Saturday, 21 April 2012

What we had last night

Thank you so much for all the warm birthday wishes and the doas.

I’ve just realised that when I first started blogging, she was still 8+, turning 9 in April that year (same age as her adik now).

How time really flies!

Such a big difference in her photos then and now, she was a kid then but a young lady now.

Lama giler weh I dah berblog ni kan Surprised smile…cayalah, hahahaha.

And all she wanted that year for her birthday cake was a snake cake!

Jenuhlah I mendecorate the cake I made to turn it into a snake-like cake which she was quite happy with.

But since she turned 10, she’s been wanting pavlova as her birthday cake. But I didn’t make pavlova when she turned 11 sebab malas, hehehe.

But lepas tu, every year I buat pavlova for her birthday.

Last night pun I made pavlova jugak.

All 3 of them loved it, I aje lah yang terkebil2 nak makan because it’s too sweet for me.

Miss 13 doesn’t want her pav to be decorated with any fruits whatsoever since she doesn’t like any of the usual fruits associated with pavs.

So, I just decorated it with whipped cream and shaved chocolate which was so unattractive to the eyes.



Other people’s pavlovas look so pretty with all the colourful fruits.

My pavlova terpaksa dihias ikut kehendak the birthday girl which was colourless.


Her eating the last piece of her birthday pavlova, savouring each bite sebab dia tau, laaaaaaamaaaaaaa lagi next time Mum dia nak buat pav ni, hehehehe.


Crispy shell with marshmallow centre.

And when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday dinner, she said, “whatever as long as it’s not noodles or spaghetti.”

So I opted for burger and fremch fries which I knew she would love and appreciate Smile.



I made it extra special for her, I fried her french fries, hikhikhikhik….


  1. wah senang ek buat burger je. cuba bayangkan klu kat tanah air mu ni mau lah jenuh buat mee bandung lah, mee rebuslah, laksa johorlah nak makan masa besday party.

  2. Kena ikut citarasa b'day girl la kan. Utk miss 13 je ke akak fried the fries? Family members yg lain still dpt baked fries ye...

  3. lama tu akak dh berblog ye...dari miss 13 age8+,tahniah la blog akk ni mmg best!!! pavlova akak tu sedap la sampai miss 13 sayang nk mkn n mkn dgn penuh penghayatan....

  4. cantik lah pavlova tu bulat jer . smlm try buat pavlova main2 tepek atas parchment paper jer :P .

  5. wow!!!

    tahniah n happy blated birthday ^_^

    semoga terus berblog sebab blog ini best sgt!!!!!!

  6. happy belated birthday to miss 13!

  7. cantik le miss 13
    nampak lemah lembut je
    khusyuk dia makan pavlova,

    lamanya LG dah jadi blogger ye

  8. Happy Birthday Miss 13!! May all your wish come true!
    *can i have recipe nampak for this cake? nampak macam best je.. :)Thanks..

  9. Dah basi baru datang.. Happy bday Miss 13! moga jadi anak yg soleh dah menjadi kebangaan mama and papa.. that pavlova tu memang addictive.. well in our family lah.. paling fav with passionfruit sauce..

  10. Happy birthday to Miss 13 :-) Officially a teenager!!

    Kak LG,, how did you get your pavlova to be so cantik?? And takde crack?? I have been trying and trying and still tak dapat yang cantik... Any tips? Or recipe? ;-)


  11. kak, cld u post the pavlova's recipe please? :D
    thank you!

  12. bagus betul kalau mak [andai masak ni kan. tak yah nak keluar p belanja.. Order dari mak je..

  13. kusyuk betol birthday girl makan pavlova.. semua mummy masak mesti sangat sedap kan.. we ols tumpang jamu mata je.. hehehee... tumpang belajar masak kat sini jgk..

  14. Shahlin,
    Kat Tanah Air ku itu pun rasanya ramai gak budak2 yg teramat lah suka kalau dapat burger and fries for their birthday dinners. But diaorang pergi McD or TGIF or Chillis instead of makan kat rumah macam my family lah ;-)

    I goreng utk Miss 13 and Miss 8 aje. Utk Mak n Pak I oven bake the fries, tension hubby I sbb dia terliur tengok the fried fries, hahaha.

    Memang lama gilers kan I dah berblog ni. Dah segala macam cerita I cerita kat blog :-D.

    I saw your pav. I ni sbb buat pav as a birthday cake, kena lah buat cantik2 sikit, hahaha

    thanks ye sbb suka my blog and for the birthday wish :-).

    Kak Whitecappucino,
    thanks for the bday wish :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    Memang dah lama betul I jadi blogger ni kan, nak dekat 5 tahun :-). Miss 13 tu nampak aje lemah lembut dlm gambar, hakikat sebenar jauh panggang dari api, hehe

    Dia tu muka aje so Asian tp tastebuds sgt2 Mat Saleh :-)

    TQ for the bday wish and doa. That cake is pavlova, I dah pernah letak the recipe before. You cari kat shortcut 'recipe' ye :-)

    thanks for the bday wish and doa. Hubby I pun suka sgt2 pavlova with passionfruit. But since it wasn't his birthday, terpaksalah dia ikut citarasa my daughter to not have any fruit on the pav, hehehe.

    My pav pun cracked and dropped. But I covered well with the cream so orang tak nampak, hahaha. My pav ni pun temperamental jugak, kadang2 jadi, kadang2 penuh dgn cracks. Kalau nak buat jual, memang tak capai standard lah.

    I have already posted the recipe with step by step instructions a long time ago. Cuba you cari in the 'recipe' shortcut tu.

    Kak Yan,
    My gilrs ingat I terer sgt2 masak sbb everytime diaorag order, mostly dapat I tunaikan. But sedap or not tu susah nak compare lah sbb we all memang amat2 jarang mkn kat restoran, hehehe.

    Diaorang grew up being accustomed to my cooking so kalau tak sedap pun, diaorang akan kata itu yg sedap sbb tak pernah rasa the really sedap food kat restoran, hahaha.
    So tak boleh lah diaorang nak compare mana yg lagi sedap :-).

  15. salam kak.. i am your biggest fan tau.. hehehe.. kak,daging burger buat sendiri ke?? ada resepi x .. thanx.. happy belated birthday miss 13! may Allah bless u!

  16. Anna,
    Salam. Kdg2 I buat sendiri. Kdg2 I beli aje. I pernah letak recipe burger tak silap, cari kat shortcut 'recipe' ye.

  17. hahahah.... mcm mana nk buat bg cantik mcm tu ye kak min ?? bg tips please .
