Thursday, 31 May 2012

So many things to do, so little time….

I am so exhausted sekarang sebab I’ve been doing the final mengemas and membersihkan the whole house today before the guests arrive.

Lebih kurang macam masa we all menyewa dulu and buat our 3-monthly house cleaning for the house inspection penatnya, hehehe.

Bila the girls balik from school, awal2 I dah warn diaorang not to mess things up and keep every thing tidy and clean sebab I dah tak larat nak clean up after them.

The Other Half pun dah awal2 kena warn not to leave his stuff lying around everywhere sebab I dah penat mengutip for him…

But I’m not sure berapa lama lah they’ll be able to keep tidy and clean ni…. hmmmmmm…..

I’ve even made meatballs to stock up in the freezer and some rock cakes for snacks for the guests.

I thought of making some more frozen dinners like lasagna or bolognese sauce that I can just take out and reheat bila penat2 balik from sightseeing or shopping with the guests but…

penat and malas both are ruling my body at the moment so might have to shelf that idea, hehehe.

I thought of making fish n chips tonite but since I dah buat the meatballs to be frozen, I just took a few and used them for dinner.


My version of swedish meatballs with fries and salad.

The swedish meatballs recipe I ambil from here but I added a splash of worcesteshire sauce and a squirt of tomato sauce to the mince mixture and loads of ground black pepper to make it less bland.

And I baked the meatballs in the oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes instead of frying them sebab malas nak berdiri depan stove top the whole day.


For the gravy pulak, I used chicken stock, a mixture of sour cream and cream and a splash of soy sauce to add that extra oommph.


Macam IKEA punya meatballs tapi I punya lagi sedap, muahahahaha Smile with tongue out.


  1. LG, bila guests you datang.. betullah bila dah penatkan, nak masak tu mcm lemau je kan...

  2. ala sedapnyer...wat kter terliur je ni...

  3. Kalaulah kami sekeluarga dpt ke sana

  4. Yummy yummyyyy....
    sis, bila tengok ur plate kan buat i terasa mmg org malaysia ni terlebih makanlah. Sebab kalau makan kat ikea tu meatball je dah berapa ketul pastuh dengan chips lagi...mak aiiii....
    u punya skit je ada veggie lagi tuh...barulah balance kan?

  5. salam
    nampak sedap sesangat..dan yang pasti kita buat.tahu bahan2nya dah halal.tak sepseti dikedai ada was2 sikit...

  6. statement last yang tak tahan tuuu.. heheheh...

  7. sedapnyer kak... kalu la dana msk meatball je utk dinner konfirm edy msk nasi sndiri sbb tak kenyang hehehe

  8. Masak sendiri memang lagi sedap Kak Min. Lebih sedap dari makan kat kedai yg dah tentu byk artificial flavour dari yg asli. Kat Malaysia, rata-rata rakyatnya teramatlah obses dan bangga dgn makanan kat luar, smpikan dapur kat rumah tu mcm tak payah ada pun tak pe...heran heran....

  9. Salam Kak Min,

    Am an avid reader of your blog, but seldom leave comments. Nak tanya, meatballs yg Kak Min buat tu, you partial cook aru freeze ke, or simpan terus yg mentah-mentah tu?


  10. make me and my friends here drooling!

  11. Aslmkum Kak.
    Just nak cakap..Lapooooo tengok makanan akak tu..Hee

  12. Kak Zai baru aje makan meatball Ikea. Satu hari nanti nak cuba lg punya hehehe....

  13. looks delicious, i'm sure it is! have a nice time with your guests, it'll be a long weekend here (bank holiday weekend and queen's diamond jubilee) plus half term too. will be busy with guests myself…i can understand that bit about warning the household not to mess things up after you've tidied everything, but it's almost impossible sometimes kan! :)

  14. blu4sky,
    esok my Mak and my Kakak n anak dia nak datang. You've met all of them before :-).
    I ni dah lah kdg2 dpt lemau mood tiba2 so bila ada guests and dah penat, lagi cepat lah the lemau mood nak dtg, hehehe.

    Cubalah buat, memang sedap :-)

    lepas ni turn you all pulak :-)

    you tak tengok plate my hubby, sure terkejut tengok betapa banyak nya dia makan, hehehe. Ini pinggan I, tu yg tak banyak mana :-).

    Akak Roosni,
    Salam. IKEA kat sini dah gerenti tak halal tu yg kalau terasa nak makan meatballs ala2 IKEA, kena lah buat sendiri, gerenti halal and lagi sedap kot :-)

    hahaha...kenalah puji diri sendiri kan :-D

    You kena buat meatballs makan dgn chips and nasi dgn sambal as well. Baru yr hubby senyum and tak cari nasi dah lepas tu :-)

    Ada sesetengah orang tu kan, dapur sikit nya cantik and canggih dgn segala mcm alat electrical tp guna sebulan sekali aje ye, hehehe.
    I guess sbb senang sgt2 nak makan kat luar kat Msia tu, open 24 jam, tu yg orang obsess dgn makan kat luar kan.

    Salam. Thanks for reading ye :-).
    I would normally oven baked the meatballs for about 15-20 minutes first. Then bila dah sejuk, baru freeze them.
    When you want to use them, thaw them first and them masuk kan dlm kuah bolognese atau cream sauce mcm ni and cook them a bit more in the sauce jadikan sebati dgn kuah tu.

    Alamak, kenalah you all cari meatballs after this ye :-)

    Waalaikumsalam. Jom kita ramai2 makan meatballs so tak lapo lagi, hehehe

    Kak Zai,
    Lepas cuba saya punya, sure terkenang2 aje nanti, hikhikhik...

    try it, memang sedap! :-)

    We have a long weekend here too. It used to be called Foundation Day but they've changed it to Western Ausralia Day so we are definitely going everywhere this long wknd.
    The problem with my kids and hubby is that they don't seem to see the mess at all while mata I dah nak terbakar tengok the mess. How lah? :-D
