Wednesday, 21 March 2012

A teaser and a pleaser

It is 80% done which makes me so pleased.

Can’t show you the whole thing yet because I haven’t completed all the fine details so only a teaser photo for the time being. Winking smile



I said to The Other Half, “at least I’ve got the tail at the right place and sort of right looking cos it’s pointing down!

I don’t care if it doesn’t look like an otter’s tail, it is a TAIL which is good enough for me.


Punyalah happy Miss 8 dapat costume yang ada tail, tak pernah2 dia ada costume with tails, hahahahaha.

And since I’m still a bit stressed from the sewing, I cooked something I haven’t made for a long time.


I made nasi impit (segera punya), sate ayam and lembu goreng and kuah kacang (which was made from almond and cashew nuts). I also made nasi goreng sebab The Other Half tak minat sangat nasi impit ni.

The Other Half kata sedap jugak makan nasi goreng dengan kuah kacang ni ye Smile.

Terasa macam dinner tadi was a big feast aje sebab makan sate and nasi impit and kuah kacang after such a long time, hehehe.


This time I made it a bit hotter than the last time. And it tasted much better with a mixture of almond and cashew instead of just cashew nuts.

Punyalah happy The Other Half sebab he can finally eat kuah kacang without having to worry about Miss 8.

And punyalah happy Miss 8 sebab dapat makan kuah kacang yang rasa dia dah nak sama dengan kuah kacang tanah, hehehe.


And punyalah happy I as the cook sebab even Miss 12 was eating the kuah kacang even though it was a bit hot. She said, “it is hot but it is really nice.”

The cook hanya boleh tersenyum lebar because everyone was very pleased with their dinners, hehehehe.


  1. LG, klu i kecik2 dt costume mcm tu sure excited gilerr..

  2. jgn lupa ambik gambar yerr nak tgk zahra jd otter


  4. sedapnya..bila boleh dapat nengok full costume tu, macam menarik je kan..

  5. wow kak LG !! well doneee !!! supriseee nehhh !! well doneee !!

  6. Assalam Min...wah Akak tabik spring.....memang berbakat besar tailor ni....Hrmmm...mesti cute mute Miss 8 when it's done...tak sabar nak tengok...!!! TAHNIAH MIN!

  7. wow.. can imagine mesti sedap your cashew nuts kuah kacang... never thot of it b4... maybe im gonna do that nanti....

  8. dah jadi dah...nampak menarik ..pandai LG jahit..kagum.

    miss 8 allergic dgn kacang tanah ye

  9. Haa... Kan dh nk siap costume tu. Akak x payah stress2 dh...mcmana la ye rasa kuah kacang almond & cashew....

  10. k.min,

    x sabar nak tgk Miss 8 wearing d full costume.....congrats to u too since 80% dah siap....


  11. Wahh..boleh order costume la kat u pasni! Ok sgt dah tu ekor dia.
    Dah lama giler i tak menjahit. Hari tu nak alter seluar, Abg saad tanya..haaa..ingat lagi ke camne nak guna mesin tuuu? Haha..sabo je la.

    Lepas mulut i dah baik ni kan...
    sate la makanan pertama i nak santap!

  12. Salam Min,

    Selama ni akak jadi silent reader jer... tapi bila tengok costume dah nak menjadi, rasa teruja lak nak tengok keseluruhannya... inilah berkat jahit costume tur dengan rasa kasih sayang... ^__^

  13. costume siap separuh pun dah tahu mesti perfect punya la LG...

    satay pn nampak nyaman jer.. :)

  14. salam LG,

    adoiii sedapnye satay buat cam tu ...tak payah nak ada lidi ..macam chciken chop ketul2 ...

    RIZAL dari MERU, Klang

  15. kan i dah kata mesti siap punya.. kudos to u..!!!

    lama jugak i tak makan sate.. kena cari jgk la ni..

  16. u memang dabomb la kak! two thumbs up! (sebbaik ada 2 thumbs jek hahahha!)

  17. wahaaaa tak sbr nk tgk tang bhg depan tu...msti comel miss 8 nnti... :)

    akak kasi lah menu sate tuh kak... best je mcm simple je...

  18. blu4sky,
    Zahra excited giler, hari2 nak mencuba the pants with the tail, hehehe. Nanti I akan ambik gambar dia on that day :-)

    I tak pandai menjahit, tapi boleh lah nak hidup as long as you tak tengok the jahital details dgn teliti, hehehe.

    Next week masa her assembly presentation, insyaAllah I akan ambik gamabr dia bnyk2 :-)

    I pun rasa surprise sgt2, hahaha

    Kak Watie,
    Wassalam. thanks :-). Mana ada berbakat, kalau Kak Watie tengok jahitan kat costume tu, memang nangis sedih lah sbb bercelaru habis, hehehe.

    Mademoiselle ten,
    The taste is nicer if you mix almond and cashew nuts. I think it's the closest I've ever got to the real peanut sauce but peanut sauce is still way nicer though :-)

    Kak Kasih,
    Ha'ah, Miss 8 is allergic to peanuts. Alhamdulillah, dpt jugak I buat costume ala2 otter tu, hehehe

    Kuah kacang tanah lagi sedap dr kuah kacang almond+cashew ni. But utk sape yg tak boleh mkn kuah kacang tanah, it is a really good substitute, heeee.
    Sbb I stressed lebih2 tu yg cepat dpt buat the costume, hahaha

    Next week on Tuesday dia ada full dress rehearsal, dia pun tak sabar nak menggayakan the costume, hahaha

    muahahaha Abg Saad!...samalah kita, dah berkurun lamanya I tak menjahit. Sampai kan mesin jahit tu dah berbunyi sikit2. Lepas habis jahit costume ni, memang kena hantar service lah supaya dia tak merajuk, hehehe.
    Harap2 mulut you tu cepat2 lah baik :-).

    Kak Nur Hayati,
    Salam. Thanks ye sbb sudi baca blog saya ni. Memang sbb sayang lah saya sanggup jahit costume yg tak pernah2 saya jahit ni, hehehe

    kena tengok costume ni dr jauh, baru nampak perfect. Kalau tengok dari dekat, serabai habis, hahaha

    Salam. Sate goreng ni memang kiranya sate yg sgt senang sbb tak payah susah payah nak menyucuk. Rasanya lebih kurang aje, cuma takde rasa arang and asap lah, hehehe

    hahaha...tu yg sometimes memang kena ada stress in life kan, Baru lah kita bersemangat buat kerja cepat2, hehehe

    hikhikhik...tunggu dia pakai on that assembly day. Baru boleh bagi 2 thumbs or not :-D

    Bahagian depan still tak siap sepenuhnya lagi, whiskers tak buat lagi, hahaha.
    Resepi sate tu I takde sukatan. I just perap ayam and daging tu dgn bawang, garlic, halia, serbuk jintan, ketumbar, kunyit, serai,lengkuas, minayk garam and gula perang banyak2 so rasa manis dia lebih sikit.
