Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The ongoing oven saga ^___^

Every Tuesday, in the WA newspaper, they have an Education lift-out.

Macam kat M’sia with all the major newspapers lah kan.

Starting this year, Miss 8’s class does a session going through what’s in the lift-out.

A few weeks ago, the have a special lift-out on Footy/ Aussie Rules.

They have to do a few maths exercise that revolves around footy and they also have to…

Predict the teams that will win each week!

Ada ke!

Dah lah we all ni memang tak follow langsung footy ni so memang tak tau mana teams yang bagus and mana teams yang bottom of the ladder.

We said to Miss 8, “Just choose whichever team you like.” Which she did.

And out of the 9 games that were played last weekend, she picked SIX winning teams.

Punyalah gelak we all sebab a kid yang tak tau langsung pasal footy managed to do better than random chance, hehehe.


See, it is hard work choosing the winning teams Winking smile. She has to do this until the footy season ends in September (sikit punya lama ke!).

On a different story, the technician came this morning.

He kept on telling me that the flame in the oven could be just from the manufacturing oil that was still there and it will gradually disappear once the oil is gone.

I kept on telling him that a brand new oven is not supposed to catch fire!

And then, he turned the grill element on and there wasn’t any flame at first so he was a bit smug thinking that he was right and I was wrong.

We left the oven on for quite a while watching it but still nothing happened.

Until he was on his way out when I sort of said, “I better take another look in the oven just to make sure everything is still in order and there’s no more fire in there.”

Lo and behold, there was a small flame next to the grill element.

(Masa ni I was feeling ecstatic sebab I could prove to him that I wasn’t hallucinating about the fire!)

Dia pun terkejut sama and quickly took a photo of the flame and then rang his boss up. But at the same time he kept on telling me, “Probably it’s still burning off the excess oil and you can always wipe the carbon off from the oven ceiling. I don’t think it will happen again.”

I pun tension lah so I said to him, “I am not going to have to call you guys every single time I switch on the grill because there’s a fire in it. I am lucky I got you to come out very quickly. Next time if it happens again, I might have to wait a week before a technician is available to come to my house. What am I suppoesed to do in the meantime? And I also do not want  the extra work of having to wipe off the burnt residue on the ceiling everytime. I want a brand new oven!

(banyak lagi I said to him at this stage but I was very polite all the time, hehehehe.)

So, dia pun accepted the fact that it is much easier for them to give me a brand new oven than having to come to my house every single time I switch on the grill, hehehehe.

But, the earliest I can get the new oven delivered and installed is late next week….

I just hope it can be installed before Miss 12’s birthday.

So, our dinner tonite didn’t use the oven at all.

In a way, The Other Half is quite ‘happy’ I can’t use the oven yet sebab he can melantak fried chips for dinner.

Selalunya, I will oven bake the frozen chips, memang jarang sangat2 lah I menggoreng chips ni. Lagi senang masuk dlm oven dari goreng.

But tonite, terpaksalah I menggoreng chips (which definitely tasted much better than the oven baked ones, hehehe.)


I made beef schnitzel, salad and french fries.


I guess in M’sia, you call this beef chops eh?


We love schnitzel sebab the leftover schnitzels can be used in sandwiches for lunch the next day Open-mouthed smile.


  1. nasib dia nampak api tu kan... biar gaduh sekarang, jgn gaduh2 later kan kan.. takut la kalo2 terkeluar lagi api2 tu.. seriau lah i cenggitu...

    i dah gosok gigi, dah nak tidor ni tau.. dah pulak i nampak schinitzel tu, rasa nak korek2 screen lappy ni ha..!! noti u.. bak sikit..!!

  2. Elok jugak the technician tgk sendiri api dlm oven tu. Yg penting dpt ganti seketul yg baru.

  3. akak belum gosok gigi lagi...mulan dah x leh makan tp akak masih boleh...hihi

    kat malaysia segala chop ada..lamb chop, chicken chop..dan mcm2 chop lagi...hihi

    tekunnya miss8 menyiapkan kerja dia

  4. Kak LG,

    meh la share camne buat beef schnitzels tu .. hehe

  5. bagus jugak akak cerita mender nih kan. atleast when it happen to me so i tahu ape nak buat. ape2 pon kene capture gambar kan. takut si technician x percaye.. hope oven yg baru tu ok la kak ek..

  6. hah.. nah amik ngko technician.. tp yelah i tahu LG mmg sentiasa sopan and polite.. :))

    yeay .. dpt ganti oven baru dan selamat digunakan..

  7. Assalam Min...hidup ni selalu diduga...tak palah sabar je..nanti datang OVEN yang baru...maybe lebih baik lagi...ada hikmah tu...sgtlah rajin anak dara Min tu ...very focus nampaknya!...Meals tu semuanya mengoda selera!!

  8. hehehhe... senangnyer technician tuh ckp yek, jenis yg nk senangkan keje n diri dia je...
    dh ada fact pun dia still ckp takde apa... dush2

    nsb lah dpt yg baru... mintak2 takde masalah lg ek kak

    schnitzel tu apa beza ngn beef chop yek kak? tp nmpak cam nipis gitu

  9. Mudah2an bila dapat oven baru nanti tak akan ada masaalah lagi,masa tu lg bolehlah gunakan dengan suka hati.

  10. amek gambar makanan ni semua pakai camera apa ek? lawa..

  11. Mulan,
    tu lah, I pun rasa syukur sgt2 api tu menjelma while that guy was still here. Kalau tak, terpaksa lah panggil diaorang lagi, menyusahkan hidup I aje, hehehe.
    Dah gosok gigi, still boleh makan lagi, tapi gosok gigi again lah lepas tu, hahaha.

    I rasa mcm nak buat drama air mata aje semalam kalau dia tak nak bagi I oven baru, heeee...

    Kak Kasih,
    Kat M'sia memang segala benda kita boleh jumpa kan. Kdg2 tu benda yg tak pernah kita terfikir nak makan or nak buat, tup2 ada orang jual :-). Tu yg I suka balik Msia, hehehe

    kalau you rajin, you pergi gelodah 'recipes' shortcut tu, I ada pernah letak mcm mana nak buat schnitzels :-)

    Nasib baik I dont have to my last resort, nak nangis hetak2 kaki dpn the technician kalau dia tak nak bagi I oven baru, hikhikhik.

    kalau I tak polite, nanti lagi lah dia akan try buat my life miserable kan so tu yg walaupun geram sgt2, senyum and ckp lembut aje, hehehe.

    Kak Watie,
    Memang, insyaAllah ada hikmahnya oven ni rosak. Manalah tau kan, boleh dpt oven yg lagi canggih, hahaha ;-)

    tu yg buat I geram semalam. Dia dah nampak the api, still boleh kata takde apa2. Kalau happens kat rumah dia, mau lah agaknya dia pun terus demand oven baru kan!
    Rasanya sama aje kot dgn beef chops but schnitzel ni guna all meat, takde bones.

    Kak Zai,

  12. Hani Syahida,
    I guna Canon EOS 1000D with macro lens :-)
