Friday, 20 July 2012

Have a blessed Ramadhan

I can’t believe it that it has finally happened!

All the masjids here in Perth will start Ramadhan tomorrow, on the same day!

(Well….except the turkish masjid which hasn’t announced their Ramadhan starting time yet sebab they follow Turkey’s timetable.Turkish masjid ni kat Perth menetapnya tapi bila nak tentukan Ramadhan and Syawal, diaorang ikut negara Turki, heran betul I….)

Sama2 barulah namanya bersepakat membawa berkat kan!

Waktu iftar here in Perth is quite early sebab masih dalam Winter lagi kan.

But, tak lah seawal macam Melbourne or Sydney or Tasmania tu.

Esok, our Imsak is at 5.37 in the morning and our iftar pulak will be at 5.34 in the evening.

And on the last day of Ramadhan, our Imsak will be around 5.17 in the morning and iftar will be around 5.56 in the evening.

Around 12 hours of fasting lah.

I’ve been through fasting during Summer time here in OZ and it was quite hard so we are really looking forward to fast during the Winter months (especially the girls, hehehe).

What I am not looking forward to is the pening kepala nak fikir nak masak kuih apa for Iftar, heeeee….

I ni bukan reti mana sangat buat kuih melayu but bila tiba aje Ramadhan, mesti nak berbuka dengan kuih melayu (semua orang kat rumah ni tiba2 aje dapat tekak melayu when it comes to sweet kuih/cakes for Iftar).

So, balik balik, menu I will be buah melaka, kuih ketayap, murtabak sempoi, badak berendam, lopes segera, serimuka…

And because of that, my pantry kena ada tepung pulut, beras pulut, tepung beras, dessicated coconut, pandan paste and gula melaka.

Memang stock wajib masa bulan puasa, hehehehe….

Tapi semangat I untuk buat kuih for iftar ni selalunya cuma for the first 20 days aje. The last 10 days, dah tak kuasa I nak buat kuih, terus aje makan main meal and pandai2 lah diaorang cari dessert dalam pantry lepas tu, hehehe….

Tonite, I cuma buat chicken burger and chips for dinner. Bukan buat pun since the burger patties and chips and the bread were shop-bought. I cuma masak and goreng and assemble aje, hehehe.

So, tu yg malas nak ambik gambar.

I ganti tayang gambar the pizza I made a week ago.

BBQ chicken pizza.




I like the taste of BBQ chicken pizza. I normally use any leftover cooked chicken pieces which I deboned and shred the flesh. Then  squirt BBQ sauce on the chicken as little or as much as you like, add any veges you like and top with grated cheeses.


  1. salam ramadhan...selamat berpuasa ^^

  2. LG, puasa time winter lg cepat lapar tak..dah tu bunyi perut bkn main lg kuat..hahaha

    i ni dok plan nak buat few kuih melayu utk bln puasa ntah terbuat ke tak nanti ..

  3. selamat berpuasa kak, kami d tassie buka awal, hehe, kol 5 dah masuk magrib, salam ramadhan!

  4. salam ramadhan to kak LG & family!!

  5. Salam Ramadhan Kak LG n family...moga ramadhan kali ni lebih bermakna utk kak sefamily...

    p/s - raya nnti kat ne??? mesia ke perth??

  6. selamat menghayati ramadhan yang mulia.

  7. salam ramadhan kak nk tnye bule?cmane cheese tu mcm jd cair nterletak elok aje?cheese kena letak mase mula2 kite bake ke mase pizza dah separuh masak?sy buat cheese tu mcm garing jer..

  8. Selamat berpuasa kak mynn and family.

  9. Selamat berpuasa kak mynn and family.

  10. Ya,
    I masih ingat bila bulan posa memang permintaan kuih Melayu tiba2
    meningkat. Dan kuih yg U sebut tu la yg U ulang buat. Hehehehe...

    Selamat menyambut Ramadhan wpun jauh di rantau orang. Semoga Ramadhan
    kali ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Aminnnn....

  11. Selamat berpuasa kak min n family. Semoga family kak min allah curahkan rahmat sepanjang bulan puasa ni, ameen. stay cun kak min! =)

  12. Salam ramadhan buat akak LG sekeluarga..

  13. Salam Ramadhan al mubarak, kak LG,TOH dan 2 princess, ampun dan maaf dipinta atas salah dan silap.

  14. Hi LG,
    I dekat sini buka pukul 8:45 pm. Luckily, minggu ni hujan. Jadi it's been pretty easy. Tapi I miss puasa in the winter time. Some people said it's harder in the winter sebab cekap lapar, but I think they just wanna feel better sebab dia kena puasa in summer ;-) nonetheless, i hope you have a good ramadhan.

  15. Wowooowww.... Nak iftar dgn pizza la today.. Guna voucher yg ada ni.. Oven i kan dah meroyan.. Oso nk cari pizza pan yg ada lobangs mcm u tu hehee..
