Thursday, 28 June 2012

I need to have my ears checked

The Other Half burst out laughing when he read my blog post last night.

He then said, “I love you very much but you are such a silly girl sometimes. We didn’t say discount, discount, discount. We said disc gun, disc gun, disc gun!”


Patutlah I pun pening last night when I heard the shoot, shoot, shoot and then discount, discount, discount.

I knew they were playing some sort of shooting game but bila masa pulak diaorang ada masa nak pergi beli barang online yg tengah ada discount tu, hikhikhik…..

Isk, isk, isk…..nampak noh yg Mum n wife kat rumah ni tak prihatin with the latest game Smile with tongue out.

And now they are playing Mario kart on Wii which I know takde shooting nor discount, hehehe.

But at least I know I’m not silly (well, most of the time anyway) in the kitchen cooking dinner tadi.

dah lama we all tak makan nasi putih so malam ni I masak nasi putih with 3 different lauk.

I masak green chicken curry for The Other Half sebab I know he loves it.

I masak chicken and vege tomyam for myself sebab I feel like having it.

And I masak chicken and vege sweet sour for the girls because diaorang tak makan pedas, hehehe.

But it didn’t take long to cook them sebab I cooked them all at the same time and I used ready-made pastes for the tomyam and green curry so memang lah senang kan Smile.



the green chicken curry made easy with ready-made paste.


the tomyam whish was also made easy with ready-made paste.

Bila ada kemudahan, baik lah kita gunakan ye tak especially when the ready made paste cost only 90 cents/ packet aje, hikhikhik…


Our truly asian meal tonight.


  1. Hahaha ... to think I surfed the whole night looking for such games. Maybe I'm silly too!

    Btw, the left ear or telinga kanan? :)

  2. Noir, you get older, the hearing doesn't seem to be as good as when we were young ;-).

  3. How romantic! saying he loves you so much before calling you silly. :-)
    Green curry it's for us for tonight dinner.

  4. he3....kelakarnye....but cute!!

  5. Tibe2 rase nak makan kari ayam lak..haishh..akak ni mmg tau!hahahh

  6. hi kak,
    ahahaha..i gelak dulu blh?
    mmg hari2 singgah blog akak tp jrg drop comment...semalam i heran jg apa yg

  7. Lama tak makan nasi, mesti slim melim ni..

  8. hehehe...kelakar!

    anyway, mangkuk tomyam ngan green curry to comel jek...
    kaler feveret kita pulak tu..!

  9. telinga budek sikit2 takpe lagi...lambat2 pun boleh adjust. jangan mulut sakit, tu kene cepat2 overhaul. sebab susah nak makan nti. hahahaha

  10. Kahkah lawak tuh :D

    Betoi la, dah ada cara yg cepat, baik la kita guna dari dok menumbuk memblender bagai, hehe..

  11. adoi kelakar ok!
    akk sdp nya tomyam lm plak x masak tom yam hurm

  12. MsMitchie,
    hehehe...terpaksalah dia berkata begitu so I tak merajuk ;-)

    kejap lagi kena pakai hearing aid lah kan, hehehe

    nasib baik lah kari ayam senang nak buat and cari kan :-)

    Hi. I pun heran jugak bila I dengar discount discount tu, rupa2nya diaorang cakap lain, hahaha

    hikhikhik...nasib baik not all the time :-)

    I lama tak makan nasi putih, tapi nasi lain makan, hehehe. Pastu carbs lain makan jugak, so mmng tak boleh nak kurus lah :-).

    mangkuk2 tu comes in a set of 5, ada mcm2 kaler lain, hehehe.

    budek bertempat takpe kan asalkan jgn setiap masa, hehehe.

    I ni kan jenis2 yg like my simple life so anything that can make it simpler, memang lah I akan guna, hahaha...

    tomyam ni snng sgt nak buat nya tapi I pun baru tu lah buat after dah lama sgt2 tak buat :-)
