Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The new solar hot water is in da house

We finally had our solar hot water system replaced today.

The solar hot water system that came with the house had gone kaput.

Actually, it’s been playing up since we moved into this house so we had the valve replaced early last year which cost us $500 for a small metal valve.

And then it worked perfectly ok for about a year before it started playing up again.

The hot water that came out of the old system was lukewarm most of the time and also couldn’t get up to pressure and it’s also been leaking at the pump.

During Summer, ok lah with lukewarm water. Nak masuk Winter ni, tak sanggup I nak mandi dengan air suam2 kuku itu, hahaha.

I kan dah cakap yang the previous owner of this house paid for the builder to install the most basic and cheap stuff to kit the house.

Tu yg the oven broke down, the stove not working properly and the hot water system pun broke down after only a few years.

And I found out, the solar hot water company has gone bankrupt as well (sama lah macam the company yang buat our old oven and stove top yang dah jadi tukun tu!).

So, I had to basically stay at home the whole day waiting for the technicians and the tradies to arrive to install and get the whole system started.

I told them that I have to do school runs in the morning and afternoon so I book for them to come at 9 o’clock.

Do you want to know what greeted us at 8 o’clock in the morning when we opened up the garage door?

This truck with a crane waiting right infront of the garage door!

Apadeh! How deh we want to come out.

Tradies ni slalu nya either sangat awal or sangat lambat getting to their appointments. Tak pernahnya on time.

So, kelam kabut lah I hantar the girls to school and straight away rushed back to be at home.

(Nasib baik kat sini takde jam kan, itu pun it took me 30 minutes pergi and balik).

When I got home, they were already ripping it apart.


1 very heavy solar panel+pump. Nasib baik ada that mini crane kan.


I was so scared that they were going to drop the panel onto my car, hahahaha.


The new replacement unit which is working wonderfully so far. Doing the dishes just now didn’t feel like a chore, hehehe.

Can’t wait to try the shower esok pagi Open-mouthed smile.

And then, after these guys have finished installing the system, I had to wait for the plumber and the electrician pulak to do their parts in the installation process.

The plumber came at 11.30 and finished at 1.00. He had to redo the plumbing system connecting the pump to the house because of new government regulations.

The electrician was supposed to come at 2 but they didn’t come until nearly 4 o’clock. The electrician pulak was needed because our solar hot water system has electric boost, so they have to get the electrical booster connections working.

(Tu sebab agaknya kena bayar mahal sebab so many people are needed to get the system working, heeeeee…..)

Luckily everything was done and finished by 4.30 so I could masak2 and basuh2 with nicely flowing hot water…

I masak nasi lemak sebab dari semalam Melayu celup kat rumah ni dah mintak nasi lemak for dinner.


Penuh satu pinggan dengan segala macam acessories, heeeee…



I buat sambal ikan bilis, telur rebus, ayam bakar, keropok goreng, ulam timun and….


kerabu sempoi pegaga and kacang panjang!

Sambal kelapa tu I dah simpan lama giler frozen in the freezer. Tadi baru teringat nak gaul kan dgn kacang panjang and the pegaga. I just steamed it in the microwave and gaul dgn the ulam.

I thought The Other Half tak suka lah makan, rupa2nya kesedapan dia makan, hehehe.

Siap awal2 dah pack masuk container untuk his lunch tomorrow….

Nasib baik ada lagi supply sambal kelapa tu or else menangis lah I kat depan batu belah batu bertangkup, hahahahahaha…


  1. susah juga nak pasang yek..
    sedapnya kerabu tu

  2. haissh tak boleh jadi ni kak, en melayu jadian dah suka kerabu tu. :) terliur sungguh!

  3. nak letak tangki air macam nak buat rumah sebijik. siap kren bagai. Selalu tengok jawa yang panjat bumbung rumah omputih. yg ni terbalik plak.powerlah jawa ijok ni. :)

  4. salam Min..klu ada teringin nasi lemak dapat la min melepaskn kerinduan nk mkn nasi ya...
    nampak sungguh menyelerakn..tambah lak ngan kerabu tu :D

    Selamat hari ibu min...:D

  5. menyelerakan betul nengok lauk pauk nasi lemak tu kan..

  6. I nampak mcm buat kerja projek besar2an je, siap dgn crane segala! Oh...kerabu rupanya ingatkan kacang panjang tadi. Mmg sedap kan nasi lemak bila byk accessories mcm tu....

  7. wow...memang mengambil masa satu hari utk 'mengerjakan' solar panel itu.
    your entry without fail, mesti hujung2 ada menu utk membuatkan myself telan air liur...heheh

  8. yey yey... dah ada air panas...!!!

    i rasa dah sebulan i tak makan nasi lemak.. yezzaaaa, esok kena cari nasi lemak..!!!

  9. thought that kerabu pegaga and kacang panjang was cili potong..even close up pun nampak macam cili potong.heehehe

  10. Kak Min,
    Kalo masak nasi lemak pagi, gamaknye buleh jamu semua yang datang buat kerja tu kan? :D

  11. dah mcm nasik lemak kerabu dah tu mcm2 ada..hehehhe..kerabu tu nampak sedap!

  12. Salam kak, nampak best aje nasi lemak tu especially kerabu tu. At first look I thought it was kerabu cili padi...hehe...then I fikir kuat pedas giler diaorg nih..huhu then oohh...its kerabu kacang panjang n pegaga rupernyer...:D p/s: always enjoy your entry.

  13. persiapan utk winter ye kak... sesiakan payung sebelum turun salji hehehe...

    wah2 lyn nsi lemak nmpaknyer... kerabu tu msti ada rasa lemak2 manis itu yg sedap tu kot

  14. That whole platter looks sooooo mouthwatering la kak. I feel like having lunch now...:)

  15. Pegaga from your veg patch?
    Wah .. next time i pindah nearer to your place, boleh menempek makan sekali (al maklumlah I ni thick skin when it comes to FOOD...hehehe)

  16. wah banyak procedure betul pasal benda tu yer kak LG.

    sebab tengk kak LG nyer blog la malam td dinner saya pon buat nasi lemak.tapi x de ayam goreng la.buat sambal sotong jer.sayur saya buat rebus kangkung.semua suka.

  17. Rasa macam bila tanya berapa kosnya, kena include perkataan "juta" sebab nampak besaq sungguh la benda2 yg nak dipasang tu jadi tak berani tanya, hehe.

    Memang lengkap sungguh la accessories nasik lemak tu, kalau tak kesedapan, memang saja nak cari gaduh la namanya, kehkeh!

  18. ish..ish..byknya step nak pasang benda tu yek?

    *nasi lemak nampak best! macam2 lauk ada.. ratah lauk/keropok tu pun dah kenyang tu..ehhehe

  19. Kak Kasih,
    Nak pasang probably senang kot, tapi nak connect all the parts tu yang leceh sbb requires plumber and electrician :-).

    Memang you, tak boleh jadi mcm ni sbb next time tak boleh lah I buat utk I sorang, hahaha

    kena ada crane sbb berat or else diaorang dpt sore back and then tak boleh kerja, pastu kena go on disability pension, sian gomen nak bayar, hehehe...

    Salam. Hubby I tu mmng selalu mengidam nak makan nasi lemak sbb dia suka sambal nasi lemak tu and telur masin. Skrg ni dah ada kerabu, lagi lah dia akan mintak nak makan every week kot :-)

    memang best betul we all makan nasi lemak penuk lauk tu, kenyang! :-)

    tu lah kan, nak pasang solar hot panels pun kena ada crane. I guess it makes the jobs easier kan :-).
    Kalau ada sambal paru goreng, sure lagi terangkat my nasi lemak kan :-D

    memang satu hari menunggu the people to come. I lah yg kena duduk rumah tunggu diaorang :-)

    you duduk Msia pun dah sebulan tak makan nasi lemak? Sungguh kental jiwa mu menahan godaan, hehehe.

    I potong the kacang panjang halus2 and racik the pegaga, tu yg tak nampak rupa depa dah :-)

    Kalau I masak nasi lemak for those people, mau lah kot diaorang tak nak balik, bertapa kat rumah I aje, hahaha

    next time I nak buat nasi kerabu pulak. Nak tengok hubby I makan the kerabu or not :-)

    hahaha...kerabu cili api? Aduih, kerabu cili biasa tu pun I tak larat nak makan kot lagi lah cili api. Mau lah tak tidur malam sebab sakit perut :-)

    ha'ah, winter ni mesti bnyk nak guna hot water kan so tu yg terpaksa tukar :-).
    I memang suka makan kerabu, rasa sgt lah healthynya.

    thanks :-).Nasi lemak for breakfast, lunch and dinner in Msia :-)

    That's right, from our own veg patch which is awesome kan :-). I can give you pegaga and you can give me lemon if you move closer :-D

    sambal sotong makan dgn nasi lemak mmng sgt2 ngam! Kalau kat rumah ni, kalau masak kangkung, kena masak goreng belacan, baru diaorang suka, hehehe.

    memang juta2, but in rupiah or rupees lah, hehehe. Every month, our visa bill will be high sbb beli oven lah, pasang braces lah, beli whitegoods lah, replace hot water system lah.
    Bila lah nak kaya agaknya ye, hahaha...

    anak2 I suka ratah keropok ubi indon while I pulak suka ratah keropok ikan. Memang tak boleh berhenti kalau dah mula :-)

  20. nampak sedap je kerabu tu.lama dah tak buat kerabu ni

  21. masih tetap ingat how to cook nasi lemak ye!
