Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Another animal in the making

This term, Miss 8’s class is learning about marine creatures and they were asked to write a report on a marine creature that they like.

Out of thousands of marine creatures that she could have chosen, she had to choose the sea otters!

But tak kisah lah that part sebab they are kind of cute and furry and live in the sea jugak. So, she chose a marine animal yang tak ramai tau about.

And then today, she came home and told me….

you know how a few weeks ago we had to choose a marine creature right…….

yes……” I said.

Well, you know that our class is going to be presenting at the assembly at the end of this month right…..

yes……..” I said again even though I sort of can guess where this is headed to and I have an inkling that I might not like it… hehehehe

Mrs McClay said that we have to dress up as the marine creature that we chose so I have to dress up as sea otter. She wants the parents to provide the costumes.”

what? Surprised smile I have to make the sea otter costume? I don’t even know how a sea otter looks like!!!

She said it doesn’t have to look like the real thing, maybe a black cap with ears on it and then some whiskers…..

(If you could see some of the class presentations at the school’s assembly, memang lah you akan terpegun tengok betapa lah rajinnya Mak Pak budak2 at the schools buat costumes just for the morning assembly. So I pun kenalah tunjuk I rajin kan, hahahaha.)

why oh why couldn’t you have chosen fish ke,  octopus ke, jelly fish ke, sharks ke, turtle ke anakku wei….

Senang lah sikit I nak cari the costumes or at least a soft toy for them, heeeee.

Ini I kena buat somethign that resembles this creature…

sea otter- bing

(sumber from Bing).

Kalau lah black and white panda tu live in sea kan ke senang sebab we have already made a panda costume before, hahahaha…

Hmmmm…….. maybe I can alter the panda costume tu jadi otter costume kan, both are furry and both are chubby jugak (memang ada iras2 Miss 8 lah part chubby tu, hikhikhik.)


I’ll dye the whole panda costume brown and then cut the ears off and maybe draw some whiskers on Miss 8’s face…..

What do you think?

Her class presentation is on the 30th of March so adalah banyak masa lagi but knowing me, I slalu procrastinate, hehehe…..


  1. Sounds so fun!! But jenuhlah maknya melayan ;)

  2. hahaha...I tgh membayangkan Miss 8 pakai costume sea otter! I x boleh nk bagi opionion, I'm not that creative....

  3. hahah sesedap je cikgu omputih mintak parents wat kan.

    Tapi bagus, sbb dorang nak parents terlibat dgn aktiviti anak2. Taklah between guru n pupils je. :)

  4. hehehe... selamat memerah otak ya mummy... bila kena part ni, i miss vietnam.. sebab senang nak cari & murah je kalau nak tempah.. also education system kat sana kurang lebih macam ni la.. kena present, pakai costumes etc..

    fun & lotsa fun.. i ingat bila my kids belajar pasal shelter, habis mak apak tertonggeng tolong buat igloo (my kid pilih la tu)... lepas tu cari facts about igloo, buat igloo & present.. bukan kena suap punya.. kalo dekat, nka jugak i tolong buat baju otter tu.. hehehe...

  5. Can't wait to see the outcome...all da best Kak LG... We know u can do it!!!

  6. MellyMilly,
    It is quite fun in a way because it is fun challenging myself to make the costume :-D. But the best thing is the smile on her face when she sees the costume I make for her, heeee.

    I pulak tak boleh membayangkan serabut nya my head nak fikir mcm mana nak buat teh costume, hehehe

    cikgu2 kat sini memang sentiasa mintak tolong Mak Pak sbb Mak Pak kat sini mmng dah tau kot akan kena tolong buat2 benda2 mcm ni, heeee

    tu lah kan, how I wish kdg2 duduk kat negara yg snng n murah nak tempah costumes mcm2 ni. Samalah dgn we all jugak, anak2 punya projects, Mak Pak yg kena tolong sama cari materials for the projects. But it is fun bila tengok hasil dia :-).
    Kalau you dkt dgn I, mau agaknya asik gelak beria bila tgh buat costume tu, hahaha.

    It is interesting, both for me and for her :-)

    hahaha....I takut jadi rupa kucing aje instead of otter nanti :-D

  7. akak tak de idea...huhu
    x kreatif
    kalau akak yg kena sure nanges..

  8. hihihi... ape yg susah benor haiwannya tu... takut jahit2 x jadi serupa je kak... kikiki

  9. hahahhaha..kn tambah bulu2 sikit la kak lg

  10. Kak Min: you can yahoo image search sea otter costumes...ada la pulak costumes nye..heheh

  11. i can just imagine gaya you jawab "yes" tu... mesti kalau boleh sambil nak nyorok bawah karpet, hehehe

  12. heheheheh....
    alahai nmpaknyer akak kene tambahkn skill lg nih....

    msti lg comel miss 8 nnti kalu dh di transform itu panda

  13. Yup....

    She kinda look like the Otter.
    Comel gitu.

  14. brilliant idea, dyeing the whole thing brown!! :D :D :D

    re: no i did not go under GA, just local anaesthetic only... a nightmare i'd rather not ever go thru again!!! LOL

  15. hahaha
    sounds fun tapi kesian mummy nyer nak menjayakannya. good luck kak LG. jgn lupe photo nyer nanti ;D

  16. Lol!!! I can't stop laughing here. I really want to see how you make the sea otter costume la kak.

  17. waiting for the entry on "how am i look mommy? what? sea creature?? mommy..i told you..sea otter..not sea craeture..."
    me with my imaginary-dialogue...
    heheh sorry..

  18. Kak kasih,
    Saya pun dah nak nangis jugak ni, hehehe...

    tu lah kan, kalau lah dia jadi menatang lain yg senang nak buat, happy aje I. I takut jadi rupa kucing or bear aje nanti instead of otter :-)

    heeee...bulu dr mana I nak ambik :-).

    I pun memang Google aje benda2 mcm ni, nasib baik ada Google kan :-)

    Kalau I ckp Noooo, adalah yg menangis nanti sbb anak2 I ni kan ingat I ni terer gila menjahit, padahal kalau takde pattern, I tak reti langsung nak buat. Jenuh lah I kena cari pattern otter ni, hehehe.

    I ni bukan pandai jahit sgt, kalau ada pattern baru I reti buat. Habis lah I kena cari pattern nak buat otter tu :-)

    perut dia yg ala2 otter tu, hahaha

    luckily my dental experience with local wasn't a nightmare, or else memang lepas ni terus trauma lah I nak jumpa any dentist, hehehe.
    I've decided to make an otter costume from scratch so I bought a brown material :-).

    for the kids memang fun, for Mak dia mau tak tidur malam fikir, hahaha

    hahahaha....If it turns out to look like a bear instead of an otter, I will be very happy enough! :-D

    Kalau dia chose jadi seaweed kan ke best, senang aje I nak buat. Seaweed tu pun marine 'stuff' apa, hahaha....

  19. mintk tolong encik.google...search la mesti jumpa punya.... :D

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  21. PeanutButter,
    dah mintak tolong en Google and ada bnyk cara2 nak buat tp takde pattern khas utk Otter
