Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The story of her pet

Miss 8’s goldfish is dying…

She noticed that her fish is lying on its side since this afternoon when she came back from school and does not look like the fish is going to get better.

It will occasionally swim but can’t seem to get itself upright or swim to the top.

She’s been crying her heart out, poor girl Sad smile.

She’s had the fish since we first moved into this house so I think it is quite a long life cycle already for a fancy godlfish.

I think the fish is having some problems with its swim bladder and after googling, I found out that I am right.

So, sebab kesian kat Miss 8, we did some of the suggested treatments to try and fix the swim bladder problem.

We’ve removed the fish into a quarantine ‘tank’ with a reduced amount of water to help lessen the pressure on the fish’s swim bladder and fasting the fish for a few days.

Miss 8 is feeling slightly better now because we are trying to help her fish to get better.

But I told her that it might still die even after this.

She knows that fact but I guess she feels that she’s done her best to help her fish with the illness so takdelah rasa guilt or feeling helpless kan.

(I dont think I want to spend money in taking a goldfish to the vet though, heeee…).

But what we found amazing is that Miss 13’s fish has been trying to help Miss 8’s fish to swim upright by nudging it gently and swimming under it so Miss 8’s fish was lying on top of him.



They’ve been best of friends since they got put into the same tank so I guess bila sekor sakit, sekor lagi sedih lah jugak kan, hehehe….

Since I tak sedih sangat about the fish (cuma sedih tengok Miss 8 nangis mendayu2), I still boleh masak and makan…

I teringin sangat nak makan kuih nagasari and kuih sagu gula melaka hari ni.

So I made kuih nagasari versi orang malas (just kukus kat loyang without the daun pisang) and sagu gula melaka to make The Other Half and Miss 8 happy.



I guna pisang yang dah siap dikukus but dijual frozen and I sliced them up thinly and susun cantik2.

Lega rasa dapat makan nagasari after so many months tak makan.


My sagu gula melaka with susu cair.


  1. sedih nyer... tgk the fish. yg plg sedih the part the other fish helping the sick one. ikan pun ada prasaan simpati :).

    wah sago gula melaka dh berzaman xmkn ni. sedap nyer.

  2. Itulah sbbnya I xde pet sampai skrg! I x sanggup nk menghadapi saat2 yg mcm ni. So I faham sgt perasaan Miss 8 bila pet dia sakit. Bunga plate kuih nagasari itu amat klasik...

  3. siannyaaaaaaaa..... poor fishh..

  4. me too..cant see my pet's dying...
    langsung tak nak bela binatang pas tu...
    be strong Miss 8...

  5. salam kak, tahun depan masuk masterchef ausie, tahun ni aminah, tahun depan akak, hehe

  6. at first baca, xda la sedih sangat, just kesian dgn Miss 8 yang sedih dgn pet dia..

    tapi bila tengok pics of the other fish trying to help out it's friend, terus rasa nak nangis sama..

    Miss 8, u've done ur best to make it better for the little fish ..
    hush now, ur pet wouldn't want u to be sad .. :')

  7. sedihnya tgk siikan tu kan
    min meh tuko pau dengan kue u yg mengancam tu

  8. Sedih n terharu tgk gambar miss 13's fish tu tolong miss 8's fish.

    Nagasari u tu, macam talam pisang plak i tengok... sedapnya...

  9. Yes, they have strong bonds since they live together. Sedihnye.

  10. akak pun suka makan dgn susu cair sagu tu..kalau dgn santan rasa cepat muak.
    Cantik jelita nagasari tu...bukan versi org malas akak rasa, just di modenkan sikit.

    Alahaii siannya miss 8...takpe2 nanti mintak mommy beli yg baru ;-))

  11. sedih lak baca kisah goldfish miss8 tuh... tp mmg lah ikan sesama ikan pun nk tolong menolong yek... bgs btl lah...

    sedapnyer akak bt nagasari tuh, versi moden gitu yek... tp kan kak sagu gule melaka tuh kalu ngn santan lbh umph kan... bg dana la hehehe

  12. LG, ni klu dlm cerita nemo surelah goldfish yang satu lagi tu pun ikut sedih sama..

    i rasa miss 8 ni ada potential jadi doctor..sangat jiwa penyayang..

  13. having pet is good
    teaching the children to love and dealing with lost
    that's what life is about..

  14. Part Miss 8 nangis sebab ikan dia sakit tu Ina rasa sedih je tapi tak nangis.Bila tengok pic kawan ikan tu tolong angkat ikan yang sakit tu,air mata terus meleleh.Ikan pun tahu hargai kawan dia. :'(

  15. kalau bab2 pets ni akak memang tak boleh laa...mesti sedih kalau sakit atau mati..so faham sgt kalau miss 8 nangis..

  16. June,
    I pun sedih tengok the other fish. Until now, the white fish nampak mcm tgh kehilangan.

    I pulak tak suka pet sbb tak sanggup tengok budak2 ni bersedih bila the pets hilang atau mati. And malas nak clean after them, hahaha.

    memang poor fish kan.

    tu lah kan, budak2 ni suka pets tp yg tak best nya bila pets dia mati, sedih aje.

    Salam. Hahaha...tak sanggup I nak cook under pressure mcm Aminah tu.

    I pun sama sedih when I saw the 2 fishes like that. I guess tu yg buat Miss 8 pun lagi sedih.

    Cik Mimi,
    Sambil sedih2 tengok, sure sedap jugak kalau makan pau kan! hehehe

    Ala2 talam pisang but ingredients dia guna ingredients nagasari :-).

    I guess kalau kita pun duk berdua aje dgn someone, sure akan develop strong bonds jugak kan.

    Kak Kasih,
    nasib baik goldfish murah kan, hehehe.
    I pun rasa klu makan sagu gula melaka dgn santan, akan rasa cepat muak. Kalau makan dgn susu cair, makan semangkuk pun ok aje :-).

    ikan sama ikan pun tolong menolong kan. Kadang2 manusia ni yg patut contohi perangai haiwan kan :-).
    I tak minat pulak santan dgn sagu gula melaka ni, hehehe.

    kalau cerita nemo, sure nya diaorang akan try their best to help the sick fish kan :-).
    Dia tak boleh jadi doctor sbb she will get too attached to her patients which is not good :-).

    it is true. It definitely has taught them about the life cycle.

    haiwan pun hargai and sayang kawan kan. Patutnya some manusia tengok and contohi perangai haiwan yg macam ni kan.

    Kak Whitecappucino,
    susah kan kalau pets kita sakit or mati ni sbb kita yg sedih sgt2...

  17. o please don't cook the fish if/when it dies! mana la tau nak cuba² 'bahan mentah' baru ;)

  18. i tak suka simpan pets sbb i takleh tahan kalo depa sakit or mati..

    u...!!!! i suka sgt nagasari & sagu tu...!!! gerraammmm tgk..
