Thursday, 14 June 2012

Yang mana satu idaman hati…

The Other Half is so keen to buy me an iPad for my birthday next month.

He said that he knows I will love it.

It’s just because he bought an iPad a few months back at the same time when we bought the new oven and stove top and the fridge and freezer.

Dia kata since we were going to go broke from buying all those whitegoods, might as well go even ‘broke-er’ by buying him an iPad.

And sejak tu, hari2 he tells me how good his iPad is!

And boleh katakan most nights he will use his iPad in bed to watch a sitcom or a movie and also uses it as an eBook.

So, tu yang dia kata dia tau sangat2 yang I will love it as well tu yang dia beria nak belikan untuk I, hehehe….

But I keep on telling him that I don’t really want it and neither do I need it.

Dia cukup heran betul tengok orang macam I yang tak minat sangat nak ada iPad ni, heeeee…

I said to him I would rather that he buys me a good light for my food photo taking session and also make me a good light tent so I can start taking good photos again or buy me another lens for the camera.

I cakap dengan dia since dia dah terer sangat2 buat trellis sendiri sekarang ni, he might be terer jugak to make me a light tent.

As long as dia tak buat the light tent as bagak as the trellis dah lah kan, hahahahaha Open-mouthed smile.

The Other Half terus rasa tak excited dah sebab I mintak benda lain for my birthday present….

He said, “I dont know where to find the lights and the tent but I know where to find an iPad.”

I definitely need a light tent and a photo light more than I need an iPad!

Sebab sejak my old light tent and my good lights ‘passed away’, I have been using just a single light bulb and the most basic prop to take my food photos and I do not like the outcome.

Dah lah I memang hari2 ambik gambar waktu malam aje so memang tak secantik yang I harapkan so tu yang lagi buat I malas nak hias anything beria2, hehehe…

Like tonite for example, I masak balti lamb curry for dinner.


I kena pindah2kan the light bulb to get a nice exposure of the dark curry. Itu pun still nampak yang the curry is still too dark while the poppadum dah terover exposed.


Kena ambik real close-up shot of just the curry, baru lah ok sikit.


But seperti kata The Other Half selepas dia translate kan peribahasa kegemaran dia, “If you can’t dance, don’t blame it on the lopsided dance floor.”

Cissss!!!!!!! Heeeeee…..


  1. Salam & hi,
    Are all men alike? My hubster pun macam tu last year he bought me the iPad2 when my wishlist was either food mixer or a nice tote. This year he suprised me with the new version iPad, uwaa i nak buat hapa. Dah beli terima je lah when hati meronta-ronta nak food mixer. I hanya ada hand mixer jer..sob sob sob..

    P.s: truthfully you'll love the iPad..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. akak selalunya terima aje apa yg hubby nak kasi padahal dlm hati nak benda lain...dush dush...hahhaha

    kelakar bila peribahasa dah ditukar ke bahasa inggeris...klassss TOH

  4. Zard,
    Salam. I think they think they know their wives' tastes better than we know our tastes kot, tu yang they buy us things very far removed to the ones we idam2kan, hehehe.
    I know I will like the iPad but I dont think it's a necessary for the time being. I would rather have the lights :-D.

    Kak Kasih,
    Hahaha....hubby I dah pandai sikit, dia akan tanya apa yang I nak or ask me to buy it myself sbb dia tau kalau dia pandai2 beli without asking, slalunya jauh lari dari citarasa I, heee...

  5. hadiah2 I kebanyakannya gadget lah! nk benda selain dr itu kena beli sendiri huahuahuaaaa....I remember dulu k LG used to have satu lighting box amik gambar husband pun used to have one like that, utk amik gambar model Gundams yg dia painted & built (bila selalu pindah2 ni hobby dia yg satu tu x dpt diteruskan lagi...)

  6. husband tidak la pandai beli benda2 macam ni. dia cuma tau shopping utk diri sendiri

  7. yang sebenarnya them all yg nak benda tuh... hehehhe... and not the stuffs yg them wives nak... hehehhehe

    LIGHTS!! leh vote tak kak LG?? hehehehe

  8. Aunty LG,
    iPad baru ada camera! purrrr....meow!

  9. sy pun tak minat sy suka peribahasa hubby akak tu...

  10. awww... your hub is so sweet, I'd go for IPad..
    I have one and can't leave without one hehehe... bigger screen, so tak payah lah I squint sampai juling.
    The best thing is I could reply to all comments while lazying around in bed, minus point~I need to find out is how to write my posts using IPad :(...
    About the light tent, I've come across few.... I'll email you the link if you wish (err... you email pls)

  11. ttp nmapk mengiurkan kari akak tu... dont worry

  12. Pendragon,
    hehehe...hanya itu yg mereka tau belikan utk kita so kita pun terpaksalah menerima dgn senyuman dipaksa ;-).
    light box I dulu tu buatan sendiri so bila pindah, it went kemek and dah koyak2. Tapi nak membuat baru, amatlah malas nya, hehehe

    betul betul betul :-).

    Bila I mintak lights, dia suruh I pergi surf sendiri and cari sendiri but he'll get it for me he said, hehehe...

    I nak guna camera iPhone pun tak berapa reti, lagilah nak guna camera iPad itu, hahaha.

    I rasa I will like iPad kalau orang nak bagi tp so far takde kepentingan nak guna benda tu. But lights and light box memang penting sgt2, hehehe.

    He's not sweet, just practical, hahaha.
    I know I will like the iPad once I've got it but I can't see the need of having one at the time being :-).
    I've surfed a few sites as well for lights and light boxes but so far nothing that I like that is within the budget.
    But I would love the links from you. My email is Thanks :-)

    kena banyak edit baru menggiurkan, hehehe

  13. Salam Kak LG,
    I was never an Apple lover before. Tapi lepas kami beli ipad, everthing changed. hehehe.. trust me, you'll fall in love immediately with apple thingy, esp ipad :D :D :D

  14. Ijan,
    Salam. Hahaha...samalah kita. I pun dulu cukup tak suka anything apple ni. Until I dpt iPhone 4s, my first apple product ever. Pastu, terus jatuh cinta, heeee
