Thursday, 21 June 2012

The nicer salad

I love to make fruit salad during Summer time because of the abundance of stone fruits and mangoes.

But the stone fruits don’t keep that well. They go soft very quickly so either kena makan cepat2 or kena simpan dalam fridge.

And bila dah disimpan dalam fridge instead of in the fruit bowl, alamatnya memang selalu ter overlooked untuk dimakan and they will end up being thrown into the compost bin or into the worm farm jugak akhirnya sebab dah ‘belenyek’ (mari belajar bahasa Jawa ye, hikhikhikhik). Winking smile

But then nowadays when I am on a mission to control Miss 8’s food intake and try to make her eat healthily especially during school time, kenalah I vary her fruits hari2.

Selalunya I just bagi dia 1 fruit depending on what’s available in the fruit bowl. And sebab Mum dia malas nak potong2, hehehe.

But I want her to start eating more fruits at school so dia akan kenyang makan fruits and she won’t need a big lunch or some other snacks in her lunch box kan.

And since she loves fruit salads, I pun buatkan lah fruit salads for her tiap2 pagi.

And Miss 13 pun dapat lah tempias sama, she gets fruit salad in her lunch box too which she really likes as well sebab dia kata senang nak makan.

And you know what, Winter fruit salad is I think much nicer than the Summer fruit salad, hehehe.


This was her  recess and lunch pack on Tuesday. I made her poloni sandwich on 4-seeds bread with cheese and grated carrots.

Selalunya yang tinggal cuma bread crust aje sebab dia tak suka the crust.

The fruit salad pulak consisted of persimmon, kiwi fruit, banana, apple and pear.


And ini pulak her lunch pack today. I made her chicken sandwich on multigrain bread with cheese and grated carrots. And dried apricots if she’s still hungry after the sandwich, hehehe.

The fruit salad pulak consisted of strawberry, banana, kiwi, persimmon and apple.

Masa Winter ni aje lah we can eat persimmons.

And the strawberries have started coming in as well which is good.

But sekolah tinggal 2 minggu aje lagi pun so hopefully I can keep up my enthusiasm to make her fruit salad every morning for the next 2 weeks, hikhikhik….


  1. senang betul kan food anak mat salleh ni kan.. kalau anak jawa sure nasi ambeng je kan. heee..

  2. wooaahhhh.. I kalo dapat bebuahans like tht, pastinya melompat gembira..

    sini lagi la kalo tak makan cepat buah2 yg ada, pastinya berubah kaler, bentuk & bau.. hahaaaaa.... so dengan itu I akan cepat sumbat dlm freezer.. pastu blend je buat jus..

  3. Asslm kak LG... suka tgk lunch box kak LG buat utk femli ;)

  4. musim buah2an dah tiba ye...nampak segar sangat strawberry tu :)

  5. woahh.. i also kena pack kan sonia lunch box.. usually i buat kan egg sandwich or peanut butter sandwich.. kadang tu dia nak scramble egg with one slice of bread.. if i letak si grated carrot.. sure dia campak tepi ker sandwich.. for fruits pulak.. adehhh tak lah semeriah urs.. usually i letak pisang ajer and also i letak kan her fav gummies.. maybe i shud try and meriah kan her fruits department.. tu pun kalau i rajin potong memotong hehe

  6. Adoi kak LG...buat kan saya satu lunch box kak LG..heheh..

  7. tak pernah bekal anak g school bawak nak cuba bagi..senang je kan..hehehe...bestnyer kalau sy dpt lunchbox miss 8 hari2..confirm sy kurus kan kak...

  8. Kak Yan,
    Phew, lega betul dapat anak mat saleh ni, kalau anak2 I tekak jawa, pening kepala I pagi2 nak buat nasi ambeng, hahaha

    I pulak sentiasa terlupa (termalas more likely) nak blend buah2an yg dah lebih umur tu. Tu yg kdg2 my fridge penuh aje dgn buah2an yg dah tukar rupa, hehehe.

    waalaikumsalam. Lunch box yg sgt simple kan :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    musim buah Winter aje but strawberries memang dah start in season. Tu yg meriah aje her lunchbox :-).

    I pun slalu malas nak potong the fruits and gave them 1 whole fruit aje, hehehe. But since my daughter needs to go on a diet so I kena lah meriahkan her fruit box with so many different fruits baru lah dia nak makan. Luckily she likes sandwiches so hari2 boleh sumbat sandwich :-).

    hikhikhik...lunch box I ni terhad aje jumlah nya sbb malas nak potong buah2 lebih2 so orang lain tak kan dpt punyalah, heeee ;-)

    tu yg I nak try bagi Miss 8 kurus dgn bagi lunchbox mcm ni aje, hehehe.
    my kids memang hari2 I suruh bawak fruits pergi school or else diaorang jarang nak makan fruit ni.
