The oven people called petang tadi to let me know that they will be delivering the new oven tomorrow between…
7.00 am to 10.00 am
Delivery guys kat sini memang macam tu, suka benor start keje pagi2 buta, hehehehe…
Nasib baik lah we all memang bangun at 6 o’clock or earlier so kiranya by 7 tu, I dah wangi and sopan lah..
Tak lah muka macam zombie kampung pisang kan, hikhikhikhik
And nasib baik school holidays so I don’t have to do the school run during that time.
But esok cuma hantar oven aje, install dia tak tau bila lah.
I have to wait for them to call me again to let me know when the technician can come to install the oven.
But I should be thankful because it’s not taking months to replace it.
I am just hoping the replacement oven will work wonderfully without any hiccups.
Miss 12 dah tanya macam mana nak masak her pavlova birthday cake if takde oven.
I told her hopefully we can start using the new oven days before her birthday or else I just have to try bake the pav in the small oven.
She just have to have a small pavlova cake on her birthday I guess, hehehe….
Anyway, pagi tadi since tak payah kena hantar the girls to school, we went shopping instead.
I kan cheapskate so I waited until after Easter’s gone to buy the choc Easter eggs. All the choc eggs and bunnies are now 50% off so why buy earlier kan, wasting money aje, hehehee.
Punyalah banyak chocs I borong tadi so The Little Misses can have their egg hunt next week .
And I also bought the marble wood chopping/pastry board, yeayyyyy, hehehehe…
Punyalah berat gilers, nasib baik I tak beli hari Sabtu hari tu and carried it on the bike.
This is the marble/wood chopping/pastry board. On the reverse side, it’s completely made out of wood so we can use that side for chopping.
Terus rasa sangat teruja nak buat bread esok pagi, something sweet and sticky but small so boleh muat masuk the small oven .
After balik dari shopping, masuk kebun pulak.
But our main vege patch now is quite bare except for some bean plants. The Other Half baru aj eletak compost and some soil on it to prepare it for the next lot of Winter veges.
I baru aje semai benih beans, lettuce, spring onions, pak choy, spinach and kale. First time ever I try tanam kale ni, I have no idea what it tastes like or how it looks like.
The Other half kata kalau rasa dia macam silverbeets, dia tak larat nak makan dah, hehehe.
And I petik the chillis yang dah masak and banyak yang dah kering on the plants especially the cili api yang cepat sgt kering.
We have 6 different types of chili plants. The usual cili api kampung yang kecik2 tu, the habanero chillies, the purple round chillies (which turn red when ripe), another cili api but bigger in size. And 2 different large size chillies, if I’m not mistaken one is cayenne and the other is Thai chilli.
I think either I blend them and freeze them in freezer bags to be used in the future or turn them into dried chillies kan.
People say, the habaneros akan lose its flavours kalau dikeringkan. Cara yg paling baik to eat them is raw so you can appreciate its fruit flavours. Mau lah I kalau makan them raw, hahahaha.
They are all unbelievably hot if you eat them raw. If you cook them for a longgggg time, kuranglah sikit pedas dia .
We have plenty of really hot chilli plants for someones who don’t eat/ can’t stand hot chillies, hhehehehe…
I had already picked some of the green chillies on Saturday to make cili jeruk. Supply cili jeruk we all dah nak habis so tu yang kena buat lagi.
Mat Saleh kat rumah ni yang terlebih minat dengan cili jeruk ni tu yang kena ada supply.
I slalunya letak on pizza, makan dgn mee goreng or kuey teow goreng aje pun.
cantikla cili jeruk tu..oh oven baru lagik!!!
ReplyDeleteLG, i rasa klu hasil tanaman you tu jual kat mesia..x lama you jadi jutawan cili.. .hihihoi.. .the cili padi kg susah nak cr sekarang..even i blk kg pun susah nak jumpa..
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum.. mohon promot blog di sini.kami sedang mencari blog-blog di seluruh malaysia untuk di masukkan di dalam SENARAI BLOG-BLOG MALAYSIA.. Oleh itu sesiapa yang mahu blog anda di masukkan ke dalam SENARAI BLOG-BLOG MALAYSIA sila daftar blog anda di alamat ini http;//
yeayyyy esok oven dah sampai :)
ReplyDeletebanyaknya cili jeruk....sedap makan dengan mee or bihun goreng gak.
sedapnyer cili jeruk tu..selama sy ke dapur..tak pernah wat cili jeruk tu kak..nyum2..
ReplyDeletejadi jugak akak beli marble/wood chopping/pastry board tu! Masih on sale lagi ke? x sanggup I nk mkn habaneros...cili biasa pun I x tahan nk mkn raw!
ReplyDeleteCili potong hijau.. Yummm,,, :)
ReplyDeleteAssalam Dik Min....Akak ada terbeli habanero pepper tu dkt Cameron...mak aii masak sebiji jer cincang dalam spagetti...berpinor biji mata....Min masak apa erk guna habnero pepper tu...Akak bungkus dalam newspaper simpan..katanya tahan sampai 2 far dah a few weeks ok lagi lah!....sedapnya jeruk & love the hasil tanaman!
ReplyDeleteKak Min,
ReplyDeleteI like that marble board. Boleh temper chocolate on it ... hopefully by the time i move there, ada lagi :)
ReplyDeletecili jeruk tu memang feveret kita orang, senang bila dah ada stock bnyk2 dlm fridge :-)
hehehe...maulah orang dtg rumah I beli chili hari2 eh. Boleh I jual cili api kampng tu rm20/sekilo, heeeee...
waalaikumsalam. Good luck.
Kak Kasih,
I ni tak rajin buat cili jeruk, tu yg sekali buat, sampai 1 balang, hehehe.
Lagi yeay once oven baru dah si installed and dah boleh guna without any hiccups kan :-D.
I ni sebab banyak chili hijau kat pokok, tu yg buat sendiri or else terbuang aje cili tu nanti.
I ni suka tanam cili more than makan cili sebab punya takut nak makan cili pedas2 raw ni. Setiap kali masak cili, mesti lama2 utk hilangkan pedasnya, hehehe.
cili potong hijau makan dgn mee goreng, yummmm :-)
Kak Watie,
Wassalam. My friend kata, dia guna habanero tu setengah biji at a time sbb memang sgt2 pedas. So, kalau beli akak terbeli 1 punnet habaneros, memang jenuh lah nak menghabiskan, hehehe.
Bole guna dlm sambal belacan or masak lemak cili api sebagai ganti cili api. Tapi tak silap sebiji habanero tu, lebih kurang mcm guna 10 biji cili api kampung yg pedas tu.
La Panadera,
Memang boleh sgt guna utk choc tempering :-). I rasa sure bnyk lagi that kind of boards sbb Pete Evans is an Australian chef so sure punya banyak kitchen shops yang will stock his products :-).
LG, my mom said cili kampung now satu kilo rm40.. itu tamu kat area my place.. yg sayur mayur selalu murah.. if kat kk i don't know.. sure lagi mahal rasanya..