Saturday, 17 March 2012

We finally bought the ‘toys’

We finally did it.

We finally went and bought a new underbench oven and a new stove top.

(and then The Other Half kata, since we are going broke, we might as well go broke in style so dia pergi beli a new upright fridge and freezer set, hahaha. I memang dah lama nak a small drawer freezer ni but I nak beli yang el cheapo aje. But dia kata since our second fridge freezer dah 11 years old already and maybe will be dead soon, might as well buy something that will hopefully lasts a long time).

Pastu masa nak bayar the total, tau pulak gigil2, hikhikhikhik Winking smile.

The Other Half cakap, “ at least it’s not as expensive as the braces!

Dulu dah pergi survey kan, pastu balik rumah, fikir2 balik, tak jadi beli sebab the oven masih boleh diguna walaupun mengong sikit.

But since last week kot, makin teruk perangai dia.

Bila I baked something, yang bahagian belakang akan masak dulu, while the front part still tak masak lagi. And the right side of the oven is definitely hotter than the left side.

So tadi, I baked a cake, yang sebelah kanan dah brown, yg sebelah kiri masih putih melepak. Padahal it’s a fan-forced function so patutnya the suhu akan sekata aje throughout the whole oven.

And the oven door memang dah macam nak tanggal sangat2, hehehe.

Tak ke haru namanyatu !

But kat OZ ni, kalau kita beli oven or stove top, kita tak boleh pandai2 pasang sendiri.

You have to be a qualified licensed electrician to install an electric oven and you have to be a licensed gas fitter to install your gas stove top.

So, kalau pun we all dah dapat our new oven and new stove top nanti, selagi we all tak panggil the registered people to datang install, selagi tu we all tak boleh guna.

Macam2 rules and regulations dia to ensure all the safety procedures are followed.

Ye lah kan, diaorang tak nak lah tiba2 molotup oven tu atau gas stove top tu nanti kalau non-qualified person yang pasang kan.

Hopefully we’ll get all our stuff this coming week and then we can call the tradies up to install and then hopefully, no minor renovations needed to the current underbench and stove top areas,  I can start using them after that.

When will that be? Entah lah you, heeeeee….

Sementara itu, berdoa aje lah my mengong oven ni will keep on working until that time. After that, boleh I campak dia ke laut jadi tukun tiruan kan Open-mouthed smile.

Once, we’ve got them installed, boleh lah I ambik gambar.

Masa tu, baru hari2 I teruja nak membaking, roasting, oven grilling and so on and so on, hahahaha.

Tonight, I made dinner yang tak payah guna oven.

I made sausage in a bun, makanan paling senang yang semua orang suka, heeeee….



I grilled some onions and grated apples along with the sausages.

Assemble the sausage in the buttered bun, top it with the grilled onion and apple mix, add some shredded lettuce (so the kids get to eat some veges!), squeezed some dijonnaise sauce and tomato sauce on the sausage, recite your doa before eating and then ngap!


  1. nanti jgn lupa upload gambar oven baru ye :)
    nasib baik lebih murah sikit dari braces kan :)

  2. menu yg mudah dan ringkas tapi yg penting sedap dan mengenyangkan dan chef pun tak letih ;)

    wow beli oven baru best tu lepas ni mesti boleh baking habis2an :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wah! Lps ni lg hebat la aktiviti membaking ya kak. Why ha. . Bila tgk food akk ja sue jd lapo. . Huhuhuuu. . Haruuu. . Heeeer

  5. at least oven mengong tu dah berkhidmat dengan penuh dedikasi kan?

  6. but it was a toy well worth the money (and a passion for cooking)

  7. yeay!nanti nak request ayam penyet before i`m leaving to Scandi next month k :p

  8. kelako bila baca oven tu kena buang kelaut jadi nyer dapat toys baru gitu.hb akak tak pernah pun pk hal camgini..masa beli oven dulu akak kumpul sendiri duit nak beli..seronok nyer jadi MIN!!!

  9. mmg patut akak beli lain dh oven tu. oven lama x boleh nk teruskan khidmat dia dgn baik dh. lps ni sure berkobar2 semangat akak nk baking, meng-grill, roasting segala...ehe...

  10. nnt dah siap install semua kak Lg letak la gmbr set dapur ye, bole kitaorg jamu mata heheh... btw, kat sana kan, kalo dapur/peti dah x pakai, buang kat mana ek? ada special site ke?

  11. Kak kasih,
    Memang sgt happy harga dia jauh lebih murah dr braces itu, hahaha. And hopefully dpt lah pakai berpuluh2 tahun so tak lah terasa mahalnya kan :-).

    I suka betul masak sausage n bread ni sbb sgt lah senang nya and gerenti orang kat rumah ni makan beria, hehehe.

    Activity guna oven boleh katakan hari2 I buat even dgn oven mengong ni. I takut bila dpt oven baru, sayang nak guna pulak sbb still cantik lagi kan, hahaha.

    Betul tu Kak. Mengong2 dia pun, boleh katakan hari2 saya guna, cuma kita kena pandai adjust and kena tengok slalu lah :-).

    hot dog memang sedap kan :-)

    de engineur,
    you are absolutely right! It is much better to spend that extra money on 'toys' that we will definitely use everyday. Hopefully, they will last a long time :-)

    boleh aje tp kena tunggu I siap my mega project ni lah. Bila you pergi eh?

    Kak Asma,
    kat rumah ni, segala benda we all beli guna duit bersama, hehehe. So, bila oven dah mengong, sama2 lah pergi kedai cari oven and beli oven sebab yang akan merasa hasil dari oven tu pun diaorang jugak kan bukan saya aje :-).

    setiap kali guna oven mengong ni, setiap kali tu jugak lah darah I ada sikit naik so better lah kan beli oven baru yg akan buat I senyum sentiasa.
    Kalau wife and Mum senyum happy aje, satu rumah akan senyum n happy aje kan, hahahah

    insyaAllah I tayang tp tak tau lah bila, hehehe.
    Kat sini ada 'hard rubbish' collection days, once or twice a year. So, apa2 aje barang besar2 yg the home owners nak buang, you just put them out on the kerb during that week and the workers will come and pick them up on that day and throw them away for you.

  12. simple but delicous..yummy....

  13. hotdog ni pon bikin i lapar though i baru je lunch tadi..

  14. Akula,
    the simplest foods are usually the yummiest :-)

    hahaha...hotdog ni kira boleh buat minum petang you, hehehe
