Thursday, 15 March 2012

It is always about food

I have just finished doing Wii Just Dance challenge with Miss 8.

We did 2 rounds.

The first round, we did 5 songs, and obviously lah, I won kan (Mum dia kan ratu menari kat annual school concert masa jaman budak2 dulu, kahkahkahkah).

So, I yang baik hati bagi lah chance dia menang the second round, hikhikhik….

So, we both end up happy after sweating ourselves dancing.

I dapat exercise and Miss 8 yang terlebih chubby tu pun dapat exercise jugak.

I know it is not optimum but at least I am doing something to tackle her increasing weight.

I said to The Other Half yang if only Miss 8 is a lot taller, then her current weight wouldn’t be an issue.

But since dia ikut keturunan I yang kemetot, her current weight is a bit too much for her height.

She is an active girl but maybe not as active as she’s supposed to.

They have Morning fitness at school every day, they have sports session once a week, she plays at the playground every recess and every lunch time.

I guess the main issue with her is that she lovesssss to eat and overeat in the process.

She used to eat as much as Miss 12 and sometimes more, manalah tak bambam kan!

The Other Half kata sebab when she was growing up, my cooking skills were expanding and getting better at the same time, tu yang buat dia sukaaaaaa makan, hehehe.

And she is not a picky child, she’ll eat most things and she loves to try everything. She loves healthy food and she loves non healthy food Smile.

(Masa Miss 12 kecik2 dulu, my cooking skills were a bit limited so tu kot yang buatkan dia tak berapa gemar nak try everything.)

But we don’t want to make it into a big issue because she is already sensitive enough when people mention her weight, so I don’t want her to be paranoid and obsessed about it.

She knows deep in her heart that she’s a bit chubby for her age and height and I know occasionally, she feels slightly awkward and embarrased about it.

I don’t want her to be one of the statistics…..

So, for the time being, what I do is reducing her school lunch box stuff gradually, reducing the amount she eats at every meal and coaxing her not to have seconds.

And The Other Half will take her out for a bike ride whenever possible. But sekarang ni since dia slalu balik lambat, they have stopped doing that during the week, tu yang I kena cari cara lain nak suruh dia exercise every day.

She likes it when others join her in ‘exercising’ so she doesn’t feel bored and she doesn’t feel like she’s exercising.

I pulak selalunya busy lepas ambik diaorang from school so memang susah lah nak keluar rumah nak exercise kan.

So, I guess the next best thing is doing the Wii dance with her for half an hour. Dapatlah jugak dia and I berpeluh kan.

I know it will take  some time since we are doing it slowly but insyaAllah, we’ll get there someday kan.




After a long rambling about food and the effect Winking smile, let me show you what I have for dinner tonite.

The Other Half wasn’t home for dinner so I made myself mee ‘rebus’ from leftovers, hehehe.

Don’t ask what’s in it because you wont want to know, hikhikhik.

But it wasn’t too bad actually, habis lah jugak semangkuk I makan!



Rupa ada macam mee rebus, but rasa dia lain dari mee rebus, heeeeeee……


  1. mommy pandai masak that why miss 8 sihat..
    aktiviti tu menarik juga..asal keluarkan peluh ...enjoyy

  2. Ada bakat menari rupanya k LG! Bagus jugak tu, kalau menari x terasa sgt, exercise sambil menari!

  3. it must be the leftover rendang, i guess! hehehee..

  4. Aslmkm Kak.
    Bz2 akak..sempat juga senam.
    Ok la tu..Mcm mee rebus jg la tu. janji sedap kan kak..heeee

  5. I just described my kiddies. Sama je. Yg satu fussy eater, yg lagi satu DBKL, semua masuk, semua sedap... :)

  6. Wah..Dancing Queen pulak kak LG ni jaman sekolah dulu ya. Turun dah bakat tu kat miss 8. :)

    Takpe Kak LG, janji si Miss 8 sihat. Nanti naik remaja kurang lah tu selera makannya. Kita tengok nanti, meanwhile kak LG jgn lupa blog akak ni..seronok tengok dorang membesar thru ur writing..heheh..

  7. sian miss 8,tp dia still lg nmpak sweet hehehe...

    mee rebus tu ttp nmpak best sgt sbb perencahnyer banyak

  8. haah, ni mesti leftover rendang jadi kari.. even so, nampak lazat je...

  9. Salam kenal...

    A very nice blog of yours....

    Meer rebus tu looks very tempting to me....

  10. ohh my zahra... takpe, kecik lagi & comel kalo chubby.. jgn la u keje kan dia pulak.. kesian menantu I tu.. hahaha..

    u tau tak, I ada balance kuah nasi dagang & kari ikan.. sikit je. hubby was not around last week, I campur both, masak again & campak ikan tenggiri.. makan for dinner with kids, cicah dgn frozen capati.. my kids kata sedap sgt kari tu. taste different but sedap.. ahaks..

    trying to kawin kan leftovers lagi ni nanti.. huhuu...

  11. Kalau tengok dari makanan yang lg selalu masak nampak sedap2 belaka,kak Zai pun suka nak makan.

  12. HI!

    ohh, Miss 8 is just a normal girl I would say :) I used to be chubby when I was growing up too and my weight just ballooned when I was in my teens, but nobody said anything. Luckily, I went to asrama and I realized I had to make the right choices in my diet because it did eventually affect me in making right choices in my life! I lost a lot of weight (and started having boyfriends, this you got to look out! Haha). I think if you talk to her slowly and get her to talk about how she feels about appearance, she'll be motivated by herself.

    p/s: I'm such a huge fan! Too bad when you're in Malaysia I'm always in Germany :(

  13. Kak Kasih,
    tu yg my hubby cakap but kalau I masak tak sedap, semua tak lalu makan pulak, hehehe.

    bakat takde tapi terpaksa menari sbb setiap kali concert masa primary school. mesti kena pilih, hahaha.

    syazd, guessed right :-D

    I suka senam pagi2 buta masa budak2 tak bangun lagi tp kesian pulak Miss 8 takde teman nak exercise, so tukarlah petang2 or malam2 skrg :-)

    tu yg heran kan, padahal grew up in the same uterus, hehehe.

    dancing queen masa budak2 sekolah rendah dulu, hahaha.
    Susah nya bila chubby ni, banyak seluar yg dia tak muat and kena cari yg utk umur 10 tahun, padahal baru 8 tahun aje. Kalau boleh nak lah her tummy and her vontot turun saiz sikit, hehehe.

    perencah nya kena bagi banyak sikit sbb nak bagi tambah sedap, hehehe.

    memang betul. I tambah macam2, terus tak rasa sgt rendang dia, hahaha

    Salam. thanks for dropping by and reading my celoteh :-).

    I buat selow and steady so dia tak terasa sgt mcm kena dera. Kalau dia dah selim sikit, nanti boleh lah we all up her wang hantaran, hikhikhik... lagi terer kahwinkan leftovers ni, kuah kari dgn kuah nasi dagang. But dua2 sedap so I guess klu campur, lagi sedap lah kan :-)

    Kak Zai,
    Anak I ni memang sgt suka makan. Apa yg I masak, boleh katakan 95% dia akan suka and makan banyak, tu yg badan chubby :-)

    I do hope she slims down gradually but I rasa starting from now I kena teach her 'portion control' sbb kdg2 dia makan lagi banyak dr I. Padahal baru 8 tahun tu, hehehe. Dia jenis yg klu suka something, memang dia akan makan banyak sampai kenyang betul tu :-).
    The boyfriend bit tu yg tak larat rasanya, hahahaha.
    p/s thanks for liking my blog :-). Summer in Germany is always Winter here so memang jarang we all balik Msia during Winter hols, hehehe.
