Sunday, 10 June 2012

How we spent our day when the wild storms hit Perth

Today Perth and surrounding area was hit by wild storms with really gusty winds up to 140kms/hour.

The storms leave a trail of destructions across Perth.

And what did we do while the storm was lashing Perth and surrounding areas?

We went for a drive along the coastal roads heading towards Hillary boat harbour and stopping at Cottesloe beach to watch the wild waves and a lot of brave people swimming in the rough seas Smile.



While all these people were in their shorts and bikinis braving the cold waves and strong winds, we were all rugged up trying to get warm, hehehe….


But kids will be kids, still jugak nak main air…



While waiting for the others to come out of AQWA, we took shelter from the rain and wind in San Churros having heavenly hot chocolate….


It’s like drinking chocolate pudding that is so rich and creamy but unbeliavably yummy. Mak I could only manage to habiskan about 1/3rd of her hot chocolate sebab she said perut dia dah kenyang sangat2, heeee…

Trying to get our photos taken while trying not to get blown away by the gusty winds at the same time was a major feat let me tell you, hahahha….


Alhamdulillah, we managed to escape all the affected areas when the winds were lashing the coasts.

But we got to see the aftermath of the storms. Uprooted trees, broken branches everywhere on the roads, torn fences on some of the houses, debris on the roads, torn sails on some of the roofs of houses along the beach.

Kakak I said that she just couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw how strong the winds were when we stopped to have fish and chips for lunch at City Beach. Siap ambik video lagi tu, hehehe…

Tomorrow will be their last full day here so it will be filled with last minute shopping and packing.

And after their flight on Tuesday, the house will be very quiet again.


  1. nasib baik tak terbang dilayang angin masuk laut terus, kak... :)

    takut aje tgk choppy waters kat jeti tuh...

  2. Salam.. lama tak komen kat sini, Kak asal dari mana ea? Kampung kat malaysia ni kat ne? hihu~~... mesti bestkan duk kat luar?.. hihu.. thanks.

  3. alhamdulillah u all tak apa2... tengok foto ni pon dah seriau i...

  4. bestnye...berkumpul dgn keluarga...

  5. Kak Min,

    We had a storm last Saturday nite in my hometown - Sekinchan. I heard Tg Karang was affected too but not sure about Ijok. No uprooted tree but lots of roof were blown away.

    The electricity was cut off so we spent the night playing games with the help of cahaya lilin. hehe..

    that is the closest thing that we have as a bad weather.

  6. Salam ka LG,
    Tadi dah lalu, tapi ingat nak baca entry tertunggak dulu, :D selalu baca, tapi sllu blur, sbb bila post dlm bahasa omputih, saya cepat blur nak komen apa. Huks.. Teruk saya ni. Tapi gambar2 jalan2 itu banyak mmabntu saya utk mengingat. :D

    Angin kencang betul tu. Kira masih selamat lagi ya kak? Hot chocolates, rasa macam puding choc kak? hehe.. tak boleh gambarkan.

    Have a nice trip, buat kak, bonda kak LG dan seluruh family... Betul, punctuality memang sepatutnya sifat kita, orang Mukmin. Dlm hadis yg saya belajar, Janji seorang mukmin sprt sudah berada di dlm telapak tangannya. Yakni pasti ditunaikan. Harap2 saya boleh istiqamah... :D

  7. olololo mesti sedih kan...tak per, insya'allah lain kali bersua lagi.

  8. enjoy lah tengok budak2 tu jumpa sepupu sepapat. kid's face never lies. well today is Tuesday, hmmm sure kene bye2 ni. Family is still in heart no matter how far we are apart

  9. alaihai family LG dh nak balik.. takpe taun dpn datang lagi :))

  10. Assalamualaikum kak..i've been ur blog's silent reader since early this year..but i didnt get to know ur name hehe..seronok tgk/baca ur posts. wanted to email u privately but cant find ur email anywhere so this is the only way to reach u, i guess :) need ur advice of perth accomodation, suggestion of places to visit, etc. insyaAllah my family n i will be going there in september. really appreciate if u could give some info n tips. here's my email if u have the time to drop some tips - ..thanks a lot and have a nice day! barakallahu feek

  11. Salam kak LG,
    I second Minn's request..If u dont mind, can u write a special post on interesting things/places to go in Perth? I know that the local's tips are much more fun and not so touristy compared to what we read in the webs/brochures...please, pretty plese Kak LG?! :D
    p.s heading there in Sept.
