payah susah payah menerap atau membentuk dia dgn lubang kat tengah2 tu. I kan malas sikti, hahaha

    Engineers Love cooking,
    Salam. We all berbuka mmng dgn kuih and fruits aje but lepas maghrib sebelum isya' dah makan dinner.

    thanks for the wish. My kids memang sometimes love to skip their sports lessons, hehehe
