Sunday, 24 June 2012

Silent Sunday

Sometimes when I’m feeling slightly more rajin, I will make mac n cheese that is filled with colourful things.

All the colours of the traffic lights will be added to it. Diced broccoli for the green bit, diced yellow capsicum for the amber bit and sliced tomatoes for the red bit.

But when I can’t be bothered to chop up the veges, my mac n cheese is definitely bland-looking, like tonight.

And then when they want to eat it, they’ll pour either BBQ sauce or tomato sauce to enhance the flavour a bit and make it more colourful Smile.

This is the kind of mac n cheese that The Other Half and the girls like, pure mac n cheese without any addition of vegetables, hehehe.



But I did add chopped up sausages to liven things up a bit.


Nampak sangat I malas malam ni sebab I didn’t even bother to steam any veges.

Takpe, once in a while takde balanced diet, tak jadi hal Smile.


  1. relax2 jer dinner. best lah mixed taste bud ni. 1 bowl je dah jadi full dinner. otherwise nasi plus 3 lauk pauk baru complete bersantap. kene malas cam i, tersentap. hehe

  2. malas pun tapi makanan nampak yummy.

  3. malas pun ada hasilnya
    kalau akak..malas..jawapnya tapau je lah.

  4. time akak malas...berasap jugak dapur kalu malas...jgn kan berasap..makan kat umah pun tak..hehehe...

  5. u punya yg malas is sama dgn mine yg paling rajin.. so how..??? hahaaa... yes yes.. mcm nak buat for dinner lah.. tqs for d idea..

  6. Salam lg...Walaupun tak berwarna warni tapi nampak sedap.

    Lama kak Zai tak masak,rindu nak makan masakan air tangan sendiri.

  7. alamak, baca pun dah meleleh...nak ty LG or sesapa kat sini tau x mcm mana nak buat mac n cheese version kenny rogers? anak i suka tapi i x tau cemana nak buat creamy cheese sauce tu...can u help me?

  8. Shahlin,
    memang betul tu. 1 bowl dah lengkap everything. Tu yg kdg2 I lagi suka masak western dr asian ni sbb malas nak fikir 2-3 lauk :-)

    Mac n cheese ni snng nak buat tu yg bila malas boleh buat :-)

    Chekgu Azrine,
    mac n cheese mmng slalu yummy kan :-).

    Yummmmmm :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    kalau I kat Msia, I rasa mmng selang hari mesti tapau, hikhikhik

    I dulu masa kat Msia, slalu sgt malas nak masak n slalu makan kat luar, hehehe. Tapi bila dah duduk sini, rajin terus ;-)

    I dah pernah bagi recipe mac n cheese, cuba you cari kat shortcut 'recipes' tu ye :-)

    hikhikhik...You kalau rajin, penuh 1 meja you masak.

    Kak Zai,
    Salam. Memang betul kan, kalau dah lama tak masak, kita akan rindu nak masuk dapur and nak masak hasil tangan sendiri. Goreng telur pun jadi lah kan, rasa mcm sedap sgt2 :-)

    I tak pernah makan mac n cheese Kenny Rogers so memang tak boleh nak tolong you.
    But I rasa maybe lebih kurang mcm other mac n cheese kot ke? You just have to make the cheesy sauce first, pastu gaul dgn cooked pasta. I pernah bagi recipe mac n cheese before. Cubalah that recipe, kot2 sama dgn kenny rogers punya.
